Shanghai office

Address: N. 777 Weihai road,

                2nd Floor, Room 202,

                Jing'An District Shanghai

Tel: 21-63810268



欧洲企业投资合作说明会 - 5月28日, 上海

28 Maggio 2021
尊敬的会员与意大利之友, 中国意大利商会有幸通知您,江苏扬州广陵经济开发区将于2021年5月28日在上海宏安瑞士大酒店(上海市静安区愚园路1号)举办《欧洲企业投资合作说明会》。会议室将在酒店三楼的苏黎世厅进行。 扬州广陵经济开发区位于江苏地处长江经济带,是中国经济最活跃的省份之一。 2002年启动建设,2012年升格为省级经济开发区,是未来扬州东部的城市新区。     流程 15:30 – 16:30 签到 16:30 – 18:00 说明会 18:00 – 20:00 晚宴    预订及参与请扫描下方二维码:   若需更多详情,请邮件至     顺颂商祺 中国意大利商会

Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021 - May 28, Shanghai

28 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to inform you that the Guangling Industrial Park will organize the event “Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021”, on Friday, May 28th, 2021, at Swissotel Grand Shanghai (上海宏安瑞士大酒店静安区愚园路1号 / 详细活动地点: 三楼,苏黎世厅). Based in Yangzhou City, within the Yangtze River Delta, which is in one of the most developed areas in China, the project of Guangling Industrial Park started in 2002. In 2012 it became a regional-level industrial zone and a crucial area of Yangzhou City.     Agenda 16:30      Check-in 16:40     Beginning of meeting 16:45      Speech by Mr. Chen Kaihong, Vice executive mayor of Yangzhou (3 min.) 16:50     Speech by Mr. Zhu Yong, Politic Secretary of Guangling District (3 min.) 16:55     Presentation of GIP by Mr. Dai Weibao, Secretary of GIP (30 min.) 17:25     Address by Mr. Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Consulate of Shanghai (5 min.) 17:30     Address by Mr. Giovanni Pisacane, Owner of GWA (5 min. video) 17:35      Address by Mr. Alex Tan, CEO of Hyva Group (5 min. video) 17:40     Address by representative of German Emre Yangzhou Project (5 min.) 17:45     Address by Mr. Gianluca Paolazzi, GM of Mevis China (5 min.) 17:50     Thank-you speech by host (3 min.) 17:55     End of the meeting 18:00     Beginning of buffet-dinner (120 min.) 20:00     End of the event   To register, please scan the QR code below:   For more information please send an email to     Kind regards, CICC Team

Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021 - May 28, Shanghai

28 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to inform you that the Guangling Industrial Park will organize the event “Briefing on European Enterprise Investment 2021”, on Friday, May 28th, 2021, at Swissotel Grand Shanghai (上海宏安瑞士大酒店静安区愚园路1号 / 详细活动地点: 三楼,苏黎世厅). Based in Yangzhou City, within the Yangtze River Delta, which is in one of the most developed areas in China, the project of Guangling Industrial Park started in 2002. In 2012 it became a regional-level industrial zone and a crucial area of Yangzhou City.   Agenda 16:30      Check-in 16:40     Beginning of meeting 16:45      Speech by Mr. Chen Kaihong, Vice executive mayor of Yangzhou (3 min.) 16:50     Speech by Mr. Zhu Yong, Politic Secretary of Guangling District (3 min.) 16:55     Presentation of GIP by Mr. Dai Weibao, Secretary of GIP (30 min.) 17:25     Address by Mr. Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the General Consulate of Shanghai (5 min.) 17:30     Address by Mr. Giovanni Pisacane, Owner of GWA (5 min. video) 17:35      Address by Mr. Alex Tan, CEO of Hyva Group (5 min. video) 17:40     Address by representative of German Emre Yangzhou Project (5 min.) 17:45     Address by Mr. Gianluca Paolazzi, GM of Mevis China (5 min.) 17:50     Thank-you speech by host (3 min.) 17:55     End of the meeting 18:00     Beginning of buffet-dinner (120 min.) 20:00     End of the event   To register, please scan the QR code below:   For more information please send an email to     Kind regards, CICC Team

SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner - 18th May, 2021

18 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part at the SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner. The networking event will take place on Tuesday, 18th of May at La Scala, The Sukhothai Shanghai (N.380 Weihai Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. 上海市静安区威海路380号), starting from 7:30 pm (the registration begins at 7:00 pm). The dinner price to be paid online is 350 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks. For the registration, please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer     Join us! The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members! Not a Member yet? Send an email to   Kind regards, CICC Team     The wine is sponsored by  

SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner - 18th May, 2021

18 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part at the SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner. The networking event will take place on Tuesday, 18th of May at La Scala, The Sukhothai Shanghai (N.380 Weihai Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. 上海市静安区威海路380号), starting from 7:30 pm (the registration begins at 7:00 pm). The dinner price to be paid online is 350 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks. For the registration, please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer     Join us! The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members! Not a Member yet? Send an email to   Kind regards, CICC Team     The wine is sponsored by  

SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner - 18th May, 2021

18 Maggio 2021
Dear Members and Friends,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part at the SH SGSO Monthly Informal Dinner. The networking event will take place on Tuesday, 18th of May at La Scala, The Sukhothai Shanghai (N.380 Weihai Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. 上海市静安区威海路380号), starting from 7:30 pm (the registration begins at 7:00 pm). The dinner price to be paid online is 350 RMB, and it includes both dinner and drinks. For the registration, please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer     Join us! The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members! Not a Member yet? Send an email to   Kind regards, CICC Team     The wine is sponsored by  

中国意大利商会 意大利企业在华零售委员会 (QC)

意大利企业在华零售委员会 以促进意大利商会会员企业及非会员企业及个人在中国消费品领域及新零售行业(多渠道、线上、线下相结合)的发展为目的而成立,隶属于中国意大利商会。


中国已经成为消费品品牌的主要增长驱动力,中国市场所呈现的机会越来越多。这个趋势从高端产品和消费品的不断增长中可见一斑。 然而许多海外品牌缺乏专业的市场知识来最大化品牌效应以及中国市场的生态系统的杠杆效应。


零售委员会的近期活动 ——聚焦中国市场的热点问题


Italian Quality & Lifestyle Council (IQLC)


Italian Quality & Lifestyle Council (IQLC) - a council about Luxury Living, Fashion, Luxury and Premium Goods, Design, Lifestyle, focus on Retail and Digital. Our objective is to facilitate business with China for CICC  member or non member companies and individuals, in retail and consumer goods.



China to be more and more the growth driver for any consumer goods brand, especially for premium and luxury range.

CICC Networking Dinner - Wuxi, April 21, 2021

21 Aprile 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the CICC Networking Dinner in cooperation with Mammamia Wuxi on 21st April 2021 at 7:00 pm.   Event Details: Date: Wednesday, 21 April 2021, at 7:00 pm Venue: No. 34 Yang Chun Xiang. No. 9 Yongle East Road, Wuxi / 无锡市南长区永乐东路9号,阳春巷34号 Price: 258 RMB per person (payment on entry) The event is open to CICC Members and non Members.   Deadline for reservation: 18th April 2021 Click here for the registration or call the phone number: 0510-85089808 For more information please send an email to   Kind Regards, CICC Team

CICC Networking Dinner - Wuxi, April 21, 2021

21 Aprile 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the CICC Networking Dinner in cooperation with Mammamia Wuxi on 21st April 2021 at 7:00 pm.   Event Details: Date: Wednesday, 21 April 2021, at 7:00 pm Venue: No. 34 Yang Chun Xiang. No. 9 Yongle East Road, Wuxi / 无锡市南长区永乐东路9号,阳春巷34号 Price: 258 RMB per person (payment on entry) The event is open to CICC Members and non Members.   Deadline for reservation: 18th April 2021 Click here for the registration or call the phone number: 0510-85089808 For more information please send an email to   Kind Regards, CICC Team


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