Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268



CICC Members' Meeting: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang - 3 March 2021, Shanghai

03 Marzo 2021
Cari soci e amici della CCIC, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Members' Meeting che avrà luogo il 3 marzo 2021, a partire dalle ore 8:30 alle 10:30 (ora locale, Shanghai), presso la sede della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina di Shanghai.       Dettagli dell'evento: Data: 3 Marzo 2021 Orario: 8:30 - 10:30 (ora locale, Shanghai). A seguire l' Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon Lingua: Italiano Evento riservato ai Soci della CCIC Luogo: ​777 Weihai Lu, Auditorium 10° Piano (静安区威海路777号10楼会议室)   N.B. Possibilità di connettersi anche da remoto via Zoom.   Agenda: 08:00-08:30 Registrazione 08:30-08:45 Discorso di apertura  –  Console Generale d’Italia a Shanghai, Michele Cecchi  08:45-09:00 Saluti di benvenuto, dati nazionali 2020 e linee guida 2021 – Presidente CCIC, Paolo Bazzoni 09:00-09:15  Piano attività 2021 Zhejiang & Shanghai, focus primo trimestre – Vice Presidente CCIC Shanghai, Valtero Canepa 09:15-09:25 Principali attività 2021 – CCIC Shanghai Office Project Coordinator, Antonella Fontanarosa 09:25-09:35 Piano attività Suzhou, Nanjing e Wuxi – Consigliere Suzhou, MODULA (China) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd,  Riccardo Campanile & Consigliere Shanghai, Yixing FAAM Industrial Batteries Co., Ltd., Ermanno Vitali 09:35-09:45 Piano 2021 ENIT (Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo) – Responsabile ENIT in Cina, Cristiano Varotti 09:45-09:55 Attività ICE Agenzia per il 2021 in Cina, focus sulla promozione del settore agroalimentare  – Trade Commissioner Shanghai Office, Massimiliano Tremiterra 09:55-10:30 Q&A   Coffee break 10:45-12:15 Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon* Agenda: 10:30-10:45 Registrazione 10:45-10:50  Saluti di Benvenuto –  Rappresentante del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai  10:50-10:55  Saluti di Benvenuto  –  Vicepresidente CCIC Shanghai, Valtero Canepa  10:55-11:35 Presentazione piano di investimento del parco industriale di Haining e introduzione delle vocational policies  –  Project Director ,Mr. Xavier Grangier  11:35-12:00 Presentazione di un case study di un'azienda straniera localizzata ad Haining –  General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products Co., Ltd Mr. Tony Tang 12:00-12:15 Q&A 12:15-13:30  Networking Italian buffet   Si prega di confermare la propria presenza al Members' Meeting entro e non oltre il 2 marzo 2021, alle ore 17:00, registrandosi scannerizzando il seguente qr-code: * L'Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon si terrà al termine della riunione dei Soci della CCIC, presso il medesimo Auditorium. A differenza della riunione dei Soci, l'evento è aperto sia ai Soci che non Soci della Camera. Entrambe le categorie sono invitate a partecipare gratuitamente e ad iscriversi scannerizzando il seguente Qr-code:   Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di inviare un'email a   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

03 Marzo 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on March 3rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting.     Event details: Date: 3 March 2021 Time: From 10:30-13:30 AM - Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online.  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall (10th floor)     Agenda:   10:30-10:45 AM Registration 10:45-10:50 AM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai- Consul General's Representative 10:50-10:55 AM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce – Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa 10:55-11:35 AM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies – Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier 11:35-12:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation- General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang 12:00-12:15 PM Q&A 12:15-13:30 PM Networking Italian buffet Scan the Qr Code to register: Kind Regards, CICC Team

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

03 Marzo 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on March 3rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting.     Event details: Date: 3 March 2021 Time: From 10:30-13:30 AM - Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online.  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall (10th floor)     Agenda:   10:30-10:45 AM Registration 10:45-10:50 AM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai- Consul General's Representative 10:50-10:55 AM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce – Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa 10:55-11:35 AM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies – Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier 11:35-12:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation- General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang 12:00-12:15 PM Q&A 12:15-13:30 PM Networking Italian buffet Scan the Qr Code to register: Kind Regards, CICC Team

CICC Members' Meeting: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang - 3 March 2021, Shanghai

03 Marzo 2021
Cari soci e amici della CCIC, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Members' Meeting che avrà luogo il 3 marzo 2021, a partire dalle ore 8:30 alle 10:30 (ora locale, Shanghai), presso la sede della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina di Shanghai.       Dettagli dell'evento: Data: 3 Marzo 2021 Orario: 8:30 - 10:30 (ora locale, Shanghai). A seguire l' Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon Lingua: Italiano Evento riservato ai Soci della CCIC Luogo: ​777 Weihai Lu, Auditorium 10° Piano (静安区威海路777号10楼会议室)   N.B. Possibilità di connettersi anche da remoto via Zoom.   Agenda:   08:00-08:30 Registrazione 08:30-08:45 Discorso di apertura  –  Console Generale d’Italia a Shanghai, Michele Cecchi  08:45-09:00 Saluti di benvenuto, dati nazionali 2020 e linee guida 2021 – Presidente CCIC, Paolo Bazzoni 09:00-09:15  Piano attività 2021 Zhejiang & Shanghai, focus primo trimestre – Vice Presidente CCIC Shanghai, Valtero Canepa 09:15-09:25 Principali attività 2021 – CCIC Shanghai Office Project Coordinator, Antonella Fontanarosa 09:25-09:35 Piano attività Suzhou, Nanjing e Wuxi – Consigliere Suzhou, MODULA (China) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd,  Riccardo Campanile & Consigliere Shanghai, Yixing FAAM Industrial Batteries Co., Ltd., Ermanno Vitali 09:35-09:45 Piano 2021 ENIT (Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo) – Responsabile ENIT in Cina, Cristiano Varotti 09:45-09:55 Attività ICE Agenzia per il 2021 in Cina, focus sulla promozione del settore agroalimentare  – Trade Commissioner Shanghai Office, Massimiliano Tremiterra 09:55-10:30 Q&A   Coffee break 10:45-12:15 Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon* Agenda: 10:30-10:45 Registrazione 10:45-10:50  Saluti di Benvenuto –  Rappresentante del Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai   10:50-10:55  Saluti di Benvenuto  –  Vicepresidente CCIC Shanghai, Valtero Canepa  10:55-11:35 Presentazione piano di investimento del parco industriale di Haining e introduzione delle vocational policies  –  Project Director ,Mr. Xavier Grangier  11:35-12:00 Presentazione di un case study di un'azienda straniera localizzata ad Haining –  General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products Co., Ltd Mr. Tony Tang 12:00-12:15 Q&A 12:15-13:30  Networking Italian buffet   Si prega di confermare la propria presenza al Members' Meeting entro e non oltre il 2 marzo 2021, alle ore 17:00, registrandosi scannerizzando il seguente qr-code: * L'Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon si terrà al termine della riunione dei Soci della CCIC, presso il medesimo Auditorium. A differenza della riunione dei Soci, l'evento è aperto sia ai Soci che non Soci della Camera. Entrambe le categorie sono invitate a partecipare gratuitamente e ad iscriversi scannerizzando il seguente Qr-code:   Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di inviare un'email a   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

03 Marzo 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on March 3rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting.     Event details: Date: 3 March 2021 Time: From 10:30-13:30 AM - Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online.  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall (10th floor)     Agenda:   10:30-10:45 AM Registration 10:45-10:50 AM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai- Consul General's Representative 10:50-10:55 AM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce – Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa 10:55-11:35 AM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies – Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier 11:35-12:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation- General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang 12:00-12:15 PM Q&A 12:15-13:30 PM Networking Italian buffet Scan the Qr Code to register: Kind Regards, CICC Team

