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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
The Innovation and Technology Working Group (I&TWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar: " Sensors in the workplace. Employees wellbeing for productivity and retention. " is going to be held online on the 25th of February 2021, from 5 to 6 PM China Time (CST) – from 10 to 11 am Italy Time (CET).
Surprised by the COVID-19 Pandemic, many companies and professionals have been forced to work remotely at home. From one side, this “new” experience has convinced both employees and companies that the office space is overrated. From the other side, it has put in evidence that how the space is used – both at home, in a shared office, or in a traditional office space – and the quality of facilities and technological solutions/tools provided can make a big difference on employees' wellbeing and productivity. At the same time, it has also put into evidence that, while some tasks can well be covered remotely, others necessarily need people/staff interaction (innovation and creativity for example), under a shared common space. The ongoing trend to put people at the center of companies' focus will be largely influencing concepts and design of office spaces and new work spaces.
CICC Innovation and Technology Working Group is glad to propose this seminar dedicated to exploring some technological applications into this domain sharing experiences of different speakers. Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner of AsecorpChina Business Consulting and PhD Candidate at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) on Automation and Work, will give a brief introduction of this new trend and moderate a dedicated session (see infra for Program details) with Luciano Marzaro, Managing Director China, CAREL Electronic (Suzhou) Co. Ltd, Luca Tarsetti, APAC Regional Director, iGuzzini, and Alessandro Bisagni of BEE Incorporations.
The three speakers will share practical application of technological solutions in the subject domain and ongoing research findings explaining the rationale beyond their respective companies’ decisions when choosing to enter this field, and how such decisions benefited them and their respective customers by sharing success stories. The case studies cover different industries and size of companies so as to be beneficial to different CCIC members and will end with a Q&A session where the audience can interact with speakers via the Moderation of Rosanna Terminio, who will also introduce existing technological trends favoring work from home/remotely and productivity of employees/staff.
The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for a diverse audience of International Large and SMEs Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CTOs, COO etc.) and Senior Managers in different functional areas, including Production, Business Development, Human Resources, ICT, Product/Service Developments, Sales and After-Sales.
This Webinar is part of a webinar journey promoted by the CICC and its I&TWG aiming at:
To register please scan the QR code below:
Kind regards,
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