Beijing office

Address: 3-2-21 Sanlitun Diplomatic

                Residence Compound , Gongtibeilu No.1

                Chaoyang District , Beijing

Tel: 0086-10-85910545

Fax: 0086-10-85910546



International Networking Night

22 September 2009
        THE FIRST, HUGE, INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING NIGHT The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the business Chambers in Beijing will unite to host this city`s biggest ever Inter - Chamber Networking Event. Join guests from around the world outdoors at the beautiful St. Regis Hotel Courtyard and spend a late summer night making new friends.  Date: Tuesday, 22nd of September 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Venue: St. Regis Hotel21 Jianguomenwai Dajie, Beijing. 建国门外大街 21 号, 北京Tel.: +86 10 6460 6688Price: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members One voucher includes: 2 drinks and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 18th of September, via e-mail to: The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 22nd of September, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail.

Subcon China 2009

04 November 2009
Subcon China, initiated in 2005 and supported by the global industrial subcontracting network of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), is the most important professional industrial subcontracting fair in China. At Subcon China 2009, a buyer can find the best manufacturers in the field of mechanical parts and components in West China. A buyer also can get recommendation of suitable Chinese suppliers and a meeting agenda