Beijing office

Address: 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic

                Residence Compound , Gongtibeilu No.1

                Chaoyang District , Beijing

Tel: 0086-10-85910545

Fax: 0086-10-85910546



CCIC Summer Networking

29 July 2009
            WELCOME TO OUR SUMMER NETWORKING The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, the Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the China - Australia Chamber of Commerce and the Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce, cordially invites you to our up coming: Summer Networking. Date: Wednesday, 29thof July, 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Venue: Swissôtel - Sunset Terrace 2 Chaoyangmen BeidajieChaoyang District, Beijing.港澳中心瑞士酒店朝阳门北大街2号北京朝阳区Tel.: +86 10 6553 2288Price: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members One voucher includes: 2 drinks (house wine, beer, soft drinks) and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 24th of July, via e-mail to: The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 29th of July, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail.

Taxation in China

16 June 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Taxation in China We gathered three experts to explain how to solve some daily problems around taxation in China, covering the following main areas: - Enterprise Income Tax - Non-Resident Enterprise Income Tax - Personal Income TaxThe speakers will explain topics such as the taxable income, deductible expenses and exemption items, normal tax rate and preferential tax rates under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, the ways by means of which the non-resident enterprises can carry out their fiscal duties (both directly, with a representative, or indirectly) and, moreover, which are the different types of Personal Income Tax and how to file them. As usual, there will be plenty of space for an open Q&A section, useful to clarify every doubt you could have. Speakers: Antimo Cappuccio is an associate of the tax and law firm Pirola Pennuto Zei and Agnoli Bernardi & Associates.He is an Italian qualified lawyer and has an LLM in Chinese law from the Tsinghua University of Beijing. Antimo is based in Beijing since 2007 and practices in the areas of M&A, private equity, Chinese civil and commercial law and international private law.     Peter Law has been with Mazars network for about 9 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises.     Wang Fang Hu graduated in International Economics and Management from L. Bocconi University in Milan 2004. After the graduation she served Italian companies on business and market issues in China with Capitalia Banking Group. Now she is a senior consultant with Asia Business Group (Beijing) Consultancy where she provides consulting activities on corporate, accounting and taxation issues. She is a qualified accounting practitioner in P.R.China.   Information and Registration Date & Time: June 16th, 200912:00-12:30    Registration 12:30-12:50    1st Speech 12:50–13:10   2nd Speech 13:10-13:30    3rd Speech 13:30-14:00    Q&A Venue: Kerry Center Hotel, No 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing, Tel: (86 10) 6561 8833          中国北京朝阳区光华路1号, 邮政编号100020, 电话: (86 10) 6561 8833 Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 400 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Thursday the 11th of June, 12 a.m.Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to

Taxation in China

16 June 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Taxation in China We gathered three experts to explain how to solve some daily problems around taxation in China, covering the following main areas: - Enterprise Income Tax - Non-Resident Enterprise Income Tax - Personal Income TaxThe speakers will explain topics such as the taxable income, deductible expenses and exemption items, normal tax rate and preferential tax rates under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, the ways by means of which the non-resident enterprises can carry out their fiscal duties (both directly, with a representative, or indirectly) and, moreover, which are the different types of Personal Income Tax and how to file them. As usual, there will be plenty of space for an open Q&A section, useful to clarify every doubt you could have. Speakers: Antimo Cappuccio is an associate of the tax and law firm Pirola Pennuto Zei and Agnoli Bernardi & Associates.He is an Italian qualified lawyer and has an LLM in Chinese law from the Tsinghua University of Beijing. Antimo is based in Beijing since 2007 and practices in the areas of M&A, private equity, Chinese civil and commercial law and international private law.     Peter Law has been with Mazars network for about 9 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises.     Wang Fang Hu graduated in International Economics and Management from L. Bocconi University in Milan 2004. After the graduation she served Italian companies on business and market issues in China with Capitalia Banking Group. Now she is a senior consultant with Asia Business Group (Beijing) Consultancy where she provides consulting activities on corporate, accounting and taxation issues. She is a qualified accounting practitioner in P.R.China.   Information and Registration Date & Time: June 16th, 200912:00-12:30    Registration 12:30-12:50    1st Speech 12:50–13:10   2nd Speech 13:10-13:30    3rd Speech 13:30-14:00    Q&A Venue: Kerry Center Hotel, No 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing, Tel: (86 10) 6561 8833          中国北京朝阳区光华路1号, 邮政编号100020, 电话: (86 10) 6561 8833 Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 400 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Thursday the 11th of June, 12 a.m.Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to

