
Eccellenze aziendali italiane all’Helicopter Expo di Tianjin

14 九月 2023
Si è aperta il 14 Settembre la VI edizione della China International Helicopter Exposition (14-17 Settembre) a Tianjin. Il gruppo di lavoro dell’Aviazione e Aerospazio sotto l’egida della CCIC ha organizzato, in stretta collaborazione con l’Italian Aerospace Network (IAN), e con il supporto della Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone una collettiva di aziende italiane altamente specializzate presso la manifestazione.     L’Expo, organizzata dal Comitato Amministrativo della Zona di Libero Scambio del Porto di Tianjin e dall’ Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), si posiziona come seconda più grande fiera nel settore aeronautico in Cina radunando annualmente big player internazionali e cinesi. La collettiva ha presentato PMI italiane innovative e ben posizionate come fornitori dei più importanti costruttori aeronautici europei. Tra queste CEFLA Finishing, specializzata nelle linee "chiavi in mano" su misura e fornitore accreditato di soluzioni complete per linee di spruzzatura nel settore aeronautico; CIMA Spa, fornitore di soluzioni all'avanguardia per componenti e ingranaggi di trasmissioni ad alte prestazioni; Marposs, gruppo di aziende focalizzato sulla fornitura di soluzioni di misurazione e test di precisione one-stop-shop per l'ispezione della qualità e il controllo della produzione; e TXT Group gruppo IT internazionale che fornisce a OEM, produttori di simulatori e istituti di formazione soluzioni software avanzate per la formazione di piloti, tecnici di manutenzione e personale di cabina. Il padiglione è stato supportato dall’azienda Greatway Advisory (GWA).   La collettiva è stata inaugurata alla presenza del Vice Presidente della Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Mr. Zhao Xuesen che ha sottolineato l’importanza della collaborazione con Tianjin e la rilevanza del tessuto imprenditoriale italiano di comparto caratterizzato da una lunga tradizione, ricca esperienza tecnica e un sistema industriale completo, ricco di eccellenze del Made in Italy: “Ci auguriamo che tutti gli imprenditori italiani sfruttino l'expo come piattaforma di business e colgano l’opportunità per sperimentare la vitalità economica di Tianjin, la perla della Cina settentrionale, e il grande potenziale della zona di libero scambio del porto di Tianjin per lo sviluppo dell’industria aeronautica e non solo.”     La partecipazione alla collettiva è stata preceduta da un’attività di B2B con il player cinese AVIC organizzata dal gruppo di lavoro camerale e la Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone e destinata alle aziende italiane partecipanti.     Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Italian Aerospace Netwok (IAN)     AAWG Exhibitors:   Other Supporters:       CICC Team  

Business Visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town - 10 August 2021

10 八月 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a business visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town on August 10th, 2021 from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. Gubei Water Town is a comprehensive leisure international tourism destination, which offers business exhibition opportunities along with leisure, creative culture, and other tourism forms. The aim of the visit is to explore business opportunities in the area for Italian Companies. Detailed schedule will be shared with interested companies.  The entrance to Gubei Town is free of charge (the transfer fee from Beijing City Center to Gubei Water Town will be arranged according to the number of participants). If interested in participating please send us an email by July 30th to    Kind Regards, The CICC Team 

Business Visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town - 10 August 2021

10 八月 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a business visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town on August 10th, 2021 from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. Gubei Water Town is a comprehensive leisure international tourism destination, which offers business exhibition opportunities along with leisure, creative culture, and other tourism forms. The aim of the visit is to explore business opportunities in the area for Italian Companies. Detailed schedule will be shared with interested companies.  The entrance to Gubei Town is free of charge (the transfer fee from Beijing City Center to Gubei Water Town will be arranged according to the number of participants). If interested in participating please send us an email by July 30th to    Kind Regards, The CICC Team 

Business Visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town - 10 August 2021

10 八月 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is organizing a business visit to Beijing Gubei Water Town on August 10th, 2021 from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. Gubei Water Town is a comprehensive leisure international tourism destination, which offers business exhibition opportunities along with leisure, creative culture, and other tourism forms. The aim of the visit is to explore business opportunities in the area for Italian Companies. Detailed schedule will be shared with interested companies.  The entrance to Gubei Town is free of charge (the transfer fee from Beijing City Center to Gubei Water Town will be arranged according to the number of participants). If interested in participating please send us an email by July 30th to    Kind Regards, The CICC Team 

SAVE THE DATE! China-Italy Business Dialogue: qualità come motore di crescita per lo sviluppo del business - 11/12 Dicembre 2020

