
Save the date| Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette July 18th

18 Luglio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Young Profession Network (中Y意) are glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar “Understanding the Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette: Insights and Tips” on July 18th, 4:00-5:15 PM (Beijing Time).  Overview China and Italy boast very ancient and rich cultures and traditions, and their relationship can be traced to thousands of years ago. However, these cultures differ in many aspects, including their business culture.  Have you heard or experienced that building personal trust before doing business is important in China? That they are very pragmatic and have a strong work ethic? That hierarchy or respect should be expressed during meetings or dinners. The event Understanding the Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette: Insights and Tips will provide valuable insights and tips about better understanding and navigating the Chinese business culture. The webinar will focus on:  - Cultural nuances of the Chinese work environment; - Leadership style, the concept of “Guanxi,” regional cultural differences; - Business meetings and dinners etiquette; - Personal Experiences and tips from Italian entrepreneurs and managers working in China.    The event agenda will follow in the upcoming days. The event is free of charge.  Sign up & stay tuned! How to Register Scan the QR-Code below to register Events Details Date: July 18th Time: 4:00-5:15 pm Place: Online via Zoom Language: English Price: Free of Charge Any questions? Send us an email at

Save the date| Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette July 18th

18 Luglio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Young Profession Network (中Y意) are glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar “Understanding the Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette: Insights and Tips” on July 18th, 4:00-5:15 PM (Beijing Time).  Overview China and Italy boast very ancient and rich cultures and traditions, and their relationship can be traced to thousands of years ago. However, these cultures differ in many aspects, including their business culture.  Have you heard or experienced that building personal trust before doing business is important in China? That they are very pragmatic and have a strong work ethic? That hierarchy or respect should be expressed during meetings or dinners. The event Understanding the Chinese Business Culture and Etiquette: Insights and Tips will provide valuable insights and tips about better understanding and navigating the Chinese business culture. The webinar will focus on:  - Cultural nuances of the Chinese work environment; - Leadership style, the concept of “Guanxi,” regional cultural differences; - Business meetings and dinners etiquette; - Personal Experiences and tips from Italian entrepreneurs and managers working in China.    The event agenda will follow in the upcoming days. The event is free of charge.  Sign up & stay tuned! How to Register Scan the QR-Code below to register Events Details Date: July 18th Time: 4:00-5:15 pm Place: Online via Zoom Language: English Price: Free of Charge Any questions? Send us an email at

IP Workshop| Design Protection in China: Session II, July 6th

06 Luglio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) with the China IP SME Helpdesk are glad to invite you to join the second and last session of our workshop “Design Protection in China” on July 6th, 3:30-5:00 pm (Beijing Time). During the first session, held on June 29th, our IP experts provided tips on how to protect design through design patents and practical examples of enforcement in case of copycats and infringements. The last appointment of the workshop will focus on design protection through copyright and anti-unfair competition remedies. Overview Design protection is often overlooked by European companies doing business in China, despite being a very useful IP right as it protects the appearance of products and allows enterprises to act against copycats offering lower-quality products by copying the design elements. Design protection is thus essential not only for the creative industry but also for manufacturers developing unique design solutions. Under the current regulatory framework, design protection primarily falls under the scope of design patent. However, there are also other available design protection measures.  Our IP experts will train companies and individuals on design patent registration and enforcement and design protection through copyright and anti-unfair competition remedies. About the Second Session (July 6th) Design Copyright, and Anti-unfair Competition Remedies What can companies do if their design is not novel, or design patent protection/enforcement is not feasible? In some cases, innovative design solutions could be protected with copyright.  Our experts will provide a practical overview of design copyright protection and enforcement, focusing on design copyright registration, evidence collection, enforcement actions, and available remedies. They will also discuss the remedies available under the Anti-Unfair Competition Law by sharing case studies in relevant industries. The expert will explain the challenges involved and provide tips for design enforcement.  Agenda                                                                             3:30- 3:40 pm Keynote Speech- Rose Hua, Deputy Secretary General and Head of International Department at CAASA 3:40- 4:10 pm Design Copyright - Lisa Lu, IP Business Advisor at China IP SME Helpdesk  4:10- 4:40 pm Anti-unfair Competition Remedies - Filippo Sticconi, Senior Associate, GWA Greatway Advisory 4:40- 5:00 pm Q&A Session  Moderator: Carlo Geremia, CICC IPWG Coordinator & Senior Counsel at ADVANT Nctm Interested in joining? Click HERE Scan the QR Code Below to register for Session II Events Details Date:  July 6th  Time: 3:30-5:00 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Online Via Zoom Price:   Free of Charge for CICC Members and Friends              Non-Members (single ticket): 150 RMB Any questions? Contact us at 

