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Address: 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic

                Residence Compound , Gongtibeilu No.1

                Chaoyang District , Beijing

Tel: 0086-10-85910545

Fax: 0086-10-85910546



European Networking

13 May 2009
         The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the German Chamber of Commerce, the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the European Union Chamber of Commerce, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Embassy - Commercial Section cordially invites you to our up coming: European Networking. Date: Wednesday, 13th of May, 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.Venue: Gui Gong Fu restaurant Fangjiayuan Hutong桂公府 芳嘉园胡同Tel. no. 10 - 85112223BeijingClick here to download the mapPrice: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members20% discount on all the drinks during the whole evening One voucher includes: 1 drink (wine, beer) and 1 glass  of soft drink and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 8th of May, via e-mail to: The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 13th of May, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail.

International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena

14 May 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following training course:   International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena The goal of this course is to make clear all the basics fundamentals of contract management and to have a full awareness and understanding of a contract. Many professionals in China are facing the challenge of reading international contracts about which they don`t understand some of the key clauses, and they do not know how to comply with the Chinese laws & regulations. Some others face the challenge of preparing proposals and quotations for international contracts where the other party is requesting some legal terms that they don`t fully understand.Economic uncertainty and regulatory requirements have put contract management on enterprises` strategic agendas and this one-day course helps your staff to understand its basics. Through very hands on training, full case studies and practical exercises, most of the common contract issues will be covered and the most feasible solutions will be presented.Click here to download the full presentation Speaker:Javier Hernandez is an international lawyer with three Masters, the European Union Law Masters from U. Carlos III, Spain, the Masters in International Business Transaction and Commercial Law from Washington College of Law, American University, USA, and the Master in Chinese Law, Tsinghua University, China. Mr. Hernandez prides himself for wide experience in different legal areas from M&As to contract revisions and has now worked in China for almost 6 years, exposed to the day to day challenges to integrate international companies into the Chinese legal system. His exposure has gone anywhere from S&Ms to Multinationals and he can relate with most of the troubles companies are experiencing when trying to integrate International contracts with Local customs, business and legal terms. Due to his experience he has cooperated with different publications, including Tsinghua Enterprise Business School magazine and European and American magazines. During his trainings, he likes to evaluate real contracts from the companies he is training, to give them a sense of consultancy plus training and bringing real life scenarios to improve their day to day work. He has trained in different countries, including India, Japan, Singapore and, of course, China.   Information and Registration Date & Time: May the 14th, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Office -  Unit 2607, Full Tower, 9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, 100020, Beijing, Tel: 0086-10-85910545                                          Click here to download a map Language: English Entrance Fee: 1.200 RMB for Members, 1.500 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Friday the 8th of May, 12 amPlease note that the training course will be held only if the minimum attendance will be reached REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the training course International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena to be held on the 14th of MayName:Position:Company:Tel:Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to

International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena

14 May 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following training course:   International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena The goal of this course is to make clear all the basics fundamentals of contract management and to have a full awareness and understanding of a contract. Many professionals in China are facing the challenge of reading international contracts about which they don`t understand some of the key clauses, and they do not know how to comply with the Chinese laws & regulations. Some others face the challenge of preparing proposals and quotations for international contracts where the other party is requesting some legal terms that they don`t fully understand.Economic uncertainty and regulatory requirements have put contract management on enterprises` strategic agendas and this one-day course helps your staff to understand its basics. Through very hands on training, full case studies and practical exercises, most of the common contract issues will be covered and the most feasible solutions will be presented.Click here to download the full presentation Speaker:Javier Hernandez is an international lawyer with three Masters, the European Union Law Masters from U. Carlos III, Spain, the Masters in International Business Transaction and Commercial Law from Washington College of Law, American University, USA, and the Master in Chinese Law, Tsinghua University, China. Mr. Hernandez prides himself for wide experience in different legal areas from M&As to contract revisions and has now worked in China for almost 6 years, exposed to the day to day challenges to integrate international companies into the Chinese legal system. His exposure has gone anywhere from S&Ms to Multinationals and he can relate with most of the troubles companies are experiencing when trying to integrate International contracts with Local customs, business and legal terms. Due to his experience he has cooperated with different publications, including Tsinghua Enterprise Business School magazine and European and American magazines. During his trainings, he likes to evaluate real contracts from the companies he is training, to give them a sense of consultancy plus training and bringing real life scenarios to improve their day to day work. He has trained in different countries, including India, Japan, Singapore and, of course, China.   Information and Registration Date & Time: May the 14th, 2009, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Office -  Unit 2607, Full Tower, 9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, 100020, Beijing, Tel: 0086-10-85910545                                          Click here to download a map Language: English Entrance Fee: 1.200 RMB for Members, 1.500 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Friday the 8th of May, 12 amPlease note that the training course will be held only if the minimum attendance will be reached REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the training course International Contract Management in the Chinese Arena to be held on the 14th of MayName:Position:Company:Tel:Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to


