Are you READY for 11.11? SEMINAR - Post Event

19 十月 2017

On October 19th, the Shanghai Office of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce hosted the seminar  "Are you READY for 11.11?", a unique event dedicated to the Chinese Single`s Day.

The seminar aimed to discuss strategies, investments and case histories related to a phenomenon which is extremely influential on the Chinese online market nowadays. 

The first speaker, VIncenzo Bifulco from Triboo gave an insight about "Chinese Ecommerce Ecosystem", followed by the analysis of the "Wechat role of 11.11" by Mr. ChenYin Pan from Fireworks Ltd.

The active participation of the audience made the following Q&A session rich in shared opinion, ideas and points of view.





The CICC wishes to thank the two speakers for their precious contribution and all those who attended the seminar and shared their impressions. 

See you at the next CICC event!

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