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The Board of Directors of the China-Italy Chamber of Commercemet on July 28th, 2022.
The meeting was opened by the Chairman, Paolo Bazzoni, who provided an update on the membership base and the main initiatives of the Chamber at the national level. At the date of the meeting, our membership accounted for 762 Members, + 10% year-on-year, which reflects the interest by individuals and enterprises for the activities the Chamber is continuously promoting. The Chairman then gave a report on his current business advocacy tour of Italy, where he lined-up meetings with commercial associations, like Confindustria nazionale and Assocamere Estero, and government institutions such as the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Focus was given to a special event at Confindustria Emilia Area Centro, where Chairman Bazzoni spoke alongside with the Ambassador to China, H.E. Luca Ferrari. To read more about the event, scan the QR code below:
During the same event, Chairman Bazzoni presented the Report on the 3rd Survey run by CICC which focused on the effects of the pandemic restrictions to the Italian business community in China. To read more about the survey, scan the QR code below:
The Treasurer, Lorenzo Riccardi, presented an economic overview on the performance in the first semester 2022, which closed with a small surplus, maintaining a good balance between revenue-generating activities and proper allocation of expenses.
The Secretary General, Renzo Isler, gave the Board some updates on different activities which are currently running. The chartered flights from Italy to China have received great attention and are having a good turnout, also thanks to the support from the Italian Embassy. The first flight in July successfully arrived in Nanjing and the August flight is already fully booked. The one in September will start booking from August 8th. For more details, please scan the QR code below:
The Secretary General drew the attention of the Board to three key National Fairs which CICC will participate to: the CIFTIS (in Beijing), the CIIF (in Shanghai) and the Hainan Expo (in Hainan). All will be organized in cooperation with ICE/ITA.
The meeting then focused on the various territories of China where the CICC carries out its actions. Updates were provided by Vice President Matteo Tanteri on the North China region with a special focus on the multiple initiatives taken via the Board member, Fabio Antonello, in the city of Tianjin; by Vice President Gaetano Cantalupo on the East China region who presented the preparatory work for the participation to the CIIF from September 26th to 30th; by Board Member Giacomo Bove on the Suzhou area who introduced, among other initiatives, the Festival dell’Amicizia (Suzhou Pizza Festival), which runs on the weekend of August 13th-14th; by Vice President Gianluca Luisi on the Southwest China region who introduced the Chongqing (Yuelai) Design Forum on July 28th and the First Global Geographical Indications Products Expo on July 29th-31st, in Luzhou; and by Vice President Raphael Paul Cooper on the South China region who reported to the Board about the successful outcome of the Hainan International Consumer Products Expo 2022, where the Italian Chamber was present with its own booth.
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 16th.
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