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

23 Gennaio 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on  January 23rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office.       Event details: Date: 23 January 2021 Time: From 4:45-7:30 PM - Registration starts at 4:30 PM, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online. Deadline January 22nd  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall     Agenda: 4:30-4:45 PM Registration 4:45-4:50 PM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai - Consul General Mr. Michele Cecchi  4:50-4:55 PM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce - Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa  4:55-5:35 PM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies - Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier  5:35-6:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation - General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang   6:00-6:15 PM Q&A 6:15-7:30 PM Networking Italian buffet   Scan the Qr Code to register:   Kind Regards, CICC Team          

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

23 Gennaio 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on  January 23rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office.       Event details: Date: 23 January 2021 Time: From 4:45-7:30 PM - Registration starts at 4:30 PM, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online. Deadline January 22nd  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall     Agenda: 4:30-4:45 PM Registration 4:45-4:50 PM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai - Consul General Mr. Michele Cecchi  4:50-4:55 PM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce - Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa  4:55-5:35 PM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies - Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier  5:35-6:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation - General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang   6:00-6:15 PM Q&A 6:15-7:30 PM Networking Italian buffet   Scan the Qr Code to register:   Kind Regards, CICC Team          

Corporate Event: Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon

23 Gennaio 2021
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to join the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon that will be held in Shanghai on  January 23rd, 2021 at CICC Shanghai office.       Event details: Date: 23 January 2021 Time: From 4:45-7:30 PM - Registration starts at 4:30 PM, immediately after the conclusion of the  CICC Members' Meeting Price: the event is free of charge for both Members and Non-Members. However, due to the limited number of seats, it is required to register online. Deadline January 22nd  RSVP: Venue: CICC Shanghai Office Lecture Hall     Agenda: 4:30-4:45 PM Registration 4:45-4:50 PM Greetings from Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai - Consul General Mr. Michele Cecchi  4:50-4:55 PM Greetings from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce - Vice Chairman Shanghai Mr. Valtero Canepa  4:55-5:35 PM Haining industry park investment environment presentation and Introduction of Haining’s vocational policies - Project Director Mr. Xavier Grangier  5:35-6:00 PM Haining foreign enterprise presentation - General Manager of Zhejiang Pretec Metal Products.,Ltd Mr. Tony Tang   6:00-6:15 PM Q&A 6:15-7:30 PM Networking Italian buffet   Scan the Qr Code to register:   Kind Regards, CICC Team          

CICC Members' Meeting: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang - 23 January 2021, Shanghai

23 Gennaio 2021
Cari soci e amici della CCIC,   la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Members' Meeting che avrà luogo il 23 gennaio 2021, a partire dalle ore 14:30 alle 16:30, presso la sede della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina di Shanghai.   Dettagli dell'evento: Data: 23 Gennaio 2021 Orario: 14:30 - 16:30 Lingua : Italiano Luogo: ​777 Weihai Lu, Auditorium 10° Piano (静安区威海路777号10楼会议室)   N.B. Possibilità di connettersi anche da remoto via Zoom.   Si prega di confermare la propria presenza al Members' Meeting entro e non oltre il 22 gennaio 2021, 5 PM, registrandosi al seguente link:      Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di inviare un'email a   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team

CICC Members' Meeting: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang - 23 January 2021, Shanghai

23 Gennaio 2021
Cari soci e amici della CCIC,   la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al Members' Meeting che avrà luogo il 23 gennaio 2021, a partire dalle ore 14:30 alle 16:30, presso la sede della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina di Shanghai.   Dettagli dell'evento: Data: 23 Gennaio 2021 Orario: 14:30 - 16:30 Lingua : Italiano Luogo: ​777 Weihai Lu, Auditorium 10° Piano (静安区威海路777号10楼会议室)   N.B. Possibilità di connettersi anche da remoto via Zoom.   Si prega di confermare la propria presenza al Members' Meeting entro e non oltre il 22 gennaio 2021, 5 PM, registrandosi al seguente link:      Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di inviare un'email a   Cordiali saluti, CICC Team


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