
China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference

11 Novembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends, The "China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference" will be opened in Shijiazhuang on November 11. The conference will be held both online and offline, giving the opportunity to companies to connect remotely. The online event will be broadcasted live through Zoom platform (international version), and Chinese and foreign enterprises will have one-on-one discussion through Zoom negotiation room. The online "one-to-one" negotiation will take 1-2 rounds, each round lasting about 15 minutes. In addition, there will also be an online signing ceremony for four projects between Hebei Province and Italy. The event will be organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hebei Council (CCPIT Hebei) incooperation with the Chamber of International Commerce Hebei Chamber of Commerce (CCICC), and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), with the support of the Hebei Development and Reform Commission; Industry and Information Technology Department of Hebei Province; EUSME, & Danish Chamber of Commerce in China. China-Italy Chamber of Commerce(CICC)is glad to invite you to take part in the live online even "China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference".   Should you be interested in participating, please send an email to:   Kind Regards CICC Team  

China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference

11 Novembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends, The "China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference" will be opened in Shijiazhuang on November 11. The conference will be held both online and offline, giving the opportunity to companies to connect remotely. The online event will be broadcasted live through Zoom platform (international version), and Chinese and foreign enterprises will have one-on-one discussion through Zoom negotiation room. The online "one-to-one" negotiation will take 1-2 rounds, each round lasting about 15 minutes. In addition, there will also be an online signing ceremony for four projects between Hebei Province and Italy. The event will be organized by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hebei Council (CCPIT Hebei) incooperation with the Chamber of International Commerce Hebei Chamber of Commerce (CCICC), and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), with the support of the Hebei Development and Reform Commission; Industry and Information Technology Department of Hebei Province; EUSME, & Danish Chamber of Commerce in China. China-Italy Chamber of Commerce(CICC)is glad to invite you to take part in the live online even "China (Hebei) - Italy Industry Matchmaking Exchange Conference".   Should you be interested in participating, please send an email to:   Kind Regards CICC Team  

China-Italy Industry Matchmaking Conference in Hebei - November 11th, 2020

11 Novembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in cooperation with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hebei Committee (CCPIT HEBEI) and the China Chamber of International Commerce Hebei Chamber of Commerce (CICC-Hebei), will co-host the China-Italy Industry Matchmaking Conference in Hebei on November 11th, 2020 (15:00-17:30). This event will be held in both online and offline formats. The offline meeting room will be located at the Hebei Taihang State Hotel, while the online meeting will be held through the Zoom meeting room. Up to now, 35 Italian companies have signed up to participate in this event, among which about 15 managers of Italian companies will come to Shijiazhuang to participate in the offline activities. The offline participants include representatives from Italian institutions in China and leaders from the Chinese provincial government, the CCPIT, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Shijiazhuang and Xingtai Development Zone, and representatives of enterprises in related fields in the province will also attend the conference. Member companies are welcome to attend the online conference. More information on how to join will follow.   Kind Regards, CICC Team  

China-Italy Industry Matchmaking Conference in Hebei - November 11th, 2020

11 Novembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in cooperation with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hebei Committee (CCPIT HEBEI) and the China Chamber of International Commerce Hebei Chamber of Commerce (CICC-Hebei), will co-host the China-Italy Industry Matchmaking Conference in Hebei on November 11th, 2020 (15:00-17:30). This event will be held in both online and offline formats. The offline meeting room will be located at the Hebei Taihang State Hotel, while the online meeting will be held through the Zoom meeting room. Up to now, 35 Italian companies have signed up to participate in this event, among which about 15 managers of Italian companies will come to Shijiazhuang to participate in the offline activities. The offline participants include representatives from Italian institutions in China and leaders from the Chinese provincial government, the CCPIT, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Shijiazhuang and Xingtai Development Zone, and representatives of enterprises in related fields in the province will also attend the conference. Member companies are welcome to attend the online conference. More information on how to join will follow.   Kind Regards, CICC Team  

