
Il mercato del food&beverage in Cina: attuale situazione, opportunità e prospettive per le aziende regionali

14 Febbraio 2023
La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di presentarvi la prima sessione del progetto a regia regionale SILK2FVG PLUS dedicata al settore agroalimentare: "Il mercato del food&beverage in Cina: attuale situazione, opportunità e prospettive per le aziende regionali”. Il workshop online si terrà Martedì 14 Febbraio 9:15 am (ora italiana)/ 4:15 pm (ora cinese). Il progetto a regia regionale SILK2FVG PLUS è finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia ed attuato dall’Iniziativa Centro Europea - InCE in collaborazione con Aries - CCIAA Venezia Giulia e Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina.  Il progetto diviso in 3 sessioni settoriali è volto a rafforzare la capacità di internazionalizzazione delle imprese regionali verso la Cina.   Durante la prima sessione si esploreranno le opportunità di settore per le imprese regionali che si affacciano al mercato cinese. Gli esperti offriranno una panoramica del settore agroalimentare in Cina con particolare attenzione ai comparti: salumi e affettati, vino e caffè. Verranno inoltre presentate indicazioni in materia di importazione per le suddette tipologie di prodotto, al fine di orientare le imprese regionali interessate al mercato. AGENDA (ora italiana)  09.15 am Apertura riunione su zoom 09.30- 9:40 am Saluti introduttivi -CEI Central European Initiative -Aries CCIAA Venezia Giulia -Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 09.40- 9:55 am Introduzione e ultimi trend con focus su salumi e affettati Cristina Corsini, CEO di Good Italy 09.55- 10:10 am Opportunità del settore vinicolo in Cina Simone Incontro, Responsabile di Veronafiere Asia 10:10- 10:25 am Opportunità per il settore del caffè in Cina Walter Lumino, Managing Director di Illy Caffè Cina 10.25- 10:40 am Suggerimenti e indicazioni in materia di importazione in Cina Marta Snaidero – Dottore Commercialista e Partner di Greatway Advisory 10.40: 10:55 am Intervento del Cluster regionale Claudio Filipuzzi, Presidente della Fondazione Agrifood & Bioeconomy FVG 10.55- 11:15 am Sessione Q&A 11.15 am Prossime attività progettuali e fine lavori   DETTAGLI SULL'EVENTO Data: Martedì 14 Febbraio 2023 Orario:  9:15 am (ora italiana) / 4:15 pm (ora cinese) Modalità: Online via Zoom (il link per partecipare verrà condiviso dopo la registrazione) Prezzo: Evento Gratuito Lingua: Italiano Per registrarsi all'evento e ricevere il link zoom mandare un email a  Per ulteriori informazioni, contattateci a 

Mentorship Program with Gi Group Holding: Session III, Jan 10

10 Gennaio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), together with its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and in collaboration with Gi Group Holding, is glad to invite you to join the third session of our Mentorship Program: Career Development for China on January 10th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time).  The last appointment of the mentorship program will focus on Sectors of Interest and Skills Building for Young Professionals. Our mentor will guide us through the major sectors of interest in China and Europe/Global; he will analyze the current demographic trend and introduce us to the must-have skills for young professionals and how to acquire them.    ABOUT THE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME How to build a career plan? How to be competitive in the Chinese Market? What does it mean to be a leader and which skills do you need? The program is designed to help young professionals, managers, and graduate students build professional careers and compete in the Job Market.  Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Regional Head, will provide coaching on career development in China and give tips on building and shaping your career.  It will be an interactive and engaging format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful in navigating today’s challenges. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 20. Hurry up to get your spot!    ABOUT THE THIRD SESSION In this third session, we will cover the following topics:  - Sectors of Interest: China - Sectors of interest: Europe/Global  - Demographic Trends - How to Get the Right Skills - Suggested Skills for Young Professionals Please note: the third session is also suitable for professionals with more years of experience.    SPEAKER Daniele Merlerati Regional Head at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Session III, Tuesday, January 10th, 2023  Time: 4:00-6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English  Event Fee: Free of Charge for CICC Members / 120 RMB for Non-Members Interested in joining? Click here to register and reserve your place!  Any questions? Contact us at    