IP Workshop| Design Protection in China, June 29th & July 6th

29 Giugno 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) with the China IP SME Helpdesk are glad to invite you to join our IP Workshop “Design Protection in China”. The workshop is organized in two online sessions on June 29th and July 6th, 3:30-5:00 pm (Beijing Time). Overview Design protection is often overlooked by European companies doing business in China, despite being a very useful IP right as it protects the appearance of products and allows enterprises to act against copycats offering lower-quality products by copying the design elements. Design protection is thus essential not only for the creative industry but also for manufacturers developing unique design solutions. Under the current regulatory framework, design protection primarily falls under the scope of design patent. However, there are also other available design protection measures. During the two workshop sessions, IP experts will train companies and individuals on design patent registration and enforcement and design protection through copyright and anti-unfair competition remedies. Program Details Session I (June 29th): Design Patent: How to Register Design Patent and Enforcement Session II (July 6th): Design Copyright, and Anti-unfair Competition Remedies About the First Session (June 29th) Design Patent: How to Register Design Patent and Enforcement During the first session, our speakers will train companies on how to register a design patent (national and international routes, requirements, registration procedures, list of documents necessary for completing the registration, costs, protection term, and invalidation) and the differences between the EU’s and China’s design registration systems. They will also provide a practical overview of the design patent enforcement, focusing on evidence collection, raids and investigations, and different enforcement avenues with estimated costs involved and remedies available. Agenda 3:30- 3:40 pm Keynote Speech- Raffaello Girotto, Legal Attaché, Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. 3:40- 4:10 pm Design Patent Registration - Lisa Lu, IP Business Advisor at China IP SME Helpdesk 4:10- 4:40 pm Design Patent Enforcement - Wang Di, Patent Attorney & Attorney-at-Law at Shanghai Patent & Trademark Law Office, LLC 4:40- 5:00 pm Q&A Session Moderator: Guilherme Campos, CICC IPWG Vice Coordinator & International Business Manager at Dezan Shira Associates Limited (Shenzhen) About the Second Session (July 6th) Design Copyright, and Anti-unfair Competition Remedies What can companies do if their design is not novel, or design patent protection/enforcement is not feasible? In some cases, innovative design solutions could be protected with copyright. Our experts will provide a practical overview of design copyright protection and enforcement, focusing on design copyright registration, evidence collection, enforcement actions, and available remedies. They will also discuss the remedies available under the Anti-Unfair Competition Law by sharing case studies in relevant industries. The expert will explain the challenges involved and provide tips for design enforcement.  Agenda 3:30- 3:40 pm Keynote Speech - Representative from CAASA 3:40- 4:10 pm Design Copyright - Lisa Lu, IP Business Advisor at China IP SME Helpdesk 4:10- 4:40 pm Anti-unfair Competition Remedies - Filippo Sticconi, Senior Associate, GWA Greatway Advisory 4:40- 5:00 pm Q&A Session Moderator: Carlo Geremia, CICC IPWG Coordinator & Senior Counsel at ADVANT Nctm   Interested in joining? Click HERE to register for Session I or for both sessions:                                      Click HERE Scan the QR Code Below to register for Session II Events Details: Date: June 29th (Session I), July 6th (Session II) Time: 3:30-5:00 pm (Beijing Time) Location: Online Via Zoom Price:   Free of Charge for CICC Members and Friends              Non-Members Package (2 sessions): 280 RMB              Non-Members (single ticket): 150 RMB Any questions? Contact us at 