China-Italy Industry Matchmaking Conference in Hebei - November 11th, 2020

11 Novembre 2020
亲爱的中国意大利商会的会员们和朋友们: 中国意大利商会(CICC)将于11月11日星期三 (15:00-17:30)于河北与中国国际贸易促进委员会河北省委员会( )和中国国际商会河北商会共同承办中国(河北)- 意大利产业对接交流会。   该活动在意大利驻华使馆、 欧盟中小企业中心 、河北省发展和改革委员会、  河北省工业和信息化厅、  石家庄高新技术产业开发区和邢台经济开发区的共同支持下举办。   本次活动将以线上线下两种形式共同举行。线下会议室位于河北太行国宾馆,线上洽谈则通过ZOOM会议室进行。截至目前,已有35家意大利企业报名参与此次活动,其中有大概15家意大利企业的相关负责人将亲临石家庄参与线下活动。   线下参会的人员包括意大利驻华使馆官员、中国意大利商会人员以及欧盟中小企业中心相关负责人等。此外,中方省政府领导、省贸促会、省发改委、省工信厅、省外办、石家庄以及邢台开发区主要负责人和省内相关领域企业代表也将出席本次交流会。   欢迎会员企业参加线上会议,会议链接会后续发布。   顺颂商祺 中国意大利商会团队  

Webinar: “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry.”- I&TWG- October 16th, 2020