Mentorship Program with Gi Group Holding: Session III, Jan 10

10 Gennaio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), together with its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and in collaboration with Gi Group Holding, is glad to invite you to join the third session of our Mentorship Program: Career Development for China on January 10th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time).  The last appointment of the mentorship program will focus on Sectors of Interest and Skills Building for Young Professionals. Our mentor will guide us through the major sectors of interest in China and Europe/Global; he will analyze the current demographic trend and introduce us to the must-have skills for young professionals and how to acquire them.    ABOUT THE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME How to build a career plan? How to be competitive in the Chinese Market? What does it mean to be a leader and which skills do you need? The program is designed to help young professionals, managers, and graduate students build professional careers and compete in the Job Market.  Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Regional Head, will provide coaching on career development in China and give tips on building and shaping your career.  It will be an interactive and engaging format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful in navigating today’s challenges. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 20. Hurry up to get your spot!    ABOUT THE THIRD SESSION In this third session, we will cover the following topics:  - Sectors of Interest: China - Sectors of interest: Europe/Global  - Demographic Trends - How to Get the Right Skills - Suggested Skills for Young Professionals Please note: the third session is also suitable for professionals with more years of experience.    SPEAKER Daniele Merlerati Regional Head at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Session III, Tuesday, January 10th, 2023  Time: 4:00-6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English  Event Fee: Free of Charge for CICC Members / 120 RMB for Non-Members Interested in joining? Click here to register and reserve your place!  Any questions? Contact us at    

Mentorship Program with Gi Group Holding: Session III, Jan 10

10 Gennaio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), together with its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and in collaboration with Gi Group Holding, is glad to invite you to join the third session of our Mentorship Program: Career Development for China on January 10th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time).  The last appointment of the mentorship program will focus on Sectors of Interest and Skills Building for Young Professionals. Our mentor will guide us through the major sectors of interest in China and Europe/Global; he will analyze the current demographic trend and introduce us to the must-have skills for young professionals and how to acquire them.    ABOUT THE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME How to build a career plan? How to be competitive in the Chinese Market? What does it mean to be a leader and which skills do you need? The program is designed to help young professionals, managers, and graduate students build professional careers and compete in the Job Market.  Our Mentor from Gi Group Holding expert team Daniele Merlerati, Regional Head, will provide coaching on career development in China and give tips on building and shaping your career.  It will be an interactive and engaging format that will allow you to interact directly with the expert, to develop and improve soft skills that will be useful in navigating today’s challenges. Please note that the number of seats for this program is limited to 20. Hurry up to get your spot!    ABOUT THE THIRD SESSION In this third session, we will cover the following topics:  - Sectors of Interest: China - Sectors of interest: Europe/Global  - Demographic Trends - How to Get the Right Skills - Suggested Skills for Young Professionals Please note: the third session is also suitable for professionals with more years of experience.    SPEAKER Daniele Merlerati Regional Head at Gi Group Holding Daniele Merlerati, in Gi Group Holding since 2007, joined the Group as Branch Manager in Italy and quickly climbed his career reaching the role of Country Manager in 5 countries, including China from 2010 to 2012. Since 2013 he has been following the APAC area and in 2019 he assumed the role of Regional Head APAC Switzerland and Lithuania. With his international experience of the labour market in 13 countries, Mr Merlerati is very active in mentoring young talents.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Session III, Tuesday, January 10th, 2023  Time: 4:00-6:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English  Event Fee: Free of Charge for CICC Members / 120 RMB for Non-Members Interested in joining? Click here to register and reserve your place!  Any questions? Contact us at    

