Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
With regards to this Business Opportunity, we would like to inform you that the 14th May 2012 will be the second and last opportunity to apply to the EU-CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME (EGP).
The programme has the intent to promote environmental sustainability in China through the following actions:
a) Access to environmental information;
b) Public involvement and consultation in environmental decision making;
c) Access to justice in environmental matters;
d) Proactive engagement of the private sector in sustainable practices (corporate environmental resposibility and market based instruments).
The total grants amount to 11.250.000 Euro.
This Call for Proposals aims to the involvement of non-governmental organizations, International Organizations, Universities, Research Institutes, Lawyers, Law Firms and Lawyer associations, and companies with CSR policy having business in/ with China.