16 Ottobre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Canton, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong - Macao, is glad to invite you to the webinar organised by its Innovation and Technology Working Group, titled “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry”, that will be held on the 16th of October via Zoom at 5 pm (China time).    The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for an audience of Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CFOs, etc.) and Senior Managers in different functional areas, including Business Development, Finance, ICT, Product/Service Developments, and Treasury.    The speakers: Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman  Graduated in Economics with a Master specialization in Business Administration at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, in 1981. High proficiency in English, good competence in Spanish & French, Mandarin basic.  Married with a Chinese woman.   International CEO/Board Executive, permanently integrated  working and living in P.R.C. since 11 years, with a successful/effective and consolidated international and Chinese experience for more than 30 years in structuring/reorganizing/developing and managing complex companies /businesses, setting and implementing growth globalized strategies, with a strong focus and experience in managing M&A and Jv’s with local partners. Solid financial background, flexible, creative, with a determined attitude in achieving challenging goals as a leader, developing external business relationships at all levels. Customer and Market oriented.   Enrico Iaria, Vice Coordinator WG I&T of CICC Based in China for 10 years, Enrico is an entrepreneur in the field of innovation and new technologies, co-founder, chief managing director of SPICI and president of Edugo.AI. He is the only Italian ever listed on Forbes China 30 Under 30 indicated in 2018 as one of the most influential young innovators in China and in 2017 awarded by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government with the recognition of "Best Practice in Managing Innovation Ecosystems “. SPICI is the open innovation hub born in San Giovanni a Teduccio Technological Pole of the University of Naples Federico II. The company, participated by well-known investors and professionals, including the president of SVIMEZ, Adriano Giannola, focuses on the design and development of technological solutions, training, business acceleration and incubation services, and it also manages intergovernmental programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development between Italy and foreign countries. Edugo.AI is the first EdTech company specializing in intelligent adaptive language education in China and expanding worldwide. Backed by Microsoft e Amazon Web Services accelerators, the company has developed an advanced system which leverages artificial intelligence and a set of NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms to improve and accelerate the learning process and advance educational institutions. Over the years, Enrico has been working on various programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the Italian Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). He is one of the coordinators of the “China-Italy BSSEC”, the intergovernmental program of cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the MIUR and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Since 2016, the program has seen the involvement of over 300 startups and innovative companies from the two countries and in 2019 it was recognized as an instrument of strategic importance within the "2020-2025 Action Plan on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and China” drawn up by the MAECI “Direzione Generale per il Sistema Paese”. He holds/has held positions as board member/advisory board member and consulting roles in companies and organizations including the Palermo Innovation Lab, of which he is an advisory board member, the Council for Economic Education, of which he has been a member of the Evaluation Commission of the China National Economic Program, and Alibaba Group, of which he has been a member of the working group that contributed to the creation of the Global E-Commerce Talent Program. He holds courses in innovation management, growth strategies and entrepreneurship at New York University, Shanghai, and at the School of Finance and Business of Shanghai Normal University, where since 2016 he was one of the youngest professors of the university. He completed his studies with the program of specialization in innovation and growth strategies at Harvard Business School. He holds a master's degree with double specialization in economics and entrepreneurship from the University of Paris-Saclay and Shanghai Normal University and a master's degree in political science and decision-making processes from the University of Florence. On Forbes Italy he regularly writes about innovation and economics. In addition to Italian, he is fluent in English and Chinese.   Vincenzo Antonetti, Head of Network Development of Innovation Communication, Culture and Marketing of Innovation of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center With a strong banking experience, Vincenzo joined the Innovation Center of Intesa Sanpaolo in 2014. Previously, he had been involved in different fields spanning from Sales Department (Branch Manager) to pricing analysis (Senior Pricing Analyst) for the Italian Market, from Strategic Marketing Department to Customer Satisfaction and Market Research Division.  With Responsibility of the Network Development of Innovation – at the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, he has the aim to support innovative projects of the Bank, creating new business opportunities for both national and international Company Customers, scouting new technologies and generating global collaborations in order to facilitate match-making and investment opportunities for corporates and startups. He graduated with honor in Economics from the University of Turin, and also has a master's degree in Banking & Finance at SDA Luigi Bocconi.   Savino Damico, Head of Fintech Ecosystem Management and Monitoring, Innovation Department, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. He joined the Bank in 1992, covering over the past years many roles in the area of traditional and innovative payments and a number of remarkable positions both at national and international level: • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at National Banking Association - Payments Committee; • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at IBOS Association - Board of Directors; • Italian Representative at European Payments Council - OITS WG (a strandardization committee); • Italian representative at EBA Clearing - SEPA Business WG. Some of his current achievements and responsibilities include: being part of the Working Group, led by the European Commission, named “Blockchain Policy and Framework Conditions”; representing Italian Banking community at the EBF, an ad-hoc Committee on “EU Regulatory Framework of Experimentation”; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) promoted by the European Commission; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at Business Committee at OCED Expert Group on Blockchain; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the EBF Committee on Blockchain and crytpocurrencies; having been selected for joining the Advisory Board of the “International Master in Fintech, Finance and Digital Innovation of MIP (Graduate School of Business - Politecnico di Milano)”; mentoring some start-ups (dealing with Biometrics, digital payments and IT integration) mainly within the Fintech Hub “The Floor” in Tel Aviv. Prior position always within the Bank, back in 2012, was that of Head of Digital Payments and Biometrics, Research & Development Department. He holds a degree with honors in Economics at Turin University.   The moderator will be Vittorio Oliva. He is the Head of Italian Coverage of the Hong Kong Branch of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.. He oversees the business relationships with Italian Groups in Hong Kong and supports APAC-Italy cross border business and innovation developments, with a focus on the Greater Bay Area. He has been with Intesa Sanpaolo since 2000 and held several positions in USA and in Europe - including General Manager of the London Branch ex Sanpaolo IMI, General Manager of the Frankfurt Branch and Italian Head of Mid Corporate – Nord West – prior to being moved to the Intesa Sanpaolo’s APAC HQs. Main stakeholders he has been working with in the last 25 years of career in 8 different Countries primarily include National & International Institutions, Profit & Non-Profit Organizations, Universities, Start Ups, SMEs and Large Corporates. He holds a bachelor in Business Economics and a MBA from the University of ROME II, has participated into different Banking Executives Programme including one at INSEAD Business School, is fluent in 5 languages and married with two children. He is also the Vice Coordinator of the Working Group Innovation and Technology of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   The webinar will explore how the Innovation Functions of an International banking group are interpreting their “roles”, in order to stay ahead of competition and at the same time to support Customers. Focus will also be given to ad hoc initiatives, products, and services, that allow scaling of primarily Innovative and Technologically-driven start-ups and SMEs in Host Countries including China.   Price: CICC Members and Friends - Free of charge  CICC Non Members - 200 rmb   To register scan the QR code: Best Regards, CICC Team

Webinar: “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry.”- I&TWG- October 16th, 2020

