Seminar on “Real Estate Investment in Italy: Legal, Tax and Immigration Issues”, Shanghai and Beijing

21 Gennaio 2013

Dear Members, dear Friends,


We are pleased to introduce you to the “Seminar on Real Estate Investment in Italy: Legal, Tax and Immigration Issues” organized by World Capital Real Estate Group, Embassy of Italy in Beijing/ Consulate Generale of Italy in Shanghai, e-Italy and with the partnership of China Italy Chamber of Commerce, Italian Trade Commission, Invest in Lombardy, Wang Jing & Co.


Save the date:


Shanghai: January 24th 2013 at 14:00 p.m.


Beijing: January 28th 2013 at 10:00 a.m.


For more information, please revert to the attachments (Shanghai/Beijing).



Ms. Michela Capozza
Mobile phone:+86 1391 8218 802


Thank you for your attention,



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