Taxation in China

16 June 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Taxation in China We gathered three experts to explain how to solve some daily problems around taxation in China, covering the following main areas: - Enterprise Income Tax - Non-Resident Enterprise Income Tax - Personal Income TaxThe speakers will explain topics such as the taxable income, deductible expenses and exemption items, normal tax rate and preferential tax rates under the PRC Enterprise Income Tax Law, the ways by means of which the non-resident enterprises can carry out their fiscal duties (both directly, with a representative, or indirectly) and, moreover, which are the different types of Personal Income Tax and how to file them. As usual, there will be plenty of space for an open Q&A section, useful to clarify every doubt you could have. Speakers: Antimo Cappuccio is an associate of the tax and law firm Pirola Pennuto Zei and Agnoli Bernardi & Associates.He is an Italian qualified lawyer and has an LLM in Chinese law from the Tsinghua University of Beijing. Antimo is based in Beijing since 2007 and practices in the areas of M&A, private equity, Chinese civil and commercial law and international private law.     Peter Law has been with Mazars network for about 9 years. His professional knowledge covers all types of PRC taxes. He is responsible for provision of PRC and Hong Kong tax and business consulting services to both corporations and individuals. His areas of expertise include advising foreign investors on optimal investment holding structures and proposed foreign investment enterprises in China. He is actively involved in structuring PRC and HK/overseas cross border transactions such as performing PRC transfer pricing review between related parties, due diligence for mergers and acquisitions, and group restructuring exercises.     Wang Fang Hu graduated in International Economics and Management from L. Bocconi University in Milan 2004. After the graduation she served Italian companies on business and market issues in China with Capitalia Banking Group. Now she is a senior consultant with Asia Business Group (Beijing) Consultancy where she provides consulting activities on corporate, accounting and taxation issues. She is a qualified accounting practitioner in P.R.China.   Information and Registration Date & Time: June 16th, 200912:00-12:30    Registration 12:30-12:50    1st Speech 12:50–13:10   2nd Speech 13:10-13:30    3rd Speech 13:30-14:00    Q&A Venue: Kerry Center Hotel, No 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing, Tel: (86 10) 6561 8833          中国北京朝阳区光华路1号, 邮政编号100020, 电话: (86 10) 6561 8833 Language: English Entrance Fee: 250 RMB for Members, 400 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Thursday the 11th of June, 12 a.m.Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by writing an e-mail to

CICC Beijing Working Group - Corporate Social Responsibility

26 June 2009
We are glad to inform you that CICC is going to start a new working group about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).As a matter of fact, every company is a social actor which has relationships both with employees and with many other actors which form the external world. The legal framework rules the economic activity with the same boundaries for every company, giving the same benefits and safeguard to every worker, but it is going beyond these rules that it is possible to top the third party`s expectations, gaining advantages such as a better image both among the employees and toward the public opinion, which means, for example, to have a motivated work force - which would be less willing to job-hopping practices - and a better brand image.Our wish is to group the various initiatives organized by the companies in a single, stronger system, and to promote broader projects shared by many companies, in order to improve both the performance of the single company, and the perception of Made in Italy in general.Therefore, we propose a meeting to be held at the CICC office in Beijing on the 26th of June, 10 am, with the presence of CICC Chairman Davide Cucino, in order to discuss what companies are doing and what would be possible to realize with the advantages of a system.If you are interested, to book a seat please write an email to by Wednesday the 24th of June, 6 pm.

