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23 Ottobre 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the Factory Tour at SACMI & FOSBER and SACE Presentation on Tuesday October 23rd, 2024, in FOSHAN.



24 Ottobre 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) with the cooperation of Alipay+ and Branding Records are please to invite you to our next seminar event. The event will take place on 24th October online and offline at Alipay+ Office in Shanghai.

The event aims to highlight the vast possibilities and diverse tools within the Alipay ecosystem for travel marketing, specifically focusing on travel retail for Chinese tourists. We will explore the significant growth of Chinese tourism and how brands can effectively engage with this dynamic market.

21 Marzo 2013

Ogni incontro è stato pensato come uno spazio di confronto e di riflessione sull`infanzia e sull`adolescenza, sulle diverse fasi di crescita, per migliorare le competenze relazionali nel dialogo con i figli, con particolare attenzione alla dimensione multiculturale e ad alcuni tratti peculiari legati alla condizione delle famiglie che vivono all`estero.


Le conferenze saranno tenute da esperti e da esperte dell`età evolutiva con cadenza mensile presso l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in lingua italiana e a partecipazione gratuita.


21 Marzo 2013

Importing (used) Machinery into China: Best Practice Exchange on Related Regulations & Procedures

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the following Seminar: "Importing (used) Machinery into China: Best Practice Exchange on Related Regulations & Procedures".


21 Marzo 2013







18 Marzo 2013

Italian Language Course (Beginner Level)
Due to the numerous requests and the great success of the previous editions, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that we are organizing a new language course in Guangzhou.

*Given by professional experience mother-tongue teacher who speaks both English and Chinese: the course will use a new didactics method, based on communicative approach.

Level: Beginner


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