
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室





15 十一月 2008
It is with great honor that FIAT Group Automotive China and The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invite you to attend a test-drive to celebrate the launch of three new vehicles in China: the Bravo, the Linea and the Grand Punto. FIAT, as one of the icons of our national automotive industry, has been making outstanding progress in China, building a strong brand image, based on the Italian traditional values of unique creativity, distinguished style and performance excellence.Saturday, November 15th, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm join us for the Creative Life Fiat Test-Drive, at Longhua Airport in Shanghai.For those who wish to experience the high performance and the Italian technology built in these new cars, the new models of FIAT will be presented. Professional coaches from the FIAT Racing Team will help you to test drive the new Bravo, Linea and Grand Punto, and sense the emotion of a FIAT steering wheel in your hands.The participation to the event must be confirmed by Nov. 10th, 2008 by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, specifying the names of the attendees.We hope we will see your numerous participation! 

CICC FIAT Creative Test Drive in Shanghai

15 十一月 2008
It is with great honor that FIAT Group Automotive China and The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invite you to attend a test-drive to celebrate the launch of three new vehicles in China: the Bravo, the Linea and the Grand Punto.FIAT, as one of the icons of our national automotive industry, has been making outstanding progress in China, building a strong brand image, based on the Italian traditional values of unique creativity, distinguished style and performance excellence.Saturday, November 15th, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm join us for the Creative Life Fiat Test-Drive, at Longhua Airport in Shanghai.For those who wish to experience the high performance and the Italian technology built in these new cars, the new models of FIAT will be presented. Professional coaches from the FIAT Racing Team will help you to test drive the new Bravo, Linea and Grand Punto, and sense the emotion of a FIAT steering wheel in your hands.The participation to the event must be confirmed by Nov. 10th, 2008 by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, specifying the names of the attendees.We hope we will see your numerous participation! 

CICC FIAT Creative Test Drive in Shanghai

15 十一月 2008
It is with great honor that FIAT Group Automotive China and The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invite you to attend a test-drive to celebrate the launch of three new vehicles in China: the Bravo, the Linea and the Grand Punto.FIAT, as one of the icons of our national automotive industry, has been making outstanding progress in China, building a strong brand image, based on the Italian traditional values of unique creativity, distinguished style and performance excellence.Saturday, November 15th, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm join us for the Creative Life Fiat Test-Drive, at Longhua Airport in Shanghai.For those who wish to experience the high performance and the Italian technology built in these new cars, the new models of FIAT will be presented. Professional coaches from the FIAT Racing Team will help you to test drive the new Bravo, Linea and Grand Punto, and sense the emotion of a FIAT steering wheel in your hands.The participation to the event must be confirmed by Nov. 10th, 2008 by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, specifying the names of the attendees.We hope we will see your numerous participation! 

Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case

18 十一月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Seminar "Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case.", a new initiative co-promoted with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China.The seminar is organized and sponsored by Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm, which has been cooperating with HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy and has built up a world-wide reputation in the field of Intellectual Property Law (patents, trademarks, design, copyright and technology transfer) and in a variety of corporate and commercial matters. Italian and Spanish luxury products are at the heart of Italy and Spain`s image in China and at the same time this kind of high-end products are at the frontline when it comes to attacks by intellectual property pirates. During this informative and interactive seminar our Members will learn about how to possibly protect the IP of well known brands. Particular emphasis will be placed on luxury goods, though the seminar will be relevant also to other fields, since it will give a broad overview of IP protection in greater China and Europe. The seminar will see the participation of partners of Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm and of HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy as main speakers, addressing following topics:- Luxury Goods Between Art and Law. The Italian and European Case - presentation by Ms Federica Santonocito - Acquisition and enforcement of IP Rights on Luxury Goods in China and milestone cases - presentation by Mr Fabio Giacopello- Acquisition and protection of the Well-Known Trademark in China - presentation by Mr Bian Zizhen  Being a sponsored seminar, CICC and COCECH inform our Members about the chance that Organizers might distribute advertising materials in the occasion of this event.Details of the event:Date and time:               November 18th, 2008                                     17:30 - 18:00pm Registration                                   18:00 - 19:30pm Presentation                                   19:30 - 20:00pm Q&A with audience                                    20.00pm  buffet cocktail                                               Location:                       The Longemont Hotel                                    1116 Yan An Xi Road, Puxi ShanghaiLanguage:                      EnglishParticipation fee:             RMB 150/pax for Members                                     RMB 180/pax for Non Members We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by Nov. 13th, 12.00pm noon, or submitting the confirmation form by fax.Confident in your numerous participation to this interesting initiative, I thank you for your usual support and stay available should any further information be needed.

Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case

18 十一月 2008
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina e` lieta di presentare il seminario "Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case.", una nuova iniziativa promossa congiuntamente alla Camera di Commercio Spagnola in Cina.Il seminario è organizzato e sponsorizzato dallo Studio Legale Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti, che vanta una solida competenza in materia di marchi, proprietà intellettuale ed industriale (marchi, brevetti, design e diritto d`autore), in collaborazione con lo studio legale HFG Shanghai Henfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy.I beni di lusso sono il fulcro dell`immagine dell`Italia e della Spagna in Cina e al contempo sono le principali vittime della pirateria e della contraffazione. La proposta del seminario nasce proprio dalla crescente esigenza di proteggere l`integrità dei marchi e dei prodotti italiani, spagnoli e stranieri in genere. Nonostante il seminario si focalizzi sui beni di lusso, la sua rilevanza si estende anche ad altre tipologie di prodotti: il seminario infatti si propone di fornire una visione d`insieme della protezione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale in Cina e in Europa.Nel corso del seminario interverranno in qualita` di relatori alcuni soci dello Studio Legale Franzosi Dal Negro Pensati Setto e della HFG Shanghai Henfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy, i cui interventi verteranno sui seguenti temi:- I beni di lusso tra arte e legge. L`esperienza italiana ed europea - intervento dell`Avv. Federica Santocito - L`acquisizione e la tutela dei diritti d`autore sui beni di lusso in Cina e la presentazione di alcuni casi emblematici - intervento dell`Avv. Fabio Giacopello- L`acquisizione e la tutela dei marchi rinomati in Cina - intervento dell`Avv. Bian ZizhenTrattandosi di un seminario sponsorizzato, CICC e COCECH informano i Soci che gli organizzatori potrebbero distribuire materiale pubblicitario in occasione dell`evento.Dettagli del seminario:Data e ora:                    18 novembre, 2008                                    17:30 - 18:00pm Registrazione                                      18:00 - 19:30pm Presentazione                                    19:30 - 20:00pm Q&A con pubblico in sala                                                                     20.00pm  buffet cocktailLuogo:                           The Longemont Hotel                                      1116 Yan An Xi Road, Puxi ShanghaiLingua:                           ingleseLa partecipazione al seminario e` a pagamento:                                      RMB 150/pax per Soci                                       RMB 180/pax per Non-SociSaremmo a chiedere la Vostra gentile collaborazione al fine di farci pervenire conferma scritta di partecipazione con e-mail di ritorno a infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com entro il 13 novembre, 2008, 12.00pm, o compilando e spedendo il modulo via fax.Fiduciosa in una Vostra partecipazione numerosa a fronte dell`interessante iniziativa, Vi ringrazio per il sempre caloroso supporto e resto a disposizione per ulteriori informazioni si rendessero necessarie.

Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case

18 十一月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is proud to present the Seminar "Protection of Luxury Goods between Art and Law. The Chinese case.", a new initiative co-promoted with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China.The seminar is organized and sponsored by Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm, which has been cooperating with HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy and has built up a world-wide reputation in the field of Intellectual Property Law (patents, trademarks, design, copyright and technology transfer) and in a variety of corporate and commercial matters. Italian and Spanish luxury products are at the heart of Italy and Spain`s image in China and at the same time this kind of high-end products are at the frontline when it comes to attacks by intellectual property pirates. During this informative and interactive seminar our Members will learn about how to possibly protect the IP of well known brands. Particular emphasis will be placed on luxury goods, though the seminar will be relevant also to other fields, since it will give a broad overview of IP protection in greater China and Europe. The seminar will see the participation of partners of Franzosi Dal Negro Pensato Setti Law Firm and of HFG Shanghai Hengfang Law Firm & Intellectual Property Consultancy as main speakers, addressing following topics:- Luxury Goods Between Art and Law. The Italian and European Case - presentation by Ms Federica Santonocito - Acquisition and enforcement of IP Rights on Luxury Goods in China and milestone cases - presentation by Mr Fabio Giacopello- Acquisition and protection of the Well-Known Trademark in China - presentation by Mr Bian Zizhen  Being a sponsored seminar, CICC and COCECH inform our Members about the chance that Organizers might distribute advertising materials in the occasion of this event.Details of the event:Date and time:               November 18th, 2008                                     17:30 - 18:00pm Registration                                   18:00 - 19:30pm Presentation                                   19:30 - 20:00pm Q&A with audience                                    20.00pm  buffet cocktail                                               Location:                        The Longemont Hotel                                     1116 Yan An Xi Road, Puxi ShanghaiLanguage:                      EnglishParticipation fee:             RMB 150/pax for Members                                     RMB 180/pax for Non Members We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by Nov. 13th, 12.00pm noon, or submitting the confirmation form by fax.Confident in your numerous participation to this interesting initiative, I thank you for your usual support and stay available should any further information be needed.

3rd appointment - Racconti dalla Cantina, Tale from the wine cellar - dinner, at La Favola

31 十月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and la Favola Italian Restaurant are proud to announce a culinary event, Racconti dalla cantina - Tales from the wine cellar.This new event consists of an enogastrocultural dinner hold at Favola Italian Restaurant at the Le Meridien Hotel, addressed to the Italian culture lovers.Intended to be a monthly happening showcasing the best delicacies from different regions in Italy, Racconti della Cantina third appointment is on October 31st, highlighting Sicily Region`s specialties.Guests will de delighted by the striking combination of wine and food of Sicily, exquisitely accompanied by historical facts and antiques tales reading and telling sessions, to achieve a perfect blending of Italian flavors and culture. The dinner will be composed of five courses, paired by five fine wines, and home made desserts.The participation cost is RMB 680/net per person.All CICC Members confirming their reservation by October 28th will be granted a 10% discount on the net rate.Event Details:Date:               October 31th, 2008Time:                7.00pmLocation:           Favola Italian Restaurant, Level 8                        Hotel Le Meridien, 789 Nanjing Road East, ShanghaiDetailed program:7:00 pm - Event opening and introduction by Mr Ermanno Lelli, Restaurant Manager and Organizer. 7:30 pm - Appetizers and 1st wine, Introduction of the "Tasca d`Almerita" WinerySformatino di ricotta e pecorino con salsa al pomodoro grigliato e basilicoRicotta + pecorino cheese flan with tomato + basil sauceRegaleali (WS 86), 2007- Brief and Great History of Sicily from its birth till today- Description of the first wine 8:00 pm - Pasta courses and 2nd winePasta e melanzane alla SicilianaEggplant and fresh homemade pasta with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and parmesan.Regaleali Nero d`Avola 2006 (WS 87) - Wine and food culture in Sicily- Description of the second wine 8:30 pm - Seafood and 3rd wineInvoltini di pesce spada alla griglia con timo frescoGrilled sword fish served with mix greensLamùri (Decanter ★★★) 2006  - Celebrities of the region: Frederik II, The bandit Salvatore Giuliano - Description of the 3rd wine 9:30 pm - meats, 4th and 5th winePolpette di maiale con PitaggioDeep fried pork meatballs with fava beans, peas and artichokesLeone D`Almerita 2007 Rosso Del Conte 2004 (GR ★★★ )、(WS 90)- Sicily; a land of legends. The tale of "Colapesce" and the "Fata Morgana"- Description of the 4th and 5th wine 10:00 pm - Dessert and dessert wineI cannoli alla sicilianaDeep fried dough filled with ricotta cheese, candied fruits, chocolate chipsDiamante D`Almerita 2006 (AIS ★★★★★  )  塔斯卡钻石甜葡萄酒  Sweet DOCG For more information and for reservations, please contact Mr Ermanno Lelli, by written e-mail at ermanno.lelli@lemeridien.com, or by phone at 021.33189999*7778.

