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Highly sustainable, bamboo is a wonder plant by all accounts. It grows fast (up to 1 meter a day), protects the soil from erosion and keeps the watershed balanced. It is a remarkable resource for thriving sustainable development, and is readily available in many of the world’s poorest countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Bamboo supports the livelihoods of more than 1.5 billion people, generating more than $5 billion in annual trade. Now, with the issue of climate change to deal with, bamboo has become even more important. And even as a carbon credit investment, bamboo is a wise choice.
During the “Eco-Friendly bamboo Investments: information session”, INBAR and BenCham, want to provide you with all the information you need to decide whether you want to join the Investor Study Tour, and to support your investments in bamboo.
This information session will cover:
- the importance of bamboo in the world as a means of climate mitigation and poverty alleviation by Coosje Hoogendoorn - Director General of INBAR
- an overview of the project design and implementation in the first year of the EU-funded project of “Sustainable revival of livelihoods in post-disaster Sichuan: Enhancing eco-friendly pro-poor bamboo production supply chains to support the reconstruction effort.”by Lou Yiping - Director Environmental Sustainability Programme INBAR
- the bamboo industry worldwide in general and the investment possibilities in China and Sichuan in particular by Stephen de Pretre - CEO Sapphire group Asia
- goal, target group, general content of the Bamboo Investors Study Tour by Robbert Gorris - Project manager BenCham
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