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EEPWG meeting and election of the new coordinator and vice-coordinators_Beijing, October 27th 16.00
EEPWG meeting and election of the new coordinator and vice-coordinators_Beijing, October 27th 16.00
Dear Members,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite the members active in the specific industry to attend the WG Energy and Environmental Protection (EEPWG) meeting which takes place on October 27th at 16.00, at Beijing Chamber’s offices. Following the resignations of Coordinator Guido Giacconi and Vice-coordinators Paolo Bazzoni and Cristian Cattalini, the election of the new coordinator and vice-coordinators will be held during the meeting.
Here you can find general rules and voting procedures.
We wish to thank again the outgoing coordinator and vice-coordinators for their outstanding performance, hoping that the incoming ones will continue their predecessors’ work contributing to the working group with some new ideas.