3rd appointment - Racconti dalla Cantina, Tale from the wine cellar - dinner, at La Favola

31 十月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and la Favola Italian Restaurant are proud to announce a culinary event, Racconti dalla cantina - Tales from the wine cellar.This new event consists of an enogastrocultural dinner hold at Favola Italian Restaurant at the Le Meridien Hotel, addressed to the Italian culture lovers.Intended to be a monthly happening showcasing the best delicacies from different regions in Italy, Racconti della Cantina third appointment is on October 31st, highlighting Sicily Region`s specialties.Guests will de delighted by the striking combination of wine and food of Sicily, exquisitely accompanied by historical facts and antiques tales reading and telling sessions, to achieve a perfect blending of Italian flavors and culture. The dinner will be composed of five courses, paired by five fine wines, and home made desserts.The participation cost is RMB 680/net per person.All CICC Members confirming their reservation by October 28th will be granted a 10% discount on the net rate.Event Details:Date:               October 31th, 2008Time:                7.00pmLocation:           Favola Italian Restaurant, Level 8                        Hotel Le Meridien, 789 Nanjing Road East, ShanghaiDetailed program:7:00 pm - Event opening and introduction by Mr Ermanno Lelli, Restaurant Manager and Organizer. 7:30 pm - Appetizers and 1st wine, Introduction of the "Tasca d`Almerita" WinerySformatino di ricotta e pecorino con salsa al pomodoro grigliato e basilicoRicotta + pecorino cheese flan with tomato + basil sauceRegaleali (WS 86), 2007- Brief and Great History of Sicily from its birth till today- Description of the first wine 8:00 pm - Pasta courses and 2nd winePasta e melanzane alla SicilianaEggplant and fresh homemade pasta with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and parmesan.Regaleali Nero d`Avola 2006 (WS 87) - Wine and food culture in Sicily- Description of the second wine 8:30 pm - Seafood and 3rd wineInvoltini di pesce spada alla griglia con timo frescoGrilled sword fish served with mix greensLamùri (Decanter ★★★) 2006  - Celebrities of the region: Frederik II, The bandit Salvatore Giuliano - Description of the 3rd wine 9:30 pm - meats, 4th and 5th winePolpette di maiale con PitaggioDeep fried pork meatballs with fava beans, peas and artichokesLeone D`Almerita 2007 Rosso Del Conte 2004 (GR ★★★ )、(WS 90)- Sicily; a land of legends. The tale of "Colapesce" and the "Fata Morgana"- Description of the 4th and 5th wine 10:00 pm - Dessert and dessert wineI cannoli alla sicilianaDeep fried dough filled with ricotta cheese, candied fruits, chocolate chipsDiamante D`Almerita 2006 (AIS ★★★★★  )  塔斯卡钻石甜葡萄酒  Sweet DOCG For more information and for reservations, please contact Mr Ermanno Lelli, by written e-mail at ermanno.lelli@lemeridien.com, or by phone at 021.33189999*7778.

