2012/13 Business in China Survey

07 Novembre 2012

Dear Members, Dear Friends,

At China-Italy Chamber of Commerce we are committed to continuously examine important business issues in China. In order to achieve this, we would like to invite you to give us your input by participating in our 2012/13 Business in China Survey, in collaboration with CEIBS, China Europe International Business School.

The objective of this survey is to evaluate the challenges faced by firms in China and their confidence in the future. Your response will enable researchers to analyze success factors and concerns for companies active in China. This survey is conducted yearly since 2010 allowing CEIBS to track progress and detect trends.

The survey will take around 15 to 20 minutes of your time to complete. To start the survey, please check on the link.

Please be assured that your response will be kept completely confidential.

Thank you for your attention.


Best Regards,



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