Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
Call for Tenders - "Inter Airport China 2018" and "China AirShow 2018"
Call for Tenders - "Inter Airport China 2018" and "China AirShow 2018"
Dear Members,
CICC is glad to inform that the Exhibition Program of the Aviation & Aerospace Working Group (AAWG) continues in 2018, by exhibiting at:
Exhibition 1: “Inter Airport China 2018”, Beijing, September 2018.
Exhibition 2: “China AirShow 2018”, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, November 2018.
We are looking for designers for the above events, for all the information required please clickhere.
Please note that the completed Tender and associated documents must be submitted to Marta Zhang by email to analyst@cameraitacina.combefore May 18th 2018.