Next Events

23 Ottobre 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the Factory Tour at SACMI & FOSBER and SACE Presentation on Tuesday October 23rd, 2024, in FOSHAN.



24 Ottobre 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) with the cooperation of Alipay+ and Branding Records are please to invite you to our next seminar event. The event will take place on 24th October online and offline at Alipay+ Office in Shanghai.

The event aims to highlight the vast possibilities and diverse tools within the Alipay ecosystem for travel marketing, specifically focusing on travel retail for Chinese tourists. We will explore the significant growth of Chinese tourism and how brands can effectively engage with this dynamic market.

22 Gennaio 2013


La presentazione della monografia 150 della rivista di studi sulla Cina contemporanea Mondo Cinese è` un’occasione importante per focalizzare l’attenzione sull’ascesa della Cina come superpotenza scientificadel XXI secolo.

Saranno presenti alcuni degli autori che hanno contribuito al volume per una tavola rotonda sul tema:“L’innovazione è Made in China”.


Coordinerà la tavola rotonda Stefania Stafutti, direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura


17 Gennaio 2013

Optimize Productivity & ERP Template Rollouts to China
Thursday, January 17th 2013

14 Dicembre 2012



Save the date:

Friday December 14th at 8 o`clock

At Kempinski



The seminar is co-hosted by AZ Investment Management/Azimut Group – Italy’s largest independent asset manager and the manager of the world’s largest offshore RMB fund


12 Dicembre 2012



The end of the year is coming – are you in compliance?


All Foreign Invested Enterprises are subject to the Annual Audit, the Annual Tax Clearance and the Annual Combinative Auditions.



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