Webinar | How to Register a Startup in China, May 11th

11 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) are glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar "From Employee to Enterprising: How to Register a Startup in China" on May 11th, online via Zoom at 4:00 PM (Beijing Time).   OVERVIEW In the latest years, startups have started developing worldwide. Like global trends, China has seen an increasing number of startups and tech hubs. There are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, it takes work to set up and register a company in China, especially for those at an early stage. The webinar aims to give Young Professionals an overview of how to register a startup in China and listen to the personal experiences of Italian entrepreneurs in China. The webinar will discuss the following: - How to register a startup; - Registration process and legal aspects; - Case Studies: what are the challenges & the opportunities to be an entrepreneur in China.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00-4:05 PM Brief Introduction from CICC Young Professionals Network  4:05-4:25 PM How to Register a Start-up in China: registration process and legal aspects – Mauro Dellisanti, Finance Manager at RsA Asia  4:25-5:05 PM Panel Discussion: From Employee to Enterprising Job: be an Entrepreneur in China.  - Lorenzo Barbieri, Co-founder and Brand Manager at Eastern Leaves - Demian S. Loganathan, Founder and CEO at Cantina Catering Management (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. 5:05-5:15 PM Q&A Sessions Moderator: Elisa Yazidi, Coordinator of the CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and Branding Manager at EhaiTech (Guangzhou Google Ads Experience Center)   EVENT DETAILS Date: May 11th, 2023 Time: 4:00-5:15 PM (Beijing Time) Place: Online via Zoom Ticket: Free of charge Language: English Interested in joining? Click HERE to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at    

Webinar | How to Register a Startup in China, May 11th

11 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) are glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar "From Employee to Enterprising: How to Register a Startup in China" on May 11th, online via Zoom at 4:00 PM (Beijing Time).   OVERVIEW In the latest years, startups have started developing worldwide. Like global trends, China has seen an increasing number of startups and tech hubs. There are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, it takes work to set up and register a company in China, especially for those at an early stage. The webinar aims to give Young Professionals an overview of how to register a startup in China and listen to the personal experiences of Italian entrepreneurs in China. The webinar will discuss the following: - How to register a startup; - Registration process and legal aspects; - Case Studies: what are the challenges & the opportunities to be an entrepreneur in China.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00-4:05 PM Brief Introduction from CICC Young Professionals Network  4:05-4:25 PM How to Register a Start-up in China: registration process and legal aspects – Mauro Dellisanti, Finance Manager at RsA Asia  4:25-5:05 PM Panel Discussion: From Employee to Enterprising Job: be an Entrepreneur in China.  - Lorenzo Barbieri, Co-founder and Brand Manager at Eastern Leaves - Demian S. Loganathan, Founder and CEO at Cantina Catering Management (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. 5:05-5:15 PM Q&A Sessions Moderator: Elisa Yazidi, Coordinator of the CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and Branding Manager at EhaiTech (Guangzhou Google Ads Experience Center)   EVENT DETAILS Date: May 11th, 2023 Time: 4:00-5:15 PM (Beijing Time) Place: Online via Zoom Ticket: Free of charge Language: English Interested in joining? Click HERE to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at    

Webinar | How to Register a Startup in China, May 11th

11 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) and its Young Professionals Network (中Y意) are glad to invite you to our upcoming webinar "From Employee to Enterprising: How to Register a Startup in China" on May 11th, online via Zoom at 4:00 PM (Beijing Time).   OVERVIEW In the latest years, startups have started developing worldwide. Like global trends, China has seen an increasing number of startups and tech hubs. There are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs. However, it takes work to set up and register a company in China, especially for those at an early stage. The webinar aims to give Young Professionals an overview of how to register a startup in China and listen to the personal experiences of Italian entrepreneurs in China. The webinar will discuss the following: - How to register a startup; - Registration process and legal aspects; - Case Studies: what are the challenges & the opportunities to be an entrepreneur in China.   AGENDA (Beijing Time) 4:00-4:05 PM Brief Introduction from CICC Young Professionals Network  4:05-4:25 PM How to Register a Start-up in China: registration process and legal aspects – Mauro Dellisanti, Finance Manager at RsA Asia  4:25-5:05 PM Panel Discussion: From Employee to Enterprising Job: be an Entrepreneur in China.  - Lorenzo Barbieri, Co-founder and Brand Manager at Eastern Leaves - Demian S. Loganathan, Founder and CEO at Cantina Catering Management (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. 5:05-5:15 PM Q&A Sessions Moderator: Elisa Yazidi, Coordinator of the CICC China-Italy Young Professionals Network (中Y意) and Branding Manager at EhaiTech (Guangzhou Google Ads Experience Center)   EVENT DETAILS Date: May 11th, 2023 Time: 4:00-5:15 PM (Beijing Time) Place: Online via Zoom Ticket: Free of charge Language: English Interested in joining? Click HERE to sign up! Any questions? Send us an email at    

