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Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou Welcome Cocktail, Guangzhou, October 27th
Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou Welcome Cocktail, Guangzhou, October 27th
Dear Members and Friends,
the Directors of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce - Guangdong - on the occasion of the arrival of the new Consul General of Italy in Guangzhou, Mr. Benedetto Latteri, are delighted to invite you to the Welcome Cocktail which will be held on October 27th at Sofitel Sunrich (索菲特酒店) in Guangzhou (988 Guangzhou Da Dao Zhong, Tianhe District Guangzhou - 广州市天河区广州大道中988号).
The meeting will be an important opportunity to interact directly with the Consul General, who is ready to an exchange of views with the participants. After the presentation an aperitif will follow with Italian wine sponsored by Efei Trading Ltd and with special finger foods.
17:30-18:30 Introduction of the Consul General and Q&A session
18:30-20:00 Cocktail
Furthermore, CICC has just opened the 2012 Membership Campaign. If anyone would like to join our Chamber, you can purchase your membership card directly on the site the day of the event. For more information regarding the 2012 Membership Campaign, please check out the following link: