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Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries Shanghai · 2021

13 Luglio 2021
Dear members and friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that the conference "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries" will be held on Tuesday, July 13rd 2021 at the Shanghai Garden Hotel(Address: 58 Maoming South Road, Huangpu District) in Shanghai.  Click here to register .  International cooperation and investments are the building blocks of economic development and social progress. In this context, Nanjing Lishui District stands at the front door of China's rising business opportunities. Hosted by the Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau; CPC Nanjing Lishui District Committee; Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau; Nanjing Lishui District People's government; and Nanjing Commerce Bureau; Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government, the "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries", is a platform to enrich dialogue and deepen bilateral cooperation with around 200 senior representatives from European and Chinese institutions, Chambers of Commerce, companies, and organizations, through: Three interactive sectorial "Industries Roundtable Discussions" with local government representatives reserved to selected EU and Chinese companies (subject to approval) Direct exchanges with local government on supporting policies for business development Evaluation of emerging investment opportunities Establishment of new partnerships and networking Draft Agenda 14:00—14:30  Registration (Regular) 14:30 - 16:00 Thematic Sessions: Industries Roundtable Discussions (in parallel)Introduction of the representatives of government units and enterprises Introduction of the local characteristics and investment policies. Roundtable discussions - three dedicated panels:  Panel 1.  Carbon Neutrality and New Energy Industry (Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection - New Materials - Sustainable Urban Planning) Panel 2.  Advanced Manufacturing Industry (High-end Smart Equipment - Intelligent Manufacturing - Automotive and Aerospace - Smart Healthcare Industry) Panel 3. Modern Service Industry and Airport Industry (Airport Modern Logistics, business, and trade - Culture, Tourism, and Entertainment - Financial services - Science and Technology services) 16:00 - 16:30 Networking Coffee Break - Registration Plenary Session 16:30 - 18:00 Plenary Session: Global Investment Promotion Conference of Nanjing China-EU Enterprises Innovation Area 18:00 - 19:30 Dinner  Date: July 13 2021 Venue: Shanghai Garden Hotel, 58 Maoming South Road, Huangpu District Ticket: Free entry, registration needed To register, please scan the QR code below, or click here.   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries Shanghai · 2021

13 Luglio 2021
Dear members and friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that the conference "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries" will be held on Tuesday, July 13rd 2021 at the Shanghai Garden Hotel, in Shanghai. (Address: 58 Maoming South Road, Huangpu District). International cooperation and investments are the building blocks of economic development and social progress. In this context, Nanjing Lishui District stands at the front door of China's rising business opportunities. Hosted by the Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau; CPC Nanjing Lishui District Committee; Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau; Nanjing Lishui District People's government; and Nanjing Commerce Bureau; Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government, the "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries", is a platform to enrich dialogue and deepen bilateral cooperation with around 200 senior representatives from European and Chinese institutions, Chambers of Commerce, companies, and organizations, through: Three interactive sectorial "Industries Roundtable Discussions" with local government representatives reserved to selected EU and Chinese companies (subject to approval) Direct exchanges with local government on supporting policies for business development Evaluation of emerging investment opportunities Establishment of new partnerships and networking Draft Agenda 14:00—14:30  Registration (Regular) 14:30 - 16:00 Thematic Sessions: Industries Roundtable Discussions (in parallel)Introduction of the representatives of government units and enterprises Introduction of the local characteristics and investment policies. Roundtable discussions - three dedicated panels:  Panel 1.  Carbon Neutrality and New Energy Industry (Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection - New Materials - Sustainable Urban Planning) Panel 2.  Advanced Manufacturing Industry (High-end Smart Equipment - Intelligent Manufacturing - Automotive and Aerospace - Smart Healthcare Industry) Panel 3. Modern Service Industry and Airport Industry (Airport Modern Logistics, business, and trade - Culture, Tourism, and Entertainment - Financial services - Science and Technology services) 16:00 - 16:30 Networking Coffee Break - Registration Plenary Session 16:30 - 18:00 Plenary Session: Global Investment Promotion Conference of Nanjing China-EU Enterprises Innovation Area 18:00 - 19:30 Dinner  Kind Regards, CICC Team