26 April 2009
由意大利使馆,意大利使馆文化处,中国意大利商会联合举办的"面面相趣"活动。作为全世界共通的食品,作为代表中国意大利两个文明古国共同特色的重要元素之一,面食的方方面面将在此次活动中被逐一研讨分析(文化,技术,工艺,美味). 4月26日周日下午5点,在意大利使馆文化处将举办《面食,全球性食品的历史和文化》新书推介会并播放纪录片《面食世界》(中文字幕)。 4月27日周一下午4点,在意大利广场,将举办"中国和意大利面食的科技,饮食,工艺"主题会议,会后还将奉上美味的中意面食自助餐。本次主题会议及品尝会. 意大利驻华大使谢飒阁下将出席这两天活动的闭幕式. 在此提示您,周日的活动将全部免费开放,而周一的活动凭邀请函入场.                      

Un Mondo di Pasta

26 April 2009
      La Manifestazione "Un mondo di pasta" e` organizzata da l`Ambasciata d`Italia, l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura e la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina. Scopo principale della manifestazione e` quello di affrontare i diversi aspetti della pasta (culturale, scientifico, industriale, gastronomico), che e` un cibo universale ed uno dei maggiori elementi che identificano i caratteri comuni tra le civiltà millenarie di Italia e Cina. Domenica 26 aprile, alle ore 17,00, presso l`Istituto Italiano di Cultura verra` proiettato il documentario "Un mondo di Pasta" (con sottotitoli in cinese) e presentato il Libro "La pasta. Storia e cultura di un cibo universale" .Lunedi` 27 aprile alle ore 16,00, presso Piazza Italia, avra` luogo il Convegno "Scienza, Alimentazione e Industria della Pasta in Cina e in Italia". Al termine dei lavori sara` servito un buffet con piatti della tradizione italiana e cinese. In entrambe le giornate i lavori saranno conclusi da S.E. Riccardo Sessa, Ambasciatore d`Italia.L`evento della domenica e` aperto a tutti mentre quello del lunedi` e` solo su invito.                      

A world of Pasta (Un mondo di pasta)

26 April 2009
    The event "A world of pasta" is organized by the Embassy of Italy, the Italian Cultural Institute and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.This event mainly aims at analyzing the different aspects related to Pasta (cultural, scientific, industrial and gastronomic), a universal food and also one of the main elements identifying the common features between the millenary civilizations of Italy and China.On Sunday, 26th of April, 5:00 p.m., the event will start at the Italian Cultural Institute with the projection of the documentary "Un mondo di Pasta" ("A world of Pasta", with Chinese subtitles), followed by the presentation of the book "La pasta. Storia e cultura di un cibo universale" ("Pasta. History and culture of a universal food").On Monday, 27th of April at 4:00 p.m., the Conference "Science, Feeding, Industry of the Pasta in Italy and China" will be held at Piazza Italia, followed by a buffet presenting both the Italian and Chinese culinary tradition. Sunday event is open to everyone, Monday event is on invitation only.At the end of both events H.E. Riccardo Sessa, Ambassador of Italy, will draw conclusions.                      

Media and Communication Environment in China

28 April 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Media and Communication Environment in China Almost every day, many Italian companies ask us questions such as: "Which are the best media in China?", "What I have to do to attract their interest?", "Which are the most suitable ones for our communication strategies?", and so on, enlightening a deep gap between what we are used to do in Italy and other countries and to what it should be do in China, which has its own strong culture and its own media system.This is the reason-why we are really glad to offer this half-day workshop by one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, Shunya Communications Group, which daily works with the top-rated world companies developing successful communications strategies.The workshop topics are organized in two sessions: 1. General Introduction of the Media and Communications Environment in ChinaAs we know, the media plays a key role in reaching target audiences and building corporate/brand images. The training is intended to give Italian companies an overview of the China communication environment, how to leverage media resources, how to handle press issues, etc.Shunya International has a strong media centre, abundant media cooperation experience and great media relationships in varied industries. They can deliver strategic counsel and pitch media opportunities at national level by working together with the reporters and editors, and avoid/reduce negative media reports. This experience and learning, and the key differences between Chinese and international media, will be at the centre of this proposed workshop. 2. Crisis ManagementIn this uncertain economic climate, enterprises should pay more attention to potential issues and crisis management. We have witnessed many famous brand crises in China in the past months, and not all these crises were handled in appropriate ways. Shunya International has a powerful crisis management methodology to help companies forecast and handle crisis effectively, giving us rich experience to share our insights on crisis management with Italian enterprises. Speaker:John Orme is the strategic counsel and regional team leader in China for Porter Novelli, one of the best global PR companies in the world.John joined Porter Novelli in the UK in 1982 and, after being nominated director of UK office, advisor of the UK Government`s Department of Trade & Industry and then director of Porter Novelli`s Brussels office, in April 2007 he moved to Beijing to lead the international development of Porter Novelli`s business in China, creating a partnership with Shunya Communications Group.  He has considerable experience in corporate, business and issues management, and has an extensive track record of helping organisations promote brand awareness and reputation. Since moving to China, he has provided crisis management training to communicators in Chinese government ministries and has established a good relationship with Chinese government ministries.Company Profile:Founded in 1999 from scratch, Shunya Communications Group has become one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, providing a full range of integrated marketing communications services covering advertising, public relations, event marketing, retail marketing and interactive marketing for many prestigious domestic and international brands, which we call Power of ONE. By combining our local insights and strengths with international best practices, we have created many powerful marketing campaigns that deliver outstanding business results for many Fortune 500 companies such as General Motors, Ford Motors, Volvo, P & G, Unilever, Eli Lilly, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, BEA, AMD, EPSON, Fuji Xerox and Canon. Prestigious local brands we have partnered include Yili Dairy, China Netcom, China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Banks of China, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, FAW Car and SINOPEC to name just a few. Their accolades and recognitions are the best honours for Shunya professionals.   Information and Registration Date & Time: April the 28th, 20098:30 am -     Registration9:00 am -     Start of the first session10:30 am -   Break10:40 am -   Start of the second session12:30 am -   Finish Venue: Shunya Communications Group Office, 12F, Tower B, Shi Mao Tower, Jia 92 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, 010-8507 9666.北京市朝阳区建国路甲92号世茂大厦B座12层 (邮编100022), 010-8507 9666.   Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 450 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Friday the 24th of April, 12 amSubscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to