16 Ottobre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Canton, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong - Macao, is glad to invite you to the webinar organised by its Innovation and Technology Working Group, titled “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry”, that will be held on the 16th of October via Zoom at 5 pm (China time).    The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for an audience of Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CFOs, etc.) and Senior Managers in different functional areas, including Business Development, Finance, ICT, Product/Service Developments, and Treasury.    The speakers: Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman  Graduated in Economics with a Master specialization in Business Administration at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, in 1981. High proficiency in English, good competence in Spanish & French, Mandarin basic.  Married with a Chinese woman.   International CEO/Board Executive, permanently integrated  working and living in P.R.C. since 11 years, with a successful/effective and consolidated international and Chinese experience for more than 30 years in structuring/reorganizing/developing and managing complex companies /businesses, setting and implementing growth globalized strategies, with a strong focus and experience in managing M&A and Jv’s with local partners. Solid financial background, flexible, creative, with a determined attitude in achieving challenging goals as a leader, developing external business relationships at all levels. Customer and Market oriented.   Enrico Iaria, Vice Coordinator WG I&T of CICC Based in China for 10 years, Enrico is an entrepreneur in the field of innovation and new technologies, co-founder, chief managing director of SPICI and president of Edugo.AI. He is the only Italian ever listed on Forbes China 30 Under 30 indicated in 2018 as one of the most influential young innovators in China and in 2017 awarded by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government with the recognition of "Best Practice in Managing Innovation Ecosystems “. SPICI is the open innovation hub born in San Giovanni a Teduccio Technological Pole of the University of Naples Federico II. The company, participated by well-known investors and professionals, including the president of SVIMEZ, Adriano Giannola, focuses on the design and development of technological solutions, training, business acceleration and incubation services, and it also manages intergovernmental programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development between Italy and foreign countries. Edugo.AI is the first EdTech company specializing in intelligent adaptive language education in China and expanding worldwide. Backed by Microsoft e Amazon Web Services accelerators, the company has developed an advanced system which leverages artificial intelligence and a set of NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms to improve and accelerate the learning process and advance educational institutions. Over the years, Enrico has been working on various programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the Italian Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). He is one of the coordinators of the “China-Italy BSSEC”, the intergovernmental program of cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the MIUR and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Since 2016, the program has seen the involvement of over 300 startups and innovative companies from the two countries and in 2019 it was recognized as an instrument of strategic importance within the "2020-2025 Action Plan on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and China” drawn up by the MAECI “Direzione Generale per il Sistema Paese”. He holds/has held positions as board member/advisory board member and consulting roles in companies and organizations including the Palermo Innovation Lab, of which he is an advisory board member, the Council for Economic Education, of which he has been a member of the Evaluation Commission of the China National Economic Program, and Alibaba Group, of which he has been a member of the working group that contributed to the creation of the Global E-Commerce Talent Program. He holds courses in innovation management, growth strategies and entrepreneurship at New York University, Shanghai, and at the School of Finance and Business of Shanghai Normal University, where since 2016 he was one of the youngest professors of the university. He completed his studies with the program of specialization in innovation and growth strategies at Harvard Business School. He holds a master's degree with double specialization in economics and entrepreneurship from the University of Paris-Saclay and Shanghai Normal University and a master's degree in political science and decision-making processes from the University of Florence. On Forbes Italy he regularly writes about innovation and economics. In addition to Italian, he is fluent in English and Chinese.   Vincenzo Antonetti, Head of Network Development of Innovation Communication, Culture and Marketing of Innovation of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center With a strong banking experience, Vincenzo joined the Innovation Center of Intesa Sanpaolo in 2014. Previously, he had been involved in different fields spanning from Sales Department (Branch Manager) to pricing analysis (Senior Pricing Analyst) for the Italian Market, from Strategic Marketing Department to Customer Satisfaction and Market Research Division.  With Responsibility of the Network Development of Innovation – at the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, he has the aim to support innovative projects of the Bank, creating new business opportunities for both national and international Company Customers, scouting new technologies and generating global collaborations in order to facilitate match-making and investment opportunities for corporates and startups. He graduated with honor in Economics from the University of Turin, and also has a master's degree in Banking & Finance at SDA Luigi Bocconi.   Savino Damico, Head of Fintech Ecosystem Management and Monitoring, Innovation Department, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. He joined the Bank in 1992, covering over the past years many roles in the area of traditional and innovative payments and a number of remarkable positions both at national and international level: • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at National Banking Association - Payments Committee; • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at IBOS Association - Board of Directors; • Italian Representative at European Payments Council - OITS WG (a strandardization committee); • Italian representative at EBA Clearing - SEPA Business WG. Some of his current achievements and responsibilities include: being part of the Working Group, led by the European Commission, named “Blockchain Policy and Framework Conditions”; representing Italian Banking community at the EBF, an ad-hoc Committee on “EU Regulatory Framework of Experimentation”; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) promoted by the European Commission; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at Business Committee at OCED Expert Group on Blockchain; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the EBF Committee on Blockchain and crytpocurrencies; having been selected for joining the Advisory Board of the “International Master in Fintech, Finance and Digital Innovation of MIP (Graduate School of Business - Politecnico di Milano)”; mentoring some start-ups (dealing with Biometrics, digital payments and IT integration) mainly within the Fintech Hub “The Floor” in Tel Aviv. Prior position always within the Bank, back in 2012, was that of Head of Digital Payments and Biometrics, Research & Development Department. He holds a degree with honors in Economics at Turin University.   The moderator will be Vittorio Oliva. He is the Head of Italian Coverage of the Hong Kong Branch of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.. He oversees the business relationships with Italian Groups in Hong Kong and supports APAC-Italy cross border business and innovation developments, with a focus on the Greater Bay Area. He has been with Intesa Sanpaolo since 2000 and held several positions in USA and in Europe - including General Manager of the London Branch ex Sanpaolo IMI, General Manager of the Frankfurt Branch and Italian Head of Mid Corporate – Nord West – prior to being moved to the Intesa Sanpaolo’s APAC HQs. Main stakeholders he has been working with in the last 25 years of career in 8 different Countries primarily include National & International Institutions, Profit & Non-Profit Organizations, Universities, Start Ups, SMEs and Large Corporates. He holds a bachelor in Business Economics and a MBA from the University of ROME II, has participated into different Banking Executives Programme including one at INSEAD Business School, is fluent in 5 languages and married with two children. He is also the Vice Coordinator of the Working Group Innovation and Technology of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   The webinar will explore how the Innovation Functions of an International banking group are interpreting their “roles”, in order to stay ahead of competition and at the same time to support Customers. Focus will also be given to ad hoc initiatives, products, and services, that allow scaling of primarily Innovative and Technologically-driven start-ups and SMEs in Host Countries including China.   Price: CICC Members and Friends - Free of charge  CICC Non Members - 200 rmb   To register scan the QR code: Best Regards, CICC Team

