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Beijing Seminar Dinner- Ecological Civilization: the path for a Beautiful China - 10.07.2018
Beijing Seminar Dinner- Ecological Civilization: the path for a Beautiful China - 10.07.2018
Dear CICC Members and Friends,
CICC is glad to present a brand-new project: Beijing Seminar Dinner, a series of events focused on different topics covering the most crucial issues in China.
Our first seminar dinner will focus on:
Ecological Civilization: the path for a Beautiful China
Assessing China's efforts to promote green development
The seminar aims at providing insights of China's transition towards a sustainable development, in the framework of Ecological Civilization (shengtai wenming 生态文明) promoted by the Chinese leadership.
The event will be open to CICC Members and non-Members and it will be structured through a seminar session followed up by an informal dinner.