CICC Beijing Working Group - Corporate Social Responsibility

26 June 2009
We are glad to inform you that CICC is going to start a new working group about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).As a matter of fact, every company is a social actor which has relationships both with employees and with many other actors which form the external world. The legal framework rules the economic activity with the same boundaries for every company, giving the same benefits and safeguard to every worker, but it is going beyond these rules that it is possible to top the third party`s expectations, gaining advantages such as a better image both among the employees and toward the public opinion, which means, for example, to have a motivated work force - which would be less willing to job-hopping practices - and a better brand image.Our wish is to group the various initiatives organized by the companies in a single, stronger system, and to promote broader projects shared by many companies, in order to improve both the performance of the single company, and the perception of Made in Italy in general.Therefore, we propose a meeting to be held at the CICC office in Beijing on the 26th of June, 10 am, with the presence of CICC Chairman Davide Cucino, in order to discuss what companies are doing and what would be possible to realize with the advantages of a system.If you are interested, to book a seat please write an email to by Wednesday the 24th of June, 6 pm.

Meeting with Loretta Napoleoni

12 May 2009
The Italian Institute of Culture in cooperation with CICC organizes the Meeting with Loretta Napoleoni, journalist, economist and author of the book "Rogue Economics`, now available in Chinese language and Claudia Segre, vice director of Assiom, the Italian Association of Capital Markets Operators, about the Financial Crisis in Europe.Location: Italian Cultural Institute, 2 San Li Tun Dong Er jie, BeijingDate and time: May 12th, 6 pm For info or registration please write to

Incontro con Loretta Napoleoni

12 May 2009
L`Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in collaborzione con la CCIC, organizza un incontro con Loretta Napoleoni, giornalista, economista e autrice del libro "Rogue Economics", da oggi disponibile in lingua cinese, e con Claudia Segre, vice-direttrice di Assiom, l`Associazione Italiana degli Operatori nei Mercati dei Capitali, a proposito della crisi finanziaria in Europa. Location: Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 2 San Li Tun Dong Er jie, PechinoData e ora: 12 maggio, ore 18:00 Per maggiori informazioni e registrazioni siete pregati di scrivere a

Biz Socializer TEDA networking Event

19 May 2009
Biz Socializer TEDA networking Event PARTNERS We would like to invite you to our first Interchamber in Tianjin. The Interchamber will be organized at TEDA, at the Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Center. Our aim is to strenghen the presence of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Tianjin in order to support always more and more the Italian companies that have invested in this area. Tianjin  Expats WHEN: Tuesday, 19th of May, 2009 Danish Chamber of Commerce in China WHERE: Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Hotel & Convention Center天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心Number 29 2nd Ave, TEDA.天津泰达经济技术开发区第二大街29号Phone Number: (86 22) 6621 8888Fax Number: (86 22) 6621 9999 Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China WHAT TIME: from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. AmCham Tianjin COST: 50 Rmb (if you pay register in advance) 100 Rmb at the door. The fee includes: A complimentary drink (beer, red/white wine, soft drinks) Canapés Happy Hour until 9:00pm (50% discount on all cocktails) 15% Discount On Dinner At Any Of The Renaissance`s Restaurants German Chamber of Commerce TRANSPORTATION: The TEDA Government will be sponsoring a shuttle bus that will take people from the Tianjin Train Station to TEDA, and then back to Tianjin at night. IN ORDER TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE ON THE BUS, PLEASE CONTACT US, AS SPACE IS LIMITED! Swiss Cham REPLY COUPON China Briefing / Dezan Shira & Associates To register, simply e-mail us to and provide the following information: Name and SurnameCompany nameWork TitleMobile phonee- mail Teda Government   German Business Circle Tianjin Beijing OfficeUnit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail. 


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