Media and Communication Environment in China

28 April 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Media and Communication Environment in China Almost every day, many Italian companies ask us questions such as: "Which are the best media in China?", "What I have to do to attract their interest?", "Which are the most suitable ones for our communication strategies?", and so on, enlightening a deep gap between what we are used to do in Italy and other countries and to what it should be do in China, which has its own strong culture and its own media system.This is the reason-why we are really glad to offer this half-day workshop by one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, Shunya Communications Group, which daily works with the top-rated world companies developing successful communications strategies.The workshop topics are organized in two sessions: 1. General Introduction of the Media and Communications Environment in ChinaAs we know, the media plays a key role in reaching target audiences and building corporate/brand images. The training is intended to give Italian companies an overview of the China communication environment, how to leverage media resources, how to handle press issues, etc.Shunya International has a strong media centre, abundant media cooperation experience and great media relationships in varied industries. They can deliver strategic counsel and pitch media opportunities at national level by working together with the reporters and editors, and avoid/reduce negative media reports. This experience and learning, and the key differences between Chinese and international media, will be at the centre of this proposed workshop. 2. Crisis ManagementIn this uncertain economic climate, enterprises should pay more attention to potential issues and crisis management. We have witnessed many famous brand crises in China in the past months, and not all these crises were handled in appropriate ways. Shunya International has a powerful crisis management methodology to help companies forecast and handle crisis effectively, giving us rich experience to share our insights on crisis management with Italian enterprises. Speaker:John Orme is the strategic counsel and regional team leader in China for Porter Novelli, one of the best global PR companies in the world.John joined Porter Novelli in the UK in 1982 and, after being nominated director of UK office, advisor of the UK Government`s Department of Trade & Industry and then director of Porter Novelli`s Brussels office, in April 2007 he moved to Beijing to lead the international development of Porter Novelli`s business in China, creating a partnership with Shunya Communications Group.  He has considerable experience in corporate, business and issues management, and has an extensive track record of helping organisations promote brand awareness and reputation. Since moving to China, he has provided crisis management training to communicators in Chinese government ministries and has established a good relationship with Chinese government ministries.Company Profile:Founded in 1999 from scratch, Shunya Communications Group has become one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, providing a full range of integrated marketing communications services covering advertising, public relations, event marketing, retail marketing and interactive marketing for many prestigious domestic and international brands, which we call Power of ONE. By combining our local insights and strengths with international best practices, we have created many powerful marketing campaigns that deliver outstanding business results for many Fortune 500 companies such as General Motors, Ford Motors, Volvo, P & G, Unilever, Eli Lilly, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, BEA, AMD, EPSON, Fuji Xerox and Canon. Prestigious local brands we have partnered include Yili Dairy, China Netcom, China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Banks of China, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, FAW Car and SINOPEC to name just a few. Their accolades and recognitions are the best honours for Shunya professionals.   Information and Registration Date & Time: April the 28th, 20098:30 am -     Registration9:00 am -     Start of the first session10:30 am -   Break10:40 am -   Start of the second session12:30 am -   Finish Venue: Shunya Communications Group Office, 12F, Tower B, Shi Mao Tower, Jia 92 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, 010-8507 9666.北京市朝阳区建国路甲92号世茂大厦B座12层 (邮编100022), 010-8507 9666.   Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 450 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Friday the 24th of April, 12 amSubscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to

