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Is China beyond a hard landing?
The debate over whether China will have hard-landing – or perhaps is already amidst one – continues to be a heated topic. Bulls argue that China has soft landed, and is now poised for another 10+ years of 7-8% average growth, in all probability to thus become the world’s largest economy sometime in the next decade. The Bears contend that China is amidst a deep structural downshifting, and the only question is whether China will drift slowly down to a new, much lower growth rate, or crash down to it on the back of financial crisis of some sort.
Bulls and Bears alike agree that major restructuring of the Chinese economy is necessary, as do China’s leaders. But just how much time is there to undertake the needed changes? This event, featuring economists from the Conference Board and the Economist Intelligence Unit will dimension the current economic situation and its many challenges – property bubbles, gray finance, credit growth, productivity declines, rising costs, industrial shifts, and the like – that set the stage, possibly, for the next wave of reform by China’s new leadership, and illuminate answers to the question of whether China can and will successfully restructure its economy, and how soon it must do so.
The presentations from our two economists will be followed by a discussion with a panel of companies sharing their views on the topic.
Qian Liu - Senior Econometrician at Economist Intelligence Unit (The Economist Group)
Bart van Ark - Chief Economist at The Conference Board
To register please send an e-mail to info@cameraitacina.com by Monday, 3rd April at 17.00 , including the following information:
• Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number
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