
IT Trends and Related IP Issues, Beijing, March 8th

08 Marzo 2011
  With ever evolving technologies and a change in consumer trends, comes the need to modernize IT trends.   The Client of the future will be mobile and virtualized, creating an unknown complexity with regard to tax and publisher compliance.   Stephan Cadisch from SoftwareONE will show us: · The trends in future licensing models; · How the move from perpetual models to subscriptions based models will impact the IT planning; · How new Volume License Offerings, such as Office 365, Windows Intune and SelectPlus will impact the customers: benefits and loopholes.   IT departments will also have to be modernized as they often rely on the antiquated "break-fix" model of IT service, addressing and fixing problems only after they happen. Michael Chen from Kaseya will introduce the concept of "IT Automation" to show how to transform your IT department from a reactive cost center into a highly proactive, value-adding organization that doesn`t allow IT problems to occur!   A breakfast will be served during the presentation.   Location: Hotel Hilton 1 Dongfang Road East Third Ring North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京希尔顿酒店 北京市朝阳区 东三环北路东方路1号‎ Tel: +86 10 5865 5000‎  

IT Trends and Related IP Issues, Beijing, March 8th

08 Marzo 2011
  With ever evolving technologies and a change in consumer trends, comes the need to modernize IT trends.   The Client of the future will be mobile and virtualized, creating an unknown complexity with regard to tax and publisher compliance.   Stephan Cadisch from SoftwareONE will show us: · The trends in future licensing models; · How the move from perpetual models to subscriptions based models will impact the IT planning; · How new Volume License Offerings, such as Office 365, Windows Intune and SelectPlus will impact the customers: benefits and loopholes.   IT departments will also have to be modernized as they often rely on the antiquated "break-fix" model of IT service, addressing and fixing problems only after they happen. Michael Chen from Kaseya will introduce the concept of "IT Automation" to show how to transform your IT department from a reactive cost center into a highly proactive, value-adding organization that doesn`t allow IT problems to occur!   A breakfast will be served during the presentation.   Location: Hotel Hilton 1 Dongfang Road East Third Ring North Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京希尔顿酒店 北京市朝阳区 东三环北路东方路1号‎ Tel: +86 10 5865 5000‎  

HR Social Networking Night, Beijing March 2nd

02 Marzo 2011
This event is designed to provide leading professionals in the human resource field the opportunity to network and share industry perspectives. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with friends in the industry at the D bar, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. We hope to see you there for what promises to be a fun and casual way to expand your professional network!   Admission will be paid at the entrance. The price includes two drinks and a selection of canapés. Happy hour (Buy one get one free) runs until 9:00pm.   Please note that this event is exclusively for those working in HR-related sectors. For questions or further information, please send e-mail at:   Location: Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel D Bar 61 Dongsanhuan Middle Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 富力万丽酒店 北京市朝阳区 东三环中路61号 Tel: +86 10 5863 8888  

HR Social Networking Night, Beijing March 2nd

02 Marzo 2011
This event is designed to provide leading professionals in the human resource field the opportunity to network and share industry perspectives. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with friends in the industry at the D bar, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. We hope to see you there for what promises to be a fun and casual way to expand your professional network!   Admission will be paid at the entrance. The price includes two drinks and a selection of canapés. Happy hour (Buy one get one free) runs until 9:00pm.   Please note that this event is exclusively for those working in HR-related sectors. For questions or further information, please send e-mail at:   Location: Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel D Bar 61 Dongsanhuan Middle Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 富力万丽酒店 北京市朝阳区 东三环中路61号 Tel: +86 10 5863 8888  

HR Social Networking Night, Beijing March 2nd

02 Marzo 2011
This event is designed to provide leading professionals in the human resource field the opportunity to network and share industry perspectives. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with friends in the industry at the D bar, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. We hope to see you there for what promises to be a fun and casual way to expand your professional network!   Admission will be paid at the entrance. The price includes two drinks and a selection of canapés. Happy hour (Buy one get one free) runs until 9:00pm.   Please note that this event is exclusively for those working in HR-related sectors. For questions or further information, please send e-mail at:   Location: Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel D Bar 61 Dongsanhuan Middle Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 富力万丽酒店 北京市朝阳区 东三环中路61号 Tel: +86 10 5863 8888 

