Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber of Commerce and the participating foreign Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai are glad to invite you to the Inter-Chamber Spring Mixer 2009.
An occasion to mingle, make new friends and celebrate the incoming spring season in Shanghai.
Date: Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 Time: from 6:30pm to 10:00pm Venue: Hyatt on the Bund, First Floor Ballroom and adjacent garden, 199 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 上海外滩茂悦大酒店,一楼宴会厅,上海黄浦路99号 Tel: 86-21-63931234 Price: RMB 150 per person (for members only) Fees will be collected at the door
Entrance fee includes two drinks and canapés Extra drinks will be charged at a special discounted rate
Early arrival is recommended as entry will be granted on a strictly first-come-first-served basis
We look forward to seeing you at this event!
The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________ Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Spring Mixer, on March 18th, 2009.