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Dear All,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and the Bocconi Alumni Association Beijing are glad to invite you to the seminar "Healthcare and Management: The Italian Solution" - How to Guarantee a Sustainable, Inclusive, High
Quality Healthcare System, held by Prof. Giovanni Fattore - Full Professor and Chiarman of the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management at Bocconi University.
The event will take place on Wednesday, January 20th at the Italian Institute of Culture, Beijing - Address: 2, San Li Tun Dong Er Jie , Beijing - - 三里屯东二街2 号.
Note: Chinese nationality attendees shall bring their passports or print the invitation to the event.
The Italian National Health Service (NHS) was ranked the second best in the world by the WHO in 2000 and still health improvement, equity and efficiency indicators show Italy as a top performer in healthcare. Contrary to other areas of the Italian public sector, the Italian NHS has been significantly reformed in the last 40 years and thus presents a modern system to provide universal and comprehensive coverage at affordable cost. However, demographic and epidemiologic trends challenge present arrangements. In particular, the increased share of the population with multi-morbidity, chronic conditions and limitations in their daily life activities require major changes to focus on new organizational and patients' management arrangements. Continuity and coordination of care require new healthcare institutions (e.g., nursing homes, community hospitals), ways of delivering care (e.g., home care), new professional roles (e.g., case managers) and adequate information systems that facilitate the circulation and use of information across providers. The decentralized Italian healthcare system present a number of showcases that may be valuable for other countries facing similar demographic and epidemiologic challenges.
About the Speaker
Prof. Giovanni Fattore
Full Professor and Chiarman of the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management.
He was Director of the Master in International Healthcare Management Economics & Policy (MIHMEP) from 2002 to 2008 and is currently Faculty Member of the PhD in Business Administration & Management.
Professor Fattore is Senior Faculty Member of the Public Management & Policy Division of SDA Bocconi School of Management and is Steering Committee member for CERGAS and Dondena research centers.
Laurea Degree in Economics and Social Sciences from Università Bocconi. Master of Science in Health Policy and Management, Harvard University and PhD in Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
He had research positions at the Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, and LSE Health and Social Care. He is Past-President of the Italian Association of Health Economics. He member of the editorial board of "Health Policy Economics and Law", "Pharmacoeconomics" and "Economia e Management". He is associate editor of "Health Policy".
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