33rd Worldwide Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad

26 六月 2024

From June 22nd to 25th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce participated in the 33rd Worldwide Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad.


The CICC delegation, composed by Lorenzo Riccardi, CICC Chairman, Renzo Isler, Secretary General, and Federica Viggiani, Deputy Secretary General, attended the annual meeting organized by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Special Agency Pro Brixia, and Unioncamere – (Association of all the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, and Handicraft in Italy). The meeting was also attended by our Vice President, Paolo Bazzoni, in his function as a member (in exitu) of the Board of Assocamerestero.


During the event, high-level panels and consultations with institutions and businesses were organized, including the one with the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Valentino Valentini, and the Members of Parliament Nicola Carè and Andrea Di Giuseppe.



The event featured meetings between entrepreneurs and over 200 delegates from 63 countries, representing 86 Italian Chambers of Commerce from around the globe. We discussed digital transformation, innovation, sustainability and the prospects of made in italy in the world with the fruitful exchange with the colleagues from the other Chambers and the institutions.



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