Latest News

17 一月 2025

On January 9, 2025, ASK's Asia-Pacific headquarters, ASK Ningbo, celebrated a significant milestone with its official relocation to a newly built...

17 一月 2025

​On January 16, 2025, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) paid a formal visit to the Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) to...

17 一月 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the 2025 New Year Spring Gala - Ospitalità Italiana Award Ceremony, which will...

Nanjing Working Group (NJWG)
30 九月 2011

Dear Members,

The CICC is pleased to inform you all that on September 15th the Nanjing Working Group (NJWG) hold its first session.

28 九月 2011

亲爱的会员们 ,


我们很荣幸得宣布,我们商会的会长 Franco Cutrupia 昨天在山东省济南市荣获“荣誉公民”的称号,以此殊荣来奖励他为山东省的经济建设和社会发展所作出的杰出贡献。

Ciclo d`incontri presso le Associazioni di Confindustria
22 九月 2011

Si informa che il Responsabile dell`IPR Desk a Pechino terrà una serie di incontri presso le Associazioni, settoriali o territoriali, di Confindustria dal 3 al 10 ottobre.

European Business in China – POSITION PAPER 2011/2012 - Guangzhou
20 九月 2011

Dear Members and Friends,


the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the European Chamber of Commerce in China, is pleased to inform you that the presentation of the Position Paper 2011/2012 took place at The Garden Hotel in Guangzhou on Sept. 13th 2011.

荣誉 - “意大利共和国骑士勋位”
09 九月 2011


我们荣幸地宣布,今年6月2日,我们商会的副会长 Marco Bettin 先生荣获意大利共和国总统 Giorgo Napolitano 颁发的“共和国骑士勋位”,以奖励他在经济和意大利企业的国际化领域所作出的贡献。



Social Insurance Law, seminario del 06-09-2011
07 九月 2011

Cari Soci,

il 6 Settembre u.s. si e’ tenuto il seminario New Regulations of Social Insurance for Expatriate Employees in China.

06 九月 2011








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