Media and Communication Environment in China

28 April 2009
   China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Media and Communication Environment in China Almost every day, many Italian companies ask us questions such as: "Which are the best media in China?", "What I have to do to attract their interest?", "Which are the most suitable ones for our communication strategies?", and so on, enlightening a deep gap between what we are used to do in Italy and other countries and to what it should be do in China, which has its own strong culture and its own media system.This is the reason-why we are really glad to offer this half-day workshop by one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, Shunya Communications Group, which daily works with the top-rated world companies developing successful communications strategies.The workshop topics are organized in two sessions: 1. General Introduction of the Media and Communications Environment in ChinaAs we know, the media plays a key role in reaching target audiences and building corporate/brand images. The training is intended to give Italian companies an overview of the China communication environment, how to leverage media resources, how to handle press issues, etc.Shunya International has a strong media centre, abundant media cooperation experience and great media relationships in varied industries. They can deliver strategic counsel and pitch media opportunities at national level by working together with the reporters and editors, and avoid/reduce negative media reports. This experience and learning, and the key differences between Chinese and international media, will be at the centre of this proposed workshop. 2. Crisis ManagementIn this uncertain economic climate, enterprises should pay more attention to potential issues and crisis management. We have witnessed many famous brand crises in China in the past months, and not all these crises were handled in appropriate ways. Shunya International has a powerful crisis management methodology to help companies forecast and handle crisis effectively, giving us rich experience to share our insights on crisis management with Italian enterprises. Speaker:John Orme is the strategic counsel and regional team leader in China for Porter Novelli, one of the best global PR companies in the world.John joined Porter Novelli in the UK in 1982 and, after being nominated director of UK office, advisor of the UK Government`s Department of Trade & Industry and then director of Porter Novelli`s Brussels office, in April 2007 he moved to Beijing to lead the international development of Porter Novelli`s business in China, creating a partnership with Shunya Communications Group.  He has considerable experience in corporate, business and issues management, and has an extensive track record of helping organisations promote brand awareness and reputation. Since moving to China, he has provided crisis management training to communicators in Chinese government ministries and has established a good relationship with Chinese government ministries.Company Profile:Founded in 1999 from scratch, Shunya Communications Group has become one of the most influential and competitive integrated communications service firms in China, providing a full range of integrated marketing communications services covering advertising, public relations, event marketing, retail marketing and interactive marketing for many prestigious domestic and international brands, which we call Power of ONE. By combining our local insights and strengths with international best practices, we have created many powerful marketing campaigns that deliver outstanding business results for many Fortune 500 companies such as General Motors, Ford Motors, Volvo, P & G, Unilever, Eli Lilly, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, BEA, AMD, EPSON, Fuji Xerox and Canon. Prestigious local brands we have partnered include Yili Dairy, China Netcom, China Unicom, Industrial and Commercial Banks of China, China Minsheng Bank, China Merchants Bank, FAW Car and SINOPEC to name just a few. Their accolades and recognitions are the best honours for Shunya professionals.   Information and Registration Date & Time: April the 28th, 20098:30 am -     Registration9:00 am -     Start of the first session10:30 am -   Break10:40 am -   Start of the second session12:30 am -   Finish Venue: Shunya Communications Group Office, 12F, Tower B, Shi Mao Tower, Jia 92 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, 010-8507 9666.北京市朝阳区建国路甲92号世茂大厦B座12层 (邮编100022), 010-8507 9666   Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 450 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Friday the 24th of April, 12 amSubscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to event@cameraitacina.comPlease note that the training course will be held only if the minimum attendance will be reached

Project Management Fundamentals in China: implementing tools to help structure projects

30 March 2009
  China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following training course: Project Management Fundamentals in China: implementing tools to help structure projects Project Management Fundamentals in China will provide the participants with some tools to identify and control the scope of a project, one of the classical reasons why projects suffer from delays and over budget problems. Managing the key stakeholders is one of such keys in China, and some techniques that will help with that are also provided during the training, to provide understanding on how Western and Chinese stakeholders have different needs and expectations, and how to meet such demands while fulfilling the project scope.Scheduling control tools will also be practiced and mastered, and the final area that will be addressed is risk management. This is an area that mature companies in project management cover for most of their projects, but most companies ignore it, suffering substantial adversities that could have been controlled and managed, but were not. A practical step by step approach to risk management will be showed during the training. The training company:       Gold Millennium Net Group prides on our method of delivery for all our course curriculum. Our trainings are not a lecture, and our Instructors are not mere tutors. The transfer of knowledge to our participants is by mode of a very interactive and hands-on delivery within a practical learning environment. Participants have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by practically working on a project. Participants are expected to be active and contribute in class. The best way to learn project management is by doing projects. This is what we do in our classes.                           Click here to see the detailed presentation of the course   Information and Registration   Date & Time: 30th and 31st of March 2009, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Office -  Unit 2607, Full Tower, 9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, 100020, Beijing, Tel: 0086-10-85910545                                          Click here to download a map Language: English Entrance Fee: 3.600 RMB for CICC Members and 4.000 RMB for Non-Members, to be payed c/o CICC Beijing Office or by bank transfer within the 26th of March Registration Deadline: Thursday 26th of March Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to     CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518  


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