






CICC: 中意语言课程

     中意语言课程      中国意大利商会非常高兴的通知所有的会员及非会员联系人,我们目前正在开展新一期的基础中文及意大利语课程。 意大利语课程 中文课程 开课时间: 2009年11月03日,星期二 开课时间: 2009年11月03日,星期二 总课时: 50小时  (A1a 水平) 总课时: 42小时(A1a 水平) 时间: 周二和周四晚上6:30 - 8:30. 时间: 周二和周四晚上6:30 - 8:00. 参与者:  最少5人, 最多8人 参与者: 最少5人, 最多8人 费用:3500 人民币 会员4000 人民币 非会员 费用: 3000 人民币 会员3500 人民币 非会员    资格证书及课本 证书: 学校将会给课程参与者颁发尤尼沃斯语言课程质量证书及学习水平评估报告。 课本: 课程费用包含课本费用    细节 地址: 北京市朝阳区盛厦商务楼1层东三环北路16号. 报名截止: 周一, 10月26日, 2009 (先来先得) 更多信息: 如果需要了解更多的信息,请写给marketing@cameraitacina.com 付费方式: 费用请在2009年10月30日周五之前通过银行转帐或者前往商会办公室支付。   CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518          

CCIC: Corsi di lingua italiana & cinese

       Corsi di lingua italiana & cinese      La CCIC e` lieta di informarvi che desidera dare avvio al primo livello di corsi di lingua sia italiana sia cinese. Corso di Italiano Corso di Cinese Data di inizio: Martedi`, 3 Novembre, 2009 Data di inizio: Martedi`, 3 Novembre, 2009 Ore totali di corso: 50 ore (livello A1a) Ore totali di corso: 42 ore (A1a) Quando: Martedi` &  Giovedi` dalle 18:30 alle 20:30. Quando: Martedi` & Giovedi`  dalle 18:30 alle 20:00. Partecipanti: minimo 5 pax, massimo 8 pax Partecipanti: minimo 5 pax, massimo 8 pax Prezzo: 3.500 Rmb Soci4.000 Rmb non Soci Prezzo: 3.000 Rmb Soci3.500 Rmb non Soci    Certificazioni & Materiale didattico Certificati: La scuola rilascera` un attestato di frequenza a nome dei corsi di lingua di qualita` Univels e una valutazione finale. Materiale didattico: i prezzi sopra indicati includono il materiale didattico utilizzato durante i corsi    Dettagli Dove: Shengsha Business Building, 1st floor, no. 16 Dong San Huan Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Scadenza di iscrizione: Lunedi`, 26 Ottobre, 2009 (Ci si basa sulle prime iscrizioni pervenute) Ulteriori informazioni: per ulteriori informazioni si prega di scrivere una mail al seguente indirizzo: marketing@cameraitacina.com Pagamento: il pagamento dovra` essere effettuato entro Venerdi`, 30 Ottobre, 2009, tramite bonifico bancario o in contanti presso il nostro ufficio.   CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518          

CICC:Chinese & Italian Language courses - CICC: 中意语言课程

       Chinese & Italian Language courses      The CICC is glad to inform you that would like to start a new basic level of language courses. Italian Course Chinese Course Starting Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Starting Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 Total course hours: 50 hours (A1a level) Total course hours: 42 hours (A1a level) When: Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. When: Tuesday & Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Participants: minimun 5 pax, maximum 8 pax Participants: minimun 5 pax, maximum 8 pax Price: 3.500 Rmb members4.000 Rmb non members Price: 3.000 Rmb members3.500 Rmb non members    Certificates & Books Certificates: The school will deliver an attendance certificate on behalf of the quality language courses Univels and a skill evaluation report of the level achieved by the student. Books: the prices indicated include also the books for the courses    Details Where: Shengsha Business Building, 1st floor, no. 16 Dong San Huan Bei Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Subscription deadline: Monday, October 26, 2009 (First come first served basis) More information: for further information please write to marketing@cameraitacina.com Payment: the payment should be done within Friday, October 30, 2009, via bank transfer or cash to our office.   CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518          


28 十一月 2009
赞助商     2009意大利豪华舞会 - 意大利魅影 亲爱的会员及非会员朋友们, 中国意大利商会非常荣幸的邀请您参与将于2009年11月28日举办的 2009意大利豪华舞会 - 意大利魅影. 本次活动的成功举办当然也离不开您的鼎力支持!需要了解更多活动信息以及如何参与赞助,请点击这里... 就像我们所说的那样:本次活动会给您带来意想不到的惊喜!您可以为您自己预订一张门票,或者为您的重要宾客预订整桌,又或许可以和您的员工度过一个愉快的夜晚等等!门票价格: 1000 元整桌价格:9000 元 别犹豫快行动起来联系我们, 我们将会提供您散发魅力的机会!  幸运抽奖赞助商                                                                  CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Gran Ballo Italiano 2009

