
Presentazione del libro “Tra poco la Cina” di Davide Cucino

10 Dicembre 2012
               “Tra poco la Cina” analizza con grande competenza il percorso che ha portato la Cina da paese chiuso e gravemente arretrato a potenza trainante dell’economia mondiale, attraverso una originale politica di soft power, operando a volte in maniera criticabile e utilizzando strategie differenti rispetto ai paesi occidentali. Comprendere questa storia è fondamentale, soprattutto in questi tempi di rapida evoluzione, nei quali la Cina giocherà sicuramente un ruolo da protagonista.   Davide Cucino (1966), dirigente d’impresa, è stato Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (2002-2010) ed è attualmente Presidente della European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Vive e lavora stabilmente a Pechino dalla fine degli anni ottanta. “Tra poco la Cina” è il suo primo libro.   La presentazione si terrà il giorno 10 Dicembre 2012 alle ore 18.30 presso il Teatro dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura.   Programma dell’evento: 18.30 Registrazione 19.00-20.00 Presentazione e Q&A Ingresso libero. 

Presentazione del libro “Tra poco la Cina” di Davide Cucino

10 Dicembre 2012
               “Tra poco la Cina” analizza con grande competenza il percorso che ha portato la Cina da paese chiuso e gravemente arretrato a potenza trainante dell’economia mondiale, attraverso una originale politica di soft power, operando a volte in maniera criticabile e utilizzando strategie differenti rispetto ai paesi occidentali. Comprendere questa storia è fondamentale, soprattutto in questi tempi di rapida evoluzione, nei quali la Cina giocherà sicuramente un ruolo da protagonista.   Davide Cucino (1966), dirigente d’impresa, è stato Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (2002-2010) ed è attualmente Presidente della European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Vive e lavora stabilmente a Pechino dalla fine degli anni ottanta. “Tra poco la Cina” è il suo primo libro.   La presentazione si terrà il giorno 10 Dicembre 2012 alle ore 18.30 presso il Teatro dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura.   Programma dell’evento: 18.30 Registrazione 19.00-20.00 Presentazione e Q&A Ingresso libero. 

"Percorsi di formazione sulla genitorialità" - Beijing, 6 Dicembre 2012

06 Dicembre 2012
Ogni incontro è stato pensato come uno spazio di confronto e di riflessione sull`infanzia e sull`adolescenza, sulle diverse fasi di crescita, per migliorare le competenze relazionali nel dialogo con i figli, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione multiculturale e ad alcuni tratti peculiari legati alla condizione delle famiglie che vivono all`estero.   Le conferenze saranno tenute da esperti e da esperte dell`età evolutiva con cadenza mensile presso l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in lingua italiana e a partecipazione gratuita.   La prima conferenza avrà come oggetto "I ruoli educativi, gli stili comunicativi e relazionali dei genitori con i propri figli" e avrà luogo il 6 dicembre 2012 dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 19.30. Relatrice è la dottoressa Mariassunta Peci, psicopedagogista.   Per ulteriori informazioni, vi invitiamo a rivolgervi alla segreteria di Monserrate tel. 010 65388025 e a prendere visione della brochure.

"Percorsi di formazione sulla genitorialità" - Beijing, 6 Dicembre 2012

06 Dicembre 2012
Ogni incontro è stato pensato come uno spazio di confronto e di riflessione sull`infanzia e sull`adolescenza, sulle diverse fasi di crescita, per migliorare le competenze relazionali nel dialogo con i figli, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione multiculturale e ad alcuni tratti peculiari legati alla condizione delle famiglie che vivono all`estero.   Le conferenze saranno tenute da esperti e da esperte dell`età evolutiva con cadenza mensile presso l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in lingua italiana e a partecipazione gratuita.   La prima conferenza avrà come oggetto "I ruoli educativi, gli stili comunicativi e relazionali dei genitori con i propri figli" e avrà luogo il 6 dicembre 2012 dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 19.30. Relatrice è la dottoressa Mariassunta Peci, psicopedagogista.   Per ulteriori informazioni, vi invitiamo a rivolgervi alla segreteria di Monserrate tel. 010 65388025 e a prendere visione della brochure.

"Percorsi di formazione sulla genitorialità" - Beijing, 6 Dicembre 2012

06 Dicembre 2012
Ogni incontro è stato pensato come uno spazio di confronto e di riflessione sull`infanzia e sull`adolescenza, sulle diverse fasi di crescita, per migliorare le competenze relazionali nel dialogo con i figli, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione multiculturale e ad alcuni tratti peculiari legati alla condizione delle famiglie che vivono all`estero.   Le conferenze saranno tenute da esperti e da esperte dell`età evolutiva con cadenza mensile presso l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in lingua italiana e a partecipazione gratuita.   La prima conferenza avrà come oggetto "I ruoli educativi, gli stili comunicativi e relazionali dei genitori con i propri figli" e avrà luogo il 6 dicembre 2012 dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 19.30. Relatrice è la dottoressa Mariassunta Peci, psicopedagogista.   Per ulteriori informazioni, vi invitiamo a rivolgervi alla segreteria di Monserrate tel. 010 65388025 e a prendere visione della brochure.

Speaker Series – Toxic Capitalism: Are we the last Generation on Earth?

27 Novembre 2012
         Looking for a read to both to inform and inspire this Autumn? Well, look no further as author Gilbert Van Kerckhove joins us in our Speaker Series to us give us a review of his thought provoking new book, "Toxic Capitalism the orgy of consumerism and waste: are we the last generation on Earth?". The book centers on the world’s economic, environmental, governmental and social problems and what we need to do to fix them. Living in China Gilbert became alarmed by the dramatic pollution levels and the impact of Toxic Capitalism, an unwelcome strain of capitalism that thrives on over consumption and indiscriminate wastage, promoted by the West with the help of questionable companies, financial institutions and governments. China, as Factory of the World, is facing depletion of resources and roams the world to satisfy its voracious appetite for energy, raw materials, and food. How serious is the environmental destruction? Is capitalism fundamentally wrong? How did we come to this madness, and what can we do to preserve the future of our children? We need to combat the idolatry of consumerism and fight for our goals: quality & durability, saving resources and energy. We simply consume too much and too quickly: too many gadgets, too many clothes, too many consumer products we either use little or even never at all. We waste too much, including food. Quality & durability is not limited to consumer products. We need it in governments, services, companies, and financial institutions. We have to change our lifestyle.   Registration   To register please send an email to by November 26th at noon. About the author Gilbert Van Kerckhove, is from Belgium and graduated as master in electronic engineering. Since 1980 he has been working with China, where he spent 27 years, mostly in Beijing but also in Hong Kong and Shanghai. He is the president of a Beijing-based management consulting that provides strategy guidance to foreign and Chinese companies. Since 2000 he has been assisting the Beijing Municipality in the areas of economic studies and foreign investment promotion. He has received the highest Chinese awards for his role in the 2008 Olympics, including the Chinese Green Card. He considers Beijing his home. For more information visit and Please note a limited number of copies of the book will be available for sale at the event (Price: hardcover 270 RMB and softcover 170 RMB.)

Speaker Series – Toxic Capitalism: Are we the last Generation on Earth?

27 Novembre 2012
         Looking for a read to both to inform and inspire this Autumn? Well, look no further as author Gilbert Van Kerckhove joins us in our Speaker Series to us give us a review of his thought provoking new book, "Toxic Capitalism the orgy of consumerism and waste: are we the last generation on Earth?". The book centers on the world’s economic, environmental, governmental and social problems and what we need to do to fix them. Living in China Gilbert became alarmed by the dramatic pollution levels and the impact of Toxic Capitalism, an unwelcome strain of capitalism that thrives on over consumption and indiscriminate wastage, promoted by the West with the help of questionable companies, financial institutions and governments. China, as Factory of the World, is facing depletion of resources and roams the world to satisfy its voracious appetite for energy, raw materials, and food. How serious is the environmental destruction? Is capitalism fundamentally wrong? How did we come to this madness, and what can we do to preserve the future of our children? We need to combat the idolatry of consumerism and fight for our goals: quality & durability, saving resources and energy. We simply consume too much and too quickly: too many gadgets, too many clothes, too many consumer products we either use little or even never at all. We waste too much, including food. Quality & durability is not limited to consumer products. We need it in governments, services, companies, and financial institutions. We have to change our lifestyle.   Registration   To register please send an email to by November 26th at noon. About the author Gilbert Van Kerckhove, is from Belgium and graduated as master in electronic engineering. Since 1980 he has been working with China, where he spent 27 years, mostly in Beijing but also in Hong Kong and Shanghai. He is the president of a Beijing-based management consulting that provides strategy guidance to foreign and Chinese companies. Since 2000 he has been assisting the Beijing Municipality in the areas of economic studies and foreign investment promotion. He has received the highest Chinese awards for his role in the 2008 Olympics, including the Chinese Green Card. He considers Beijing his home. For more information visit and Please note a limited number of copies of the book will be available for sale at the event (Price: hardcover 270 RMB and softcover 170 RMB.)

Speaker Series – Toxic Capitalism: Are we the last Generation on Earth?

27 Novembre 2012
         Looking for a read to both to inform and inspire this Autumn? Well, look no further as author Gilbert Van Kerckhove joins us in our Speaker Series to us give us a review of his thought provoking new book, "Toxic Capitalism the orgy of consumerism and waste: are we the last generation on Earth?". The book centers on the world’s economic, environmental, governmental and social problems and what we need to do to fix them. Living in China Gilbert became alarmed by the dramatic pollution levels and the impact of Toxic Capitalism, an unwelcome strain of capitalism that thrives on over consumption and indiscriminate wastage, promoted by the West with the help of questionable companies, financial institutions and governments. China, as Factory of the World, is facing depletion of resources and roams the world to satisfy its voracious appetite for energy, raw materials, and food. How serious is the environmental destruction? Is capitalism fundamentally wrong? How did we come to this madness, and what can we do to preserve the future of our children? We need to combat the idolatry of consumerism and fight for our goals: quality & durability, saving resources and energy. We simply consume too much and too quickly: too many gadgets, too many clothes, too many consumer products we either use little or even never at all. We waste too much, including food. Quality & durability is not limited to consumer products. We need it in governments, services, companies, and financial institutions. We have to change our lifestyle.   Registration   To register please send an email to by November 26th at noon. About the author Gilbert Van Kerckhove, is from Belgium and graduated as master in electronic engineering. Since 1980 he has been working with China, where he spent 27 years, mostly in Beijing but also in Hong Kong and Shanghai. He is the president of a Beijing-based management consulting that provides strategy guidance to foreign and Chinese companies. Since 2000 he has been assisting the Beijing Municipality in the areas of economic studies and foreign investment promotion. He has received the highest Chinese awards for his role in the 2008 Olympics, including the Chinese Green Card. He considers Beijing his home. For more information visit and Please note a limited number of copies of the book will be available for sale at the event (Price: hardcover 270 RMB and softcover 170 RMB.)

Breakfast Seminar "Clean Technologies - Green Building Market in China"

28 Novembre 2012
                    With the current pace and scale of urbanization in China, the need to improve building efficiency in order to meet environmental and energy standards and goals is becoming more and more apparent. The green building market is developing and growing rapidly year after year, and the Chinese government has now selected 40 cities including Beijing to undergo energy efficiency retrofits. The government has already decided to achieve a 65% energy consumption reduction on new constructions as compared to existing buildings. These new opportunities and standards also bring numerous challenges and costs. In this dynamic context, our two guest speakers will stress the opportunities and challenges of international Cleantech companies in China.   Mr. Marco Rhyner, Chief Representative China from Cleantech Switzerland, China liaison office will introduce the Chinese Green Building market their projects in China as well as the opportunities and challenges for Cleantech Switzerland.   Ms. Jolanda Jonkhart, Director of Trade and Development Programme, Regional Coordinator for East and Southeast Asia at INBAR (International network for Bamboo and Rattan), will explain the potential in structural applications of bamboo composite. He will stress the barriers in the market such as the lack of building code regulations.   Registration   To register please send an email to by Tuesday, 27th of November 2012 at noon.

Breakfast Seminar "Clean Technologies - Green Building Market in China"

28 Novembre 2012
                    With the current pace and scale of urbanization in China, the need to improve building efficiency in order to meet environmental and energy standards and goals is becoming more and more apparent. The green building market is developing and growing rapidly year after year, and the Chinese government has now selected 40 cities including Beijing to undergo energy efficiency retrofits. The government has already decided to achieve a 65% energy consumption reduction on new constructions as compared to existing buildings. These new opportunities and standards also bring numerous challenges and costs. In this dynamic context, our two guest speakers will stress the opportunities and challenges of international Cleantech companies in China.   Mr. Marco Rhyner, Chief Representative China from Cleantech Switzerland, China liaison office will introduce the Chinese Green Building market their projects in China as well as the opportunities and challenges for Cleantech Switzerland.   Ms. Jolanda Jonkhart, Director of Trade and Development Programme, Regional Coordinator for East and Southeast Asia at INBAR (International network for Bamboo and Rattan), will explain the potential in structural applications of bamboo composite. He will stress the barriers in the market such as the lack of building code regulations.   Registration   To register please send an email to by Tuesday, 27th of November 2012 at noon.


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