11 十二月 2020
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, L'Ambasciata d'Italia nella Repubblica Popolare Cinese insieme a Agenzia ICE e Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina sono lieti di presentare: “China-Italy Business Dialogue” Qualità come motore di crescita per lo sviluppo del business. Un evento organizzato in occasione del 50mo anniversario delle Relazioni Diplomatiche bilaterali tra Repubblica Popolare Cinese e Italia, con l’obiettivo di creare un’occasione di dialogo concreto tra la comunità di business italiana e cinese.   Partendo dalla posizione delle aziende Italiane operanti in Cina, la conferenza mira ad approfondire le opportunità di business per le stesse all’interno del mercato cinese, evidenziando il valore del Made in Italy nei settori del commercio di prodotti di qualità al consumo, della meccanica, dell’energia e della finanza.   L'evento si svolgerà a Pechino in data 11 e 12 Dicembre 2020. Seguiranno maggiori informazioni in merito alle modalità di prenotazione.   Cordiali Saluti, Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina  

“Stress releasing and management of emotions” , Beijing 13th April 2019

13 四月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the “Stress releasing and management of emotions” Event, that will take place on 13th of April at Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, No.6, Songzhuyuan North Lane, Dongcheng District, Beijing (丝绸之路国际总商会北京代表处北京市东城区嵩祝院北巷6号).   Modern metropolitan life leads to accumulation of stress and psychophysical tensions. People are no longer able to find the right balance and manage emotions. But the solution to this discomfort is simpler than one might think. Few people know that martial arts traditions contain exercises that can free us from stress and educate us to control emotions. You do not need to become an expert fighter, just select some exercises useful for our purpose. Mauro A. D'Angelo, Master of Kung Fu and Nei Gong, dedicated his entire life to research in the secrets of martial arts and ancient theories. On April 13th, we will take advantage of the presence of Maestro D'Angelo in Beijing, to understand the link between the muscles, the nervous system and our emotions. In 3 hours of seminar we will study the theoretical and technical aspects to master a simple exercise but with great beneficial effects.   Agenda:  8:45 Registration 9.00-10.15 Seminar 10.15-12.00 Practice Theoretical Introduction: Martial arts theory and management of critical situations How to restore the natural anti-stress defense system Management of thoughts and control of emotions Practice Part: Study of Stress Releasing techniques Control of thought through movement Goals of the seminar: Eliminate physical and mental tensions Solving emotional blocks Eliminate chronic muscle pain in the body    Master D'Angelo For almost 30 years the Master D'Angelo dedicates his life exclusively to research, practice and teach techniques for Body and Mind development (Kung Fu, Qi Gong, meditation and Yoga). He traveled all over the world to study directly with the Masters of past generations, he refined his technique and understood more deeply the concept of mindfulness. The result of his research led to the DECODE. The Decode deals with the teaching of martial arts as a means of developing human potential. He holds courses for martial arts specialists in Europe and China, as well as for people interested in acquiring new tools for everyday life.  Today he lives in China where he has opened a new place in his organization, but periodically he goes to Europe to follow the students and the schools.   For registration please rsvp:   For more information please send an email to:   Kind regards, CICC Team  

“Stress releasing and management of emotions” , Beijing 13th April 2019

13 四月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the “Stress releasing and management of emotions” Event, that will take place on 13th of April at Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, No.6, Songzhuyuan North Lane, Dongcheng District, Beijing (丝绸之路国际总商会北京代表处北京市东城区嵩祝院北巷6号).   Modern metropolitan life leads to accumulation of stress and psychophysical tensions. People are no longer able to find the right balance and manage emotions. But the solution to this discomfort is simpler than one might think. Few people know that martial arts traditions contain exercises that can free us from stress and educate us to control emotions. You do not need to become an expert fighter, just select some exercises useful for our purpose. Mauro A. D'Angelo, Master of Kung Fu and Nei Gong, dedicated his entire life to research in the secrets of martial arts and ancient theories. On April 13th, together with Maestro D'Angelo in Beijing, we will understand the link between the muscles, the nervous system and our emotions. In 3 hours of seminar we will study the theoretical and technical aspects to master a simple exercise but with great beneficial effects.   Agenda:  8:45 Registration 9.00-10.15 Seminar 10.15-12.00 Practice Theoretical Introduction: Martial arts theory and management of critical situations How to restore the natural anti-stress defense system Management of thoughts and control of emotions Practice Part: Study of Stress Releasing techniques Control of thought through movement Goals of the seminar: Eliminate physical and mental tensions Solving emotional blocks Eliminate chronic muscle pain in the body    Master D'Angelo For almost 30 years the Master D'Angelo dedicates his life exclusively to research, practice and teach techniques for Body and Mind development (Kung Fu, Qi Gong, meditation and Yoga). He traveled all over the world to study directly with the Masters of past generations, he refined his technique and understood more deeply the concept of mindfulness. The result of his research led to the DECODE. The Decode deals with the teaching of martial arts as a means of developing human potential. He holds courses for martial arts specialists in Europe and China, as well as for people interested in acquiring new tools for everyday life.  Today he lives in China where he has opened a new place in his organization, but periodically he goes to Europe to follow the students and the schools.   For registration please rsvp:   For more information please send an email to:   Kind regards, CICC Team  

