Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Fondazione Italia Cina are glad to inform you that the registration deadline to the “Premio Panda D’Oro” will be extended until the 10th of May.
As per previous communication, the event will award those Chinese and Italian companies, both Members and Non Members, which most contributed to the development and reinforcement of economic bilateral relations.
To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties.
It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. Please send the questionnaire to before 10th May, 2012, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded.
“Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities.
Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publication, from now till the event date!
For more information and assistance, please contact our Shanghai offices at 021.54075181.
Help us award those companies which bring more Italy to China and more China to Italy. Make your nomination, now!