Raising Children Internationally & Inter-culturally, Beijing, Mar. 9th

09 Marzo 2011
  The presentation will focus on the impact of life in a foreign country on the child`s character and behavior. Dr. Zilber will offer strategies for mitigating some of the challenges. Dr. Zilber will also present a message to managers and CEOs of participating companies about the benefits that cross cultural kids offer to the companies that one day will hire them. Recruiting candidates with an international profile adds value to private entities whose services are measured by effectiveness in communication as well. The seminar will be presented by Dr. Ettie Zilber, Head of Beijing BISS International School. Location: Capital Club, 50/F Capital Mansion, No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区新源南路6号 京城大厦50层 京城俱乐部 Tel: +86 10 8486 2225  

Raising Children Internationally & Inter-culturally, Beijing, Mar. 9th

09 Marzo 2011
  The presentation will focus on the impact of life in a foreign country on the child`s character and behavior. Dr. Zilber will offer strategies for mitigating some of the challenges. Dr. Zilber will also present a message to managers and CEOs of participating companies about the benefits that cross cultural kids offer to the companies that one day will hire them. Recruiting candidates with an international profile adds value to private entities whose services are measured by effectiveness in communication as well. The seminar will be presented by Dr. Ettie Zilber, Head of Beijing BISS International School. Location: Capital Club, 50/F Capital Mansion, No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区新源南路6号 京城大厦50层 京城俱乐部 Tel: +86 10 8486 2225  

Raising Children Internationally & Inter-culturally, Beijing, Mar. 9th

09 Marzo 2011
  The presentation will focus on the impact of life in a foreign country on the child`s character and behavior. Dr. Zilber will offer strategies for mitigating some of the challenges. Dr. Zilber will also present a message to managers and CEOs of participating companies about the benefits that cross cultural kids offer to the companies that one day will hire them. Recruiting candidates with an international profile adds value to private entities whose services are measured by effectiveness in communication as well. The seminar will be presented by Dr. Ettie Zilber, Head of Beijing BISS International School. Location: Capital Club, 50/F Capital Mansion, No. 6 Xin Yuan Nan Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区新源南路6号 京城大厦50层 京城俱乐部 Tel: +86 10 8486 2225  

Introduction to the 12th Five Year Plan, Beijing, Feb. 22nd

22 Febbraio 2011
    In March of this year China will adopt the 12th Five Year Plan. This plan represents the strategic policy document guiding China`s economic development through 2015. In fact, the policies outlined in the plan will affect the business of every foreign invested company in China.   We will consider first the 10 basic goals of the five year plan. Afterwards we will consider in detail the two themes that will mostly impact foreign business:   • China`s plan to transition to an economy characterized by domestic consumption and indigenous innovation; • China`s plan to achieve energy security while effectively confronting the issues of environmental pollution and climate change.   China`s goal is to completely transform its economy over the next decade. The 12th Five Year Plan is the first stage of that transformation. By understanding the Plan and its basic themes, foreign companies can effectively position themselves for participation in this ambitious program.   The seminar will be presented by Mr Steven M. Dickinson, partner of the Harris Moure International Law Firm.   Location: Kerry Centre Hotel No.1 Guang Hua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京嘉里中心大酒店 北京市朝阳区光华路1号 Tel: 010 6561 8833

Introduction to the 12th Five Year Plan, Beijing, Feb. 22nd

22 Febbraio 2011
    In March of this year China will adopt the 12th Five Year Plan. This plan represents the strategic policy document guiding China`s economic development through 2015. In fact, the policies outlined in the plan will affect the business of every foreign invested company in China.   We will consider first the 10 basic goals of the five year plan. Afterwards we will consider in detail the two themes that will mostly impact foreign business:   • China`s plan to transition to an economy characterized by domestic consumption and indigenous innovation; • China`s plan to achieve energy security while effectively confronting the issues of environmental pollution and climate change.   China`s goal is to completely transform its economy over the next decade. The 12th Five Year Plan is the first stage of that transformation. By understanding the Plan and its basic themes, foreign companies can effectively position themselves for participation in this ambitious program.   The seminar will be presented by Mr Steven M. Dickinson, partner of the Harris Moure International Law Firm.   Location: Kerry Centre Hotel No.1 Guang Hua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京嘉里中心大酒店 北京市朝阳区光华路1号 Tel: 010 6561 8833


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