南京中欧企业创新示范区全球(上海)推介会 - 2021 上海

13 Luglio 2021
亲爱的中国意大利商会会员们: 中国意大利商会(CICC)很高兴地邀请您参加:“南京中欧企业创新示范区全球(上海)推介会” 。推介会将于2021年7月13日(星期二)在上海花园酒店举办,这是一场中国南京政府与欧洲企业的独家对话,我们真诚邀请您的到来。 国际投资和合作是经济发展和社会进步的基石,中国与国际合作的正在向更深更广的维度发展,为外资企业带来了空前商机。南京溧水区站在中国招商引资浪潮的前沿,为欧洲企业提供深化中欧双边合作提供绝佳的政企交流平台和政策支持。 本届活动的举办单位有:中共南京市溧水区委;南京市溧水区人民政府;南京市投资促进局;南京市商务局;南京市人民政府外事办公室。 活动亮点: 与当地政府代表举行的三次互动“行业圆桌讨论会” 与当地政府就企业发展的支持政策进行直接交流 新兴投资机会的评估 建立新的伙伴关系和连接 议程 14:00-14:30会议签到 14:30--16:00 B 2 G专场推介会 政府单位和企业代表发言 地方特色和投资政策介绍 政企对接-三个小组: 1.碳中和与新能源产业专场招商会(茉莉花厅) 2. 高端智能制造产业专场招商会(兰花厅) 3.临空及现代服务产业专场招商会(百合厅) 16:00-16:30咖啡休憩-会议签到 16:30—18:00南京中欧企业创新示范区全球(上海)推介会 18:00-19:30晚餐     顺颂商祺, 中国意大利商会    

The Authentic Italian Table - Shanghai, June 20

20 Giugno 2021
    Dear Members and Friends,   Within the project "True Italian Taste", promoted and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and safeguard the authentic Italian food product, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that on 20 June the event “The Authentic Italian Table” will be held in Shanghai. One-day event, open to experts in the F&B sector, to promote and taste authentic Italian food. Event details: • Date: Sunday, June 20th, 2021 • 10:30-18:30 Location: Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai   Agenda 10:30-11:00 Registration  11:00-11:30 Introduction of the True Italian Taste project  11:30-12:00 “Culinary Authenticity and Italian Cultural Heritage”, Prof Andrea Lorenzo Baldini, Director of NJU Center for Sino-Italian Cultural Studies “ 12:00-13:00 Cooking Show with Italian Chef, using exclusively DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) certified Italian ingredients.  13:00-13:30 The “Best regional dish AIT Shanghai 2021” Award “ 13:30-14:30 Italian regional Cuisine: Sicily wine tasting 14:30-15:30 Round table: Food and Wine Tourism: destination Italy. Speakers:  Cristiano Varotti,  ENIT Italian National Tourist Board - General Manager of the Shanghai Representative Office   Nicola Sifone, Italian Official Tour Guide   Sarah Zhang, Lifestyle KOL,  Digital Marketing Expert, Host and Producer of ’’Conoisseur’’ wine show   Edward Liu, President of Sinodrink  Moderator: Cristina Corsini, President of PromoItalia - Association for the Promotion of Italian Food and Wine Culture and for the Enhancement of the Italian Restorative Techniques in China, Hong Kong and Macao.  15:30-18:00 Italian Pasta competition: Cooking class with Authentic Italian Chefs discovering Apulia, Campania, Liguria, Lombardy and Tuscany regions. 18:00-18:30 Quiz with Lucky draw!    What are the goals? • VALUE the authentic Italian food and wine productions by communicating their quality; • INCREASE the perception of Chinese consumers on authentic Italian products; • ENHANCE the visibility of Italian companies in the F&B field in China.   What does it consist of? • TO EXHIBIT and to taste F&B products through public involvement and interactive activities; • TO ORGANIZE masterclasses/short seminars on product explanation; • TO MEET Chinese F&B sector operators to expand your network of contacts.   Who will participate? The local public will consist of: • Journalists, media, KOL, bloggers, nutritionists and experts in the field; • Buyers: Chinese representatives of the local F&B distribution networks; • Consumers: Italian food and wine lovers.   Italian operators in the F&B sector will display their authentic Italian food products and prepare local dishes using authentic Italian products.   During the day, there will be masterclasses, explanations, interactive activities to gain an insight on authentic Italian food products, expand your network of contacts and of course taste the true Italian food and wine. If you missed the last edition in Shanghai visit the following link:  Scan the Qr-Code and sign up!   For more information, please send an email to     “Authentic Italian Table” is part of the “True Italian Taste” project, promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.   Kind Regards,   CICC Team  