The Circular Economy Talks Series - May 4th, 2023

04 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to share the following event by the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and Macao in collaboration with the Green & Circular Economy Committee. Members of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are offered a FREE ticket to follow the seminar online. --- Circular Economy Talks Series (CE Talks) aiming at bringing awareness on Circular Economy, while offering great insights from different professionals and corporates leading this new model of production and consumption. The CE Talks will be a quarterly discussion focusing on how we can move from today’s current linear take-make-waste economy to a circular economy. In each “episode”, professionals from different organizations and including those from industries and academia will discourse about best practices and developments in circular economy thinking and how innovative solutions are being scaled up. Drawing on experiences from the ground, experts will share examples on how Circular Economy concepts have been successfully implemented in their businesses and the growth and expansion opportunities laying ahead. The first appointment will be on May 4, at 5:30 PM, at Generali Office Hong Kong, with professionals from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. This is a hybrid event and includes a Q&A session. In-person attendees will enjoy a networking session with refreshments after the CE Talks. Tickets are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Register now!   Speakers: Carlo Cavedon Circular Economy Advisory and Financing Senior Specialist at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Christopher El Khoury Circular Economy Lab at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Yisong Guan Chief Representative of Beijing Office at Ellen MacArthur Foundation Véronique J. A. Lafon-Vinais Associate Professor of Business Education, Department of Finance at HKUST   To know more about the seminar please visit the ICCHK website at this link. Register here or scan the below QR Code to get your FREE ticket to follow the seminar online!    

The Circular Economy Talks Series - May 4th, 2023

04 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to share the following event by the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and Macao in collaboration with the Green & Circular Economy Committee. Members of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are offered a FREE ticket to follow the seminar online. --- Circular Economy Talks Series (CE Talks) aiming at bringing awareness on Circular Economy, while offering great insights from different professionals and corporates leading this new model of production and consumption. The CE Talks will be a quarterly discussion focusing on how we can move from today’s current linear take-make-waste economy to a circular economy. In each “episode”, professionals from different organizations and including those from industries and academia will discourse about best practices and developments in circular economy thinking and how innovative solutions are being scaled up. Drawing on experiences from the ground, experts will share examples on how Circular Economy concepts have been successfully implemented in their businesses and the growth and expansion opportunities laying ahead. The first appointment will be on May 4, at 5:30 PM, at Generali Office Hong Kong, with professionals from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. This is a hybrid event and includes a Q&A session. In-person attendees will enjoy a networking session with refreshments after the CE Talks. Tickets are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Register now!   Speakers: Carlo Cavedon Circular Economy Advisory and Financing Senior Specialist at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Christopher El Khoury Circular Economy Lab at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Yisong Guan Chief Representative of Beijing Office at Ellen MacArthur Foundation Véronique J. A. Lafon-Vinais Associate Professor of Business Education, Department of Finance at HKUST   To know more about the seminar please visit the ICCHK website at this link. Register here or scan the below QR Code to get your FREE ticket to follow the seminar online!    

The Circular Economy Talks Series - May 4th, 2023

04 Maggio 2023
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to share the following event by the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and Macao in collaboration with the Green & Circular Economy Committee. Members of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce are offered a FREE ticket to follow the seminar online. --- Circular Economy Talks Series (CE Talks) aiming at bringing awareness on Circular Economy, while offering great insights from different professionals and corporates leading this new model of production and consumption. The CE Talks will be a quarterly discussion focusing on how we can move from today’s current linear take-make-waste economy to a circular economy. In each “episode”, professionals from different organizations and including those from industries and academia will discourse about best practices and developments in circular economy thinking and how innovative solutions are being scaled up. Drawing on experiences from the ground, experts will share examples on how Circular Economy concepts have been successfully implemented in their businesses and the growth and expansion opportunities laying ahead. The first appointment will be on May 4, at 5:30 PM, at Generali Office Hong Kong, with professionals from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. This is a hybrid event and includes a Q&A session. In-person attendees will enjoy a networking session with refreshments after the CE Talks. Tickets are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis. Register now!   Speakers: Carlo Cavedon Circular Economy Advisory and Financing Senior Specialist at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Christopher El Khoury Circular Economy Lab at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Yisong Guan Chief Representative of Beijing Office at Ellen MacArthur Foundation Véronique J. A. Lafon-Vinais Associate Professor of Business Education, Department of Finance at HKUST   To know more about the seminar please visit the ICCHK website at this link. Register here or scan the below QR Code to get your FREE ticket to follow the seminar online!    


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