Webinar: “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry.”- I&TWG- October 16th, 2020

16 Ottobre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Canton, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong - Macao, is glad to invite you to the webinar organised by its Innovation and Technology Working Group, titled “The future of banking: technological trends reshaping the industry”, that will be held on the 16th of October via Zoom at 5 pm (China time).    The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for an audience of Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CFOs, etc.) and Senior Managers in different functional areas, including Business Development, Finance, ICT, Product/Service Developments, and Treasury.    The speakers: Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman  Graduated in Economics with a Master specialization in Business Administration at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, in 1981. High proficiency in English, good competence in Spanish & French, Mandarin basic.  Married with a Chinese woman.   International CEO/Board Executive, permanently integrated  working and living in P.R.C. since 11 years, with a successful/effective and consolidated international and Chinese experience for more than 30 years in structuring/reorganizing/developing and managing complex companies /businesses, setting and implementing growth globalized strategies, with a strong focus and experience in managing M&A and Jv’s with local partners. Solid financial background, flexible, creative, with a determined attitude in achieving challenging goals as a leader, developing external business relationships at all levels. Customer and Market oriented.   Enrico Iaria, Vice Coordinator WG I&T of CICC Based in China for 10 years, Enrico is an entrepreneur in the field of innovation and new technologies, co-founder, chief managing director of SPICI and president of Edugo.AI. He is the only Italian ever listed on Forbes China 30 Under 30 indicated in 2018 as one of the most influential young innovators in China and in 2017 awarded by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government with the recognition of "Best Practice in Managing Innovation Ecosystems “. SPICI is the open innovation hub born in San Giovanni a Teduccio Technological Pole of the University of Naples Federico II. The company, participated by well-known investors and professionals, including the president of SVIMEZ, Adriano Giannola, focuses on the design and development of technological solutions, training, business acceleration and incubation services, and it also manages intergovernmental programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development between Italy and foreign countries. Edugo.AI is the first EdTech company specializing in intelligent adaptive language education in China and expanding worldwide. Backed by Microsoft e Amazon Web Services accelerators, the company has developed an advanced system which leverages artificial intelligence and a set of NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms to improve and accelerate the learning process and advance educational institutions. Over the years, Enrico has been working on various programs of scientific-technological cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the Italian Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). He is one of the coordinators of the “China-Italy BSSEC”, the intergovernmental program of cooperation and entrepreneurial development of the MIUR and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. Since 2016, the program has seen the involvement of over 300 startups and innovative companies from the two countries and in 2019 it was recognized as an instrument of strategic importance within the "2020-2025 Action Plan on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and China” drawn up by the MAECI “Direzione Generale per il Sistema Paese”. He holds/has held positions as board member/advisory board member and consulting roles in companies and organizations including the Palermo Innovation Lab, of which he is an advisory board member, the Council for Economic Education, of which he has been a member of the Evaluation Commission of the China National Economic Program, and Alibaba Group, of which he has been a member of the working group that contributed to the creation of the Global E-Commerce Talent Program. He holds courses in innovation management, growth strategies and entrepreneurship at New York University, Shanghai, and at the School of Finance and Business of Shanghai Normal University, where since 2016 he was one of the youngest professors of the university. He completed his studies with the program of specialization in innovation and growth strategies at Harvard Business School. He holds a master's degree with double specialization in economics and entrepreneurship from the University of Paris-Saclay and Shanghai Normal University and a master's degree in political science and decision-making processes from the University of Florence. On Forbes Italy he regularly writes about innovation and economics. In addition to Italian, he is fluent in English and Chinese.   