3rd appointment - Racconti dalla Cantina, Tale from the wine cellar - dinner, at La Favola

31 十月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and la Favola Italian Restaurant are proud to announce a culinary event, Racconti dalla cantina - Tales from the wine cellar.This new event consists of an enogastrocultural dinner hold at Favola Italian Restaurant at the Le Meridien Hotel, addressed to the Italian culture lovers.Intended to be a monthly happening showcasing the best delicacies from different regions in Italy, Racconti della Cantina third appointment is on October 31st, highlighting Sicily Region`s specialties.Guests will de delighted by the striking combination of wine and food of Sicily, exquisitely accompanied by historical facts and antiques tales reading and telling sessions, to achieve a perfect blending of Italian flavors and culture. The dinner will be composed of five courses, paired by five fine wines, and home made desserts.The participation cost is RMB 680/net per person.All CICC Members confirming their reservation by October 28th will be granted a 10% discount on the net rate.Event Details:Date:               October 31th, 2008Time:                7.00pmLocation:           Favola Italian Restaurant, Level 8                        Hotel Le Meridien, 789 Nanjing Road East, ShanghaiDetailed program:7:00 pm - Event opening and introduction by Mr Ermanno Lelli, Restaurant Manager and Organizer. 7:30 pm - Appetizers and 1st wine, Introduction of the "Tasca d`Almerita" WinerySformatino di ricotta e pecorino con salsa al pomodoro grigliato e basilicoRicotta + pecorino cheese flan with tomato + basil sauceRegaleali (WS 86), 2007- Brief and Great History of Sicily from its birth till today- Description of the first wine 8:00 pm - Pasta courses and 2nd winePasta e melanzane alla SicilianaEggplant and fresh homemade pasta with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and parmesan.Regaleali Nero d`Avola 2006 (WS 87) - Wine and food culture in Sicily- Description of the second wine 8:30 pm - Seafood and 3rd wineInvoltini di pesce spada alla griglia con timo frescoGrilled sword fish served with mix greensLamùri (Decanter ★★★) 2006  - Celebrities of the region: Frederik II, The bandit Salvatore Giuliano - Description of the 3rd wine9:30 pm - meats, 4th and 5th winePolpette di maiale con PitaggioDeep fried pork meatballs with fava beans, peas and artichokesLeone D`Almerita 2007 Rosso Del Conte 2004 (GR ★★★ )、(WS 90)- Sicily; a land of legends. The tale of "Colapesce" and the "Fata Morgana"- Description of the 4th and 5th wine10:00 pm - Dessert and dessert wineI cannoli alla sicilianaDeep fried dough filled with ricotta cheese, candied fruits, chocolate chipsDiamante D`Almerita 2006 (AIS ★★★★★  )  塔斯卡钻石甜葡萄酒  Sweet DOCG For more information and for reservations, please contact Mr Ermanno Lelli, by written e-mail at ermanno.lelli@lemeridien.com, or by phone at 021.33189999*7778.

Seminar on Enterprises Income Tax

28 十月 2008
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to introduce a seminar on the New Enterprises Income Tax Law, sponsored and organized by Sino-Reality Certified Public Accountants Shanghai Branch.The seminar will be held in Chinese, and is addressed to the Chinese staff of our Member Companies dedicated to accounting and controlling.The speakers will introduce the main aspects of the law, bringing the audience`s attention onto those matters that more commonly are of concern for Western companies in China. The subjects of the lectures will be as follows:1. 2. 3.  This is a sponsored seminar; CICC duly informs the participants that the Organizer might use this opportunity to advertise its service and distribute advertising materials. EVENT DETAILS: Date:             Tuesday, October 28th   Time:            2.00pm - 5.00pm Venue:          CICC Shanghai Office (Suite 3605, The Center, 989 Changle Road, Shanghai)            Price:            participation free of charge, open to CICC Members, Chinese staff or Chinese speaking staff onlyLanguage:     Chinese only Participation: limited to maximum 40 seats; reservations will be made according to first come, first served method Those Members interested to participate, please send your confirmation by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, by Oct. 22nd, 2008, 12.00pm noon time.


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