28 十一月 2009
  SPONSORS          The Italian Grand Ball 2009 - The Italian Glamour Dear Members and Non members, the CICC is glad to invite you to participate to our Italian Grand Ball 2009 - The Italian Glamour on November 28th, 2009. To make this evening a success, we count on your participation and contribution!In order to have more information about the event and how you can support it, please click here  to have a look to the presentation... as already said above: you will be surprised!You can reserve yourself a ticket or book a table so you can invite your most important guests, enjoy a dinner with your staff and so on!The ticket price is: 1.000 rmbThe table price is: 9.000 rmb Don`t hesitate to contact us, we can glamour everyone! LUCKY DRAW SPONSORS                                   CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Italian Grand Ball 2009

28 十一月 2009
  SPONSORS          The Italian Grand Ball 2009 - The Italian Glamour Dear Members and Non members, the CICC is glad to invite you to participate to our Italian Grand Ball 2009 - The Italian Glamour on November 28th, 2009. To make this evening a success, we count on your participation and contribution!In order to have more information about the event and how you can support it, please click here  to have a look to the presentation... as already said above: you will be surprised!You can reserve yourself a ticket or book a table so you can invite your most important guests, enjoy a dinner with your staff and so on!The ticket price is: 1.000 rmbThe table price is: 9.000 rmb Don`t hesitate to contact us, we can glamour everyone! LUCKY DRAW SPONSORS                                       CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery

10 九月 2009
We are pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery This seminar will be held by Professor Luigi Paganetto, President ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) and Dean and Professor of International Economics at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.For further information, please click here to download Professor Luigi Paganetto CV. Information and Registration Date & Time: Thursday September 10th, 200917:30-18:00    Registration 18:00-19:30    Speech  19:30             Buffet Venue: Monserrate Office, 1st floor, Shengsha Business Building, no. 16 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing - tel. (86-10) 6586 8344Click here to download the map意大利蒙塞拉特北京代表处中国, 北京市朝阳区东三环北路16号盛夏商务楼1层点击下载地图 Language: English Entrance Fee: Free of charge Registration Deadline: Wednesday 9th of Septmeber, 12 a.m. REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the seminar Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery to be held on the 10th of SeptemberName:Position:Company:Tel:Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to event@cameraitacina.com

Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery

10 九月 2009
We are pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery This seminar will be held by Professor Luigi Paganetto, President ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) and Dean and Professor of International Economics at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.For further information, please click here to download Professor Luigi Paganetto CV. Information and Registration Date & Time: Thursday September 10th, 200917:30-18:00    Registration 18:00-19:30    Speech  19:30             Buffet Venue: Monserrate Office, 1st floor, Shengsha Business Building, no. 16 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing - tel. (86-10) 6586 8344Click here to download the map意大利蒙塞拉特北京代表处中国, 北京市朝阳区东三环北路16号盛夏商务楼1层点击下载地图 Language: English Entrance Fee: Free of charge Registration Deadline: Wednesday 9th of Septmeber, 12 a.m. REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the seminar Energy, Technology and Economic Recovery to be held on the 10th of SeptemberName:Position:Company:Tel:Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to event@cameraitacina.com

International Networking Night

22 九月 2009
        THE FIRST, HUGE, INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING NIGHT The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the business Chambers in Beijing will unite to host this city`s biggest ever Inter - Chamber Networking Event. Join guests from around the world outdoors at the beautiful St. Regis Hotel Courtyard and spend a late summer night making new friends.  Date: Tuesday, 22nd of September 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Venue: St. Regis Hotel21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing. 建国门外大街 21 号, 北京Tel.: +86 10 6460 6688Price: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members One voucher includes: 2 drinks and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 18th of September, via e-mail to: marketing@cameraitacina.com The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 22nd of September, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail. info@cameraitacina.comwww.cameraitacina.com

International Networking Night

22 九月 2009
        THE FIRST, HUGE, INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING NIGHT The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the business Chambers in Beijing will unite to host this city`s biggest ever Inter - Chamber Networking Event. Join guests from around the world outdoors at the beautiful St. Regis Hotel Courtyard and spend a late summer night making new friends.  Date: Tuesday, 22nd of September 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Venue: St. Regis Hotel21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing. 建国门外大街 21 号, 北京Tel.: +86 10 6460 6688Price: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members One voucher includes: 2 drinks and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 18th of September, via e-mail to: marketing@cameraitacina.com The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 22nd of September, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail. info@cameraitacina.comwww.cameraitacina.com


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