Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
To celebrate the arrival of Autumn, The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and Bencham in association with the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, AustCham Shanghai, Austrian Trade, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, The Danish Chamber, DUSA European Association Suzhou, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Finnish Business Council Shanghai, The French Chamber of Commerce, German Chamber, Hong-Kong Chamber of Commerce in China, The Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, and The Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce, are pleased to invite you to join the Interchamber Autumn Mixer.
Date: Wednesday, October 29th
Time: 19.00pm - 22.00pm
Venue: Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Century Boulevard, Pudong, Shanghai (上海金茂君悅大酒店, 金茂大厦, 上海浦东世纪大道88号)
Price: RMB 150 per person (For Members Only). Fees will be collected at the door. Entrance fee includes two drinks and canapés. The extra drinks will be charged at a special discounted rate.
R.S.V.P. by October 28th, 2008, 12:00pm noon, by registering with China-Italy Chamber of Commerce with return e-mail to
Early arrival is recommended as entry will be granted on a strictly first-come-first-served basis.