[Members Only] AAWG Elections 2022-24: Candidates Announcement

28 Dicembre 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the role of Coordinator and Vice Coordinator of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG). AAWG members can now cast their vote until December 27th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time). We remind you that the elected candidates will be announced during the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Online Meeting on December 28th at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   CANDIDATES Coordinator Jia Rui (BIO) China Representative, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN) Vice-Coordinator Andrea Spiriti (BIO) President, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN)   VOTING PROCESS Each Member of the AAWG can vote for n.1 candidate for Coordinator and n.1 candidate for Vice Coordinator by sending an email to within 24 hours prior to the date of the election (proxies are not accepted). The vote is secret and is cast only through the above-described process. Only Members of the AAWG who have completed the membership process more than 10 days before the date of the elections are entitled to vote. Please note that the elected Coordinator and Vice Coordinator will stay in charge for two years and must be regularly subscribed to CICC for the entire period. To consult CICC Working Groups' General Rules please click here.   ATTEND THE ELECTION To attend the online meeting, click here to register. Please note that the Working Group Meetings are open only to CICC Members.   CICC WORKING GROUPS The Working Groups bring together representatives of companies operating in the same sector or located in the same geographical area. The aim is to share information, resources and ideas, organize relevant activities for the companies, and build sectorial expertise within the CICC in order to attract interest both in China and in Italy to benefit companies not present on Chinese territory yet.  Do you want to be part of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group? Send an email to

[Members Only] AAWG Elections 2022-24: Candidates Announcement

28 Dicembre 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the role of Coordinator and Vice Coordinator of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG). AAWG members can now cast their vote until December 27th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time). We remind you that the elected candidates will be announced during the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Online Meeting on December 28th at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   CANDIDATES Coordinator Jia Rui (BIO) China Representative, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN) Vice-Coordinator Andrea Spiriti (BIO) President, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN)   VOTING PROCESS Each Member of the AAWG can vote for n.1 candidate for Coordinator and n.1 candidate for Vice Coordinator by sending an email to within 24 hours prior to the date of the election (proxies are not accepted). The vote is secret and is cast only through the above-described process. Only Members of the AAWG who have completed the membership process more than 10 days before the date of the elections are entitled to vote. Please note that the elected Coordinator and Vice Coordinator will stay in charge for two years and must be regularly subscribed to CICC for the entire period. To consult CICC Working Groups' General Rules please click here.   ATTEND THE ELECTION To attend the online meeting, click here to register. Please note that the Working Group Meetings are open only to CICC Members.   CICC WORKING GROUPS The Working Groups bring together representatives of companies operating in the same sector or located in the same geographical area. The aim is to share information, resources and ideas, organize relevant activities for the companies, and build sectorial expertise within the CICC in order to attract interest both in China and in Italy to benefit companies not present on Chinese territory yet.  Do you want to be part of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group? Send an email to

[Members Only] AAWG Elections 2022-24: Candidates Announcement

28 Dicembre 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the role of Coordinator and Vice Coordinator of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group (AAWG). AAWG members can now cast their vote until December 27th at 4:00 pm (Beijing Time). We remind you that the elected candidates will be announced during the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group Online Meeting on December 28th at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   CANDIDATES Coordinator Jia Rui (BIO) China Representative, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN) Vice-Coordinator Andrea Spiriti (BIO) President, Italian Aerospace Network (IAN)   VOTING PROCESS Each Member of the AAWG can vote for n.1 candidate for Coordinator and n.1 candidate for Vice Coordinator by sending an email to within 24 hours prior to the date of the election (proxies are not accepted). The vote is secret and is cast only through the above-described process. Only Members of the AAWG who have completed the membership process more than 10 days before the date of the elections are entitled to vote. Please note that the elected Coordinator and Vice Coordinator will stay in charge for two years and must be regularly subscribed to CICC for the entire period. To consult CICC Working Groups' General Rules please click here.   ATTEND THE ELECTION To attend the online meeting, click here to register. Please note that the Working Group Meetings are open only to CICC Members.   CICC WORKING GROUPS The Working Groups bring together representatives of companies operating in the same sector or located in the same geographical area. The aim is to share information, resources and ideas, organize relevant activities for the companies, and build sectorial expertise within the CICC in order to attract interest both in China and in Italy to benefit companies not present on Chinese territory yet.  Do you want to be part of the Aviation and Aerospace Working Group? Send an email to