The Authentic Italian Table - Shanghai, June 20

20 Giugno 2021
    Dear Members and Friends,   Within the project "True Italian Taste", promoted and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad to enhance and safeguard the authentic Italian food product, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that on 20 June the event “The Authentic Italian Table” will be held in Shanghai. One-day event, open to experts in the F&B sector, to promote and taste authentic Italian food. Event details: • Date: Sunday, June 20th, 2021 • 10:30-18:30 Location: Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai   Agenda 10:30-11:00 Registration  11:00-11:30  Opening remarks from  Alessandra Palumbo, Commercial Consul,  Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai                      Opening remarks from Cristiano Varotti, ENIT – Italian National Tourist Board, Head of Shanghai Office                      Introduction of the True Italian Taste project, Valtero Canepa, CICC Vice Chairman Shanghai 11:30-12:00 “Culinary Authenticity and Italian Cultural Heritage”, Prof. Andrea Lorenzo Baldini, Director of NJU Center for Sino-Italian Cultural Studies “ 12:00-13:00 Cooking Show with Italian Chef, using exclusively DOP (Protected Designation of Origin) and IGP (Protected Geographical Indication) certified Italian ingredients.  13:00-13:30 The “Best regional dish AIT Shanghai 2021” Award “ 13:30-14:30 Italian regional Cuisine: Sicily wine tasting 14:30-15:30 Round table: Food and Wine Tourism: destination Italy. Speakers:  Cristiano Varotti,  ENIT Italian National Tourist Board, Head of Shanghai Office  Nicola Sifone, Italian Official Tour Guide   Sarah Zhang, Lifestyle KOL,  Digital Marketing Expert, Host and Producer of ’’Conoisseur’’ wine show   Edward Liu, President of Sinodrink  Moderator: Cristina Corsini, Coordinator of the CICC Food & Beverage Working Group 15:30-18:00 Italian Pasta competition: Cooking class with Authentic Italian Chefs discovering Apulia, Campania, Liguria, Lombardy and Tuscany regions. 18:00-18:30 Quiz with Lucky draw!    What are the goals? • VALUE the authentic Italian food and wine productions by communicating their quality; • INCREASE the perception of Chinese consumers on authentic Italian products; • ENHANCE the visibility of Italian companies in the F&B field in China.   What does it consist of? • TO EXHIBIT and to taste F&B products through public involvement and interactive activities; • TO ORGANIZE masterclasses/short seminars on product explanation; • TO MEET Chinese F&B sector operators to expand your network of contacts.   Who will participate? The local public will consist of: • Journalists, media, KOL, bloggers, nutritionists and experts in the field; • Buyers: Chinese representatives of the local F&B distribution networks; • Consumers: Italian food and wine lovers.   Italian operators in the F&B sector will display their authentic Italian food products and prepare local dishes using authentic Italian products.   During the day, there will be masterclasses, explanations, interactive activities to gain an insight on authentic Italian food products, expand your network of contacts and of course taste the true Italian food and wine. If you missed the last edition in Shanghai visit the following link:  Scan the Qr-Code and sign up!   For more information, please send an email to     “Authentic Italian Table” is part of the “True Italian Taste” project, promoted and financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and carried out by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.   Kind Regards,   CICC Team  