Vincenzo Antonetti, Head of Network Development of Innovation Communication, Culture and Marketing of Innovation of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center With a strong banking experience, Vincenzo joined the Innovation Center of Intesa Sanpaolo in 2014. Previously, he had been involved in different fields spanning from Sales Department (Branch Manager) to pricing analysis (Senior Pricing Analyst) for the Italian Market, from Strategic Marketing Department to Customer Satisfaction and Market Research Division.  With Responsibility of the Network Development of Innovation – at the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, he has the aim to support innovative projects of the Bank, creating new business opportunities for both national and international Company Customers, scouting new technologies and generating global collaborations in order to facilitate match-making and investment opportunities for corporates and startups. He graduated with honor in Economics from the University of Turin, and also has a master's degree in Banking & Finance at SDA Luigi Bocconi.   Savino Damico, Head of Fintech Ecosystem Management and Monitoring, Innovation Department, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. He joined the Bank in 1992, covering over the past years many roles in the area of traditional and innovative payments and a number of remarkable positions both at national and international level: • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at National Banking Association - Payments Committee; • Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. representative at IBOS Association - Board of Directors; • Italian Representative at European Payments Council - OITS WG (a strandardization committee); • Italian representative at EBA Clearing - SEPA Business WG. Some of his current achievements and responsibilities include: being part of the Working Group, led by the European Commission, named “Blockchain Policy and Framework Conditions”; representing Italian Banking community at the EBF, an ad-hoc Committee on “EU Regulatory Framework of Experimentation”; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA) promoted by the European Commission; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at Business Committee at OCED Expert Group on Blockchain; representing Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. at the EBF Committee on Blockchain and crytpocurrencies; having been selected for joining the Advisory Board of the “International Master in Fintech, Finance and Digital Innovation of MIP (Graduate School of Business - Politecnico di Milano)”; mentoring some start-ups (dealing with Biometrics, digital payments and IT integration) mainly within the Fintech Hub “The Floor” in Tel Aviv. Prior position always within the Bank, back in 2012, was that of Head of Digital Payments and Biometrics, Research & Development Department. He holds a degree with honors in Economics at Turin University.   The moderator will be Vittorio Oliva. He is the Head of Italian Coverage of the Hong Kong Branch of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.. He oversees the business relationships with Italian Groups in Hong Kong and supports APAC-Italy cross border business and innovation developments, with a focus on the Greater Bay Area. He has been with Intesa Sanpaolo since 2000 and held several positions in USA and in Europe - including General Manager of the London Branch ex Sanpaolo IMI, General Manager of the Frankfurt Branch and Italian Head of Mid Corporate – Nord West – prior to being moved to the Intesa Sanpaolo’s APAC HQs. Main stakeholders he has been working with in the last 25 years of career in 8 different Countries primarily include National & International Institutions, Profit & Non-Profit Organizations, Universities, Start Ups, SMEs and Large Corporates. He holds a bachelor in Business Economics and a MBA from the University of ROME II, has participated into different Banking Executives Programme including one at INSEAD Business School, is fluent in 5 languages and married with two children. He is also the Vice Coordinator of the Working Group Innovation and Technology of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.   The webinar will explore how the Innovation Functions of an International banking group are interpreting their “roles”, in order to stay ahead of competition and at the same time to support Customers. Focus will also be given to ad hoc initiatives, products, and services, that allow scaling of primarily Innovative and Technologically-driven start-ups and SMEs in Host Countries including China.   Price: CICC Members and Friends - Free of charge  CICC Non Members - 200 rmb   To register scan the QR code: Best Regards, CICC Team