Webinar | MEWG’s Cooperation with Tongji University, Nov 15

15 Novembre 2022
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) kindly invite you to a webinar aimed at exploring different ways of cooperation between Tongji University and MEWG Members. The online event will take place on Tuesday, November 15th 2022, starting at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   The meeting will focus on the MEWG’s cooperation with Tongji University, a major project that has long been in development. A representative from Tongji University will give an introduction of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, followed by Carlo Nizia, MEWG coordinator and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS, who will present the cooperation proposal between the university and MEWG’s Members. This project represents an important opportunity to cement Italy’s recognition as one of the best manufacturing Countries in Europe and a global leader in many industrial sectors in a specific target population of present and future stakeholders. Working together with Tongji University will provide an excellent chance to promote Italian brands and technologies while sharing knowledge and connecting companies with qualified human resources. The cooperation between MEWG and Tongji will be based on two fundamental channels: academic cooperation & culture and information, with the objective to become a household name in Tongji and in the future have, career days, internships, trainings, and become references for the students going to Italy to complete the degree. To find out more, register for the webinar!     AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00 - 4:15 pm Introduction to Tongji University’s Mechanical Engineering Department 4:15 - 4:45 pm Presentation of cooperation projects between Tongji University and MEWG 4:45 - 5:00 pm Q&A   EVENT DETAILS Date: November 15th, 2022 Time: 4:00 - 5:00 (Beijing time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Event fee: Free of charge Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at      

Webinar | MEWG’s Cooperation with Tongji University, Nov 15

15 Novembre 2022
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) kindly invite you to a webinar aimed at exploring different ways of cooperation between Tongji University and MEWG Members. The online event will take place on Tuesday, November 15th 2022, starting at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   The meeting will focus on the MEWG’s cooperation with Tongji University, a major project that has long been in development. A representative from Tongji University will give an introduction of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, followed by Carlo Nizia, MEWG coordinator and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS, who will present the cooperation proposal between the university and MEWG’s Members. This project represents an important opportunity to cement Italy’s recognition as one of the best manufacturing Countries in Europe and a global leader in many industrial sectors in a specific target population of present and future stakeholders. Working together with Tongji University will provide an excellent chance to promote Italian brands and technologies while sharing knowledge and connecting companies with qualified human resources. The cooperation between MEWG and Tongji will be based on two fundamental channels: academic cooperation & culture and information, with the objective to become a household name in Tongji and in the future have, career days, internships, trainings, and become references for the students going to Italy to complete the degree. To find out more, register for the webinar!     AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00 - 4:15 pm Introduction to Tongji University’s Mechanical Engineering Department 4:15 - 4:45 pm Presentation of cooperation projects between Tongji University and MEWG 4:45 - 5:00 pm Q&A   EVENT DETAILS Date: November 15th, 2022 Time: 4:00 - 5:00 (Beijing time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Event fee: Free of charge Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at      

Webinar | MEWG’s Cooperation with Tongji University, Nov 15

15 Novembre 2022
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) kindly invite you to a webinar aimed at exploring different ways of cooperation between Tongji University and MEWG Members. The online event will take place on Tuesday, November 15th 2022, starting at 4:00 pm (Beijing time).   The meeting will focus on the MEWG’s cooperation with Tongji University, a major project that has long been in development. A representative from Tongji University will give an introduction of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, followed by Carlo Nizia, MEWG coordinator and Risk Management at UFI FILTERS, who will present the cooperation proposal between the university and MEWG’s Members. This project represents an important opportunity to cement Italy’s recognition as one of the best manufacturing Countries in Europe and a global leader in many industrial sectors in a specific target population of present and future stakeholders. Working together with Tongji University will provide an excellent chance to promote Italian brands and technologies while sharing knowledge and connecting companies with qualified human resources. The cooperation between MEWG and Tongji will be based on two fundamental channels: academic cooperation & culture and information, with the objective to become a household name in Tongji and in the future have, career days, internships, trainings, and become references for the students going to Italy to complete the degree. To find out more, register for the webinar!     AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00 - 4:15 pm Introduction to Tongji University’s Mechanical Engineering Department 4:15 - 4:45 pm Presentation of cooperation projects between Tongji University and MEWG 4:45 - 5:00 pm Q&A   EVENT DETAILS Date: November 15th, 2022 Time: 4:00 - 5:00 (Beijing time) Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Event fee: Free of charge Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at      


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