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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm and C&A Advisors Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. is pleased to invite you to the seminar on `Labor Arbitration, Legal and Tax Aspects of Labor Agreements in China: a General Understanding` to be held in Shenzhen on September 12th.
Speaker - Mrs. Elisa Malvestio, PRC Tax Expert – Senior Manager - C&A Advisors
1. General tax framework of the dispatchment of foreign employees to Mainland China
2. PRC Individual Tax issues concerning the dispatchment of foreign employees
3. New Circular n.19/2013 (in force from June 1, 2013) concerning PRC Enterprise Income Tax issues on labor services provided in Mainland China by personnel dispatched by non-resident enterprises
4. Application of the Double Tax Treaty between Italy and China with reference to the dispatchment of personnel by Italian companies to Mainland China
Speaker - Mr. Franco Fornari, Senior Client Service Manager Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm
1. Brief introduction on this special procedure
2. Requirements
a. Introduction on labor contracts
b. Z Visa issuing
3. Labor relation without regular Z visa: implications
4. Laws and Regulations applicable: including latest interpretation of the Supreme Court and amendment in 2007 and 2013
Speaker - Mr. Pan Lidong, Partner and Director of Wang Jing & Co., Shenzhen Branch
1. Arbitration Procedure: Phases
2. Claims description
3. Evidence collection and discussion on the burden of prove
4. Appeal and post proceeding measures
5. Cases Study
Participation fee:
Free of charge for CICC Members
RMB 150/pax for non-Members
Max 2pax/company. Seats are limited, assigned on a “first come best served” basis
Suite 1801, 18/F., Great China International Exchange Square, No.1 Fuhua Rd., Futian Distrist, Shenzhen
Registration is mandatory. In order to register please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com within September 9th.
Best Regards
CICC Guangdong
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