Webinar: "SCADA and MES Essentials" - I&TWG - September 24th, 2020

24 Settembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the webinar organised by its Innovation and Technology Working group, titled “SCADA and MES Essentials” that will be held on 24th of September via Zoom at 5 pm. The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for an audience of Industrial Plant Managers, Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CFOs etc), Corporate Senior Managers and it will tackle Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), together with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), two well-known tools for Digital Factories. During the webinar, the speaker Gianluca Giorgi will explain the reason why these tools have become essentials over time in Manufacturing Processes and main benefits for Users. Some Case Studies will be shared, to provide a comprehensive overview from a managerial perspective. Speaker Gianluca Giorgi, CEO of ES Automation Consulting Ltd, strategic mentors in Robotics and Automation projects. Director of the Italian Innovation and Technologies Working Group in China belong to Italian Chamber of Commerce. Click here to read the BIO.   Moderator Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner of Asecorp China Business Consulting is a strategy and hr consultant with over 10 years experience in Chinese market. She is as well a PhD candidate at Catalonia Open University, researching the impact of automation on the organization and future of work.   To register scan the QR code: The details to join the event via Zoom will be communicated by email to each participant.   Best regards, The CICC Team  

Webinar: "SCADA and MES Essentials" - I&TWG - September 24th, 2020

24 Settembre 2020
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the webinar organised by its Innovation and Technology Working group, titled “SCADA and MES Essentials” that will be held on 24th of September via Zoom at 5 pm. The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for an audience of Industrial Plant Managers, Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CFOs etc), Corporate Senior Managers and it will tackle Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), together with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), two well-known tools for Digital Factories. During the webinar, the speaker Gianluca Giorgi will explain the reason why these tools have become essentials over time in Manufacturing Processes and main benefits for Users. Some Case Studies will be shared, to provide a comprehensive overview from a managerial perspective. Speaker Gianluca Giorgi, CEO of ES Automation Consulting Ltd, strategic mentors in Robotics and Automation projects. Director of the Italian Innovation and Technologies Working Group in China belong to Italian Chamber of Commerce. Click here to read the BIO.   Moderator Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner of Asecorp China Business Consulting is a strategy and hr consultant with over 10 years experience in Chinese market. She is as well a PhD candidate at Catalonia Open University, researching the impact of automation on the organization and future of work.   To register scan the QR code: The details to join the event via Zoom will be communicated by email to each participant.   Best regards, The CICC Team  


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