The Authentic Italian Table - Shanghai, June 20

20 Giugno 2021
中国意大利商会 亲爱的会员、朋友们:   中国意大利商会(CICC)高兴地宣布,“正宗意大利餐桌”活动将于6月20日在上海举办。这一活动是“真正意大利风味”项目的一部分,该项目由意大利外交和国际合作部(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)负责推广和资助,并由意大利海外商会联合会(Assocamerestero)与海外意大利商会(Italian Chambers of Commerce)合作开展,旨在提升和捍卫正宗意大利食品名声。 这一为期一天的活动将面向餐饮行业专家,以推广和品尝正宗的意大利食品。 活动详情: 日期:2021年6月20日, 10:30-18:30 地点:上海静安香格里拉大酒店   议程安排 •10:30-11:00 签到 •11:00-11:30 正宗意大利风味介绍 •11:30-12:00 “烹饪的真实性和意大利文化遗产”,白龙教授,南京大学中意文化研究中心主任 •12:00-13:00 意大利厨师烹饪秀,精选原产地命名保护和地理标识保护的意大利食材 •13:00-13:30 2021上海正宗意大利餐桌最佳地方菜”颁奖典礼 •13:30-14:30 意大利地方美食:西西里葡萄酒品尝 •14:30-15:30 圆桌讨论:意大利食品和葡萄酒之旅 •15:30-18:00 意大利面烹饪比赛:意大利厨师烹饪秀带你了解真正的普利亚,坎帕尼亚,利古里亚,托斯卡纳美食 •18:00-18:30 Quiz with Lucky draw! 现场问答-幸运抽奖 活动目的是什么? • 通过宣传质优正宗的意大利美食和美酒,以提升其价值。 • 提高中国消费者对正宗意大利产品的认知; • 提升意大利公司在中国餐饮领域的知名度。   活动环节有哪些? • 通过公众参与和互动活动展示和品尝餐饮产品; • 组织产品讲解大师班/短期研讨会; • 结识中国餐饮业经营者,扩大来宾的人脉网络。 参加对象有哪些? 当地公众将包括: • 记者、媒体、关键意见领袖/网红、博主、营养师和该领域的专家; • 买家:当地餐饮分销网络的中国代表; • 消费者:意大利美食和美酒爱好者。   意大利餐饮经营者将展示各家正宗的意大利食品,并精选正宗的意大利产品制作当地菜肴。 白天将有大师班、解说、互动活动,让来宾了解正宗的意大利美食,扩大来宾的人脉,当然也不要错过品尝正宗意式美食和美酒的机会。  如果错过了上届在上海举行的活动,请访问以下链接。 欲了解更多信息,请致邮。 “正宗意大利餐桌”是“真正意大利风味”项目的一部分,由意大利经济发展部推广和资助,并由意大利海外商会联合会与海外意大利商会合作开展。   此致! CICC Team 中国意大利商会

欧洲企业投资合作说明会 - 5月28日, 上海

28 Maggio 2021
尊敬的会员与意大利之友, 中国意大利商会有幸通知您,江苏扬州广陵经济开发区将于2021年5月28日在上海宏安瑞士大酒店(上海市静安区愚园路1号)举办《欧洲企业投资合作说明会》。会议室将在酒店三楼的苏黎世厅进行。 扬州广陵经济开发区位于江苏地处长江经济带,是中国经济最活跃的省份之一。 2002年启动建设,2012年升格为省级经济开发区,是未来扬州东部的城市新区。     流程 15:30 – 16:30 签到 16:30 – 18:00 说明会 18:00 – 20:00 晚宴    预订及参与请扫描下方二维码:   若需更多详情,请邮件至     顺颂商祺 中国意大利商会

Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021 - May 28, Shanghai

28 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to inform you that the Guangling Industrial Park will organize the event “Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021”, on Friday, May 28th, 2021, at Swissotel Grand Shanghai (上海宏安瑞士大酒店静安区愚园路1号 / 详细活动地点: 三楼,苏黎世厅). Based in Yangzhou City, within the Yangtze River Delta, which is in one of the most developed areas in China, the project of Guangling Industrial Park started in 2002. In 2012 it became a regional-level industrial zone and a crucial area of Yangzhou City.     Agenda 16:30      Check-in 16:40     Beginning of meeting 16:45      Speech by Mr. Chen Kaihong, Vice executive mayor of Yangzhou (3 min.) 16:50     Speech by Mr. Zhu Yong, Politic Secretary of Guangling District (3 min.) 16:55     Presentation of GIP by Mr. Dai Weibao, Secretary of GIP (30 min.) 17:25     Address by Mr. Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Consulate of Shanghai (5 min.) 17:30     Address by Mr. Giovanni Pisacane, Owner of GWA (5 min. video) 17:35      Address by Mr. Alex Tan, CEO of Hyva Group (5 min. video) 17:40     Address by representative of German Emre Yangzhou Project (5 min.) 17:45     Address by Mr. Gianluca Paolazzi, GM of Mevis China (5 min.) 17:50     Thank-you speech by host (3 min.) 17:55     End of the meeting 18:00     Beginning of buffet-dinner (120 min.) 20:00     End of the event   To register, please scan the QR code below:   For more information please send an email to     Kind regards, CICC Team

Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021 - May 28, Shanghai

28 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to inform you that the Guangling Industrial Park will organize the event “Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021”, on Friday, May 28th, 2021, at Swissotel Grand Shanghai (上海宏安瑞士大酒店静安区愚园路1号 / 详细活动地点: 三楼,苏黎世厅). Based in Yangzhou City, within the Yangtze River Delta, which is in one of the most developed areas in China, the project of Guangling Industrial Park started in 2002. In 2012 it became a regional-level industrial zone and a crucial area of Yangzhou City.   Agenda 16:30      Check-in 16:40     Beginning of meeting 16:45      Speech by Mr. Chen Kaihong, Vice executive mayor of Yangzhou (3 min.) 16:50     Speech by Mr. Zhu Yong, Politic Secretary of Guangling District (3 min.) 16:55     Presentation of GIP by Mr. Dai Weibao, Secretary of GIP (30 min.) 17:25     Address by Mr. Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Consulate of Shanghai (5 min.) 17:30     Address by Mr. Giovanni Pisacane, Owner of GWA (5 min. video) 17:35      Address by Mr. Alex Tan, CEO of Hyva Group (5 min. video) 17:40     Address by representative of German Emre Yangzhou Project (5 min.) 17:45     Address by Mr. Gianluca Paolazzi, GM of Mevis China (5 min.) 17:50     Thank-you speech by host (3 min.) 17:55     End of the meeting 18:00     Beginning of buffet-dinner (120 min.) 20:00     End of the event   To register, please scan the QR code below:   For more information please send an email to     Kind regards, CICC Team

SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner - 18th May, 2021

18 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part at the SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner. The networking event will take place on Tuesday, 18th of May at La Scala, The Sukhothai Shanghai (N.380 Weihai Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. 上海市静安区威海路380号), starting from 7:30 pm (the registration begins at 7:00 pm). The dinner price to be paid online is 350 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks. For the registration, please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer     Join us! The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members! Not a Member yet? Send an email to   Kind regards, CICC Team     The wine is sponsored by  


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