“Stress releasing and management of emotions” , Beijing 13th April 2019

13 四月 2019
亲爱的中国意大利商会会员和朋友们: 中国意大利商会非常高兴邀请您参加“压力释放与情绪管理”活动,该活动将于4月1日在丝绸之路国际总商会北京代表处北京市东城区嵩祝院北巷6号举行。   现代都市生活导致压力和心理生理紧张不断积累。人们不再能够正确的平衡和管理情绪。但是解决这种不适的方法比人们想象的要简单。人们都知道,武术传统中包含的练习可以让我们从压力中解脱出来,教育我们控制情绪。你不需要成为一个习武高手,只要选择一些对我们有用的练习。 Mauro A. D'Angelo是一名功夫和内功大师, 他一生致力于研究武术和古代理论的奥秘。 4月13日,我们将利用Mauro A. D'Angelo大师在北京的难得机会,了解肌肉、神经系统和我们的情绪之间的联系。在这3个小时的研讨会中,我们将学习理论和技术方面的知识,掌握一个简单但有很大有益效果的练习。   研讨会程序:   理论介绍 武术理论与危急情况的处理 恢复天然的抗应激防御体系 管理思想和控制情绪   实践环节 压力释放技术的研究 通过运动来控制思想   研讨会的目的: 消除生理和心理紧张 解决情感障碍 消除体内的慢性肌肉疼痛    D'Angelo大师 近30年来,D'Angelo大师一生致力于研究、练习和传授身心发展的技巧(功夫、气功、冥想和瑜伽)。 他周游世界,与历代大师一起直接学习,他精炼了自己的技巧,更深刻地理解了正念的概念。他的研究成就了解码。《解码》将武术教学作为开发人类潜能的一种手段。他为欧洲和中国的武术专家开设课程,也为有兴趣获得日常生活新工具的人开设课程。如今,他住在中国,并在他的组织中开设了一个新职位,但他会定期前往欧洲,跟踪学生和学校的情况。   注册请点击这里   如欲索取更多资料,请电邮至:   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队    

White Christmas Bazaar December 21st-23rd Beijing

11 十二月 2018
Dear Member & Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to share the opportunity for its Members and Friends to present and sell their products at the White Christmas Bazaar from December 21st to December 23rd, organized by Mercedes Me in Sanlitun, Beijing. Contact us to join the White Christmas Bazaar and have an opportunity to showcase and sell to the public your handcrafted, design and F&B products.   When: December 21st-23rd, 10:00-23:00 Where: Mercedes Me Store, Sanlitun, Beijing RSVP: Deadline: Thursday, December 13th, 2018 Fee: Booth free of charge for CICC’s Members. Due to the limited spaces, participation is based on a first come, first served policy.   PLEASE NOTE: the approval of the products is at Mercedes Me's discretion.   For more information about the event, please contact us at   Kind Regards, CICC Team 

White Christmas Bazaar December 21st-23rd Beijing

11 十二月 2018
Dear Members & Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to share the opportunity for its Members and Friends to present and sell their products at the White Christmas Bazaar from December 21st to December 23rd, organized by Mercedes Me in Sanlitun, Beijing. Contact us to join the White Christmas Bazaar and have an opportunity to showcase and sell to the public your handcrafted, design and F&B products.   When: December 21st-23rd, 10:00-23:00 Where: Mercedes Me Store, Sanlitun, Beijing RSVP: Deadline: Thursday, December 13th, 2018 Fee: Booth free of charge for CICC’s Members. Due to the limited spaces, participation is based on a first come, first served policy.   PLEASE NOTE: the approval of the products is at Mercedes Me's discretion.   For more information about the event, please contact us at   Kind Regards, CICC Team 


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