Online Advertisement - The New Law

29 九月 2016


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce

The China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is a private and elective association whose main mission is to establish business relations between its members and to provide advice and support whenever required by its associates. The CICC regularly organizes events, seminars, meetings and other activities inviting prominent guests from Italy and leading Chinese Government officials and economists, and offering great networking and business opportunities for its members.


About the Seminar

“Online advertisement: the final version of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising”


Considering the rapid growth of e-commerce and the recent legislative trend towards more consumer protection and encouraging fair competition, companies operating in China should be prepared for the new regulatory challenges.

On 4 July 2016, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) issued the final version of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising (互联网广告管理暂行办法). The interim measures will take effect beginning 1 September 2016 and supplement the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China 2015 (2015 Advertising Law). The SAIC circulated a draft of the interim measures in July 2015. The interim measures apply to all forms of direct or indirect commercial advertising in the form of text, image, audio, video or others through a website, webpage, internet application or other online media, including, for example, display ads, email solicitations and paid searches.

Language: English

The seminar shall take place in Shanghai at the beginning of September. The exact date and venue still to be confirmed.


Call Invitation

Topics to cover:

  1. What the law consists about and its new implementation rules
  2. Overview on the key legal issues that need to be considered when planning an online advertising campaign, based on the new regulation
  3. How companies now can review whether their advertisements and terms and conditions are consistent with the new consumer protection and advertising rules
  4. Challenges for foreign companies operating in China, the sectors affected
  5. Law violation and legal action
  6. Case studies of wrong usage of advertisement in China (e.g.: public outrage and institutional crackdown on alleged manipulation of search results for medical and other forms of online advertising, ref. to death of a young student in July 2016)
  7. Other subjects related to the main topic


Documents Required

  • Application form filled in and signed (see below)
  • Speaker’s CV and Company information
  • Speech content and PPT presentation

Conditions of Participation

  • Participation in tendering is open to CICC members and no Members.
  • The Speaker competing in the tender must have the necessary knowledge and experience with reference to the seminar topic.
  • The Speaker shall bear any costs related to the submitted presentation.
  • The Applicants Form is to be drafted in English, filled in and signed.
  • It is the responsibility of the tenderer to study the specification and requirements before submitting the tender.


Deadline for Application

August 22nd, 2016



The tender shall be sent via email to the following address:


Evaluation Criteria

  1. The selection of the Speaker will be made according to the content relevant to the seminar or training course.
  2. The Chamber will give priority to the members of the Chamber first and will select the first submitted bid that will meet the standards indicated.
  3. If no applications are submitted by the members of the Chamber, the Chamber has the right to select the most appropriate application submitted by one of the non-member companies present on the vendor list, giving priority to the “partners” of the Chamber first.
  4. The Speaker shall be excluded from the tendering:
  • in case of not meeting conditions of the tendering process;
  • in case of non-conformity with the hereby open call for tender;
  • in case of submitting false data;
  • late submission.

Join the Tender

Welcome to Join the Tender

Application information

The information about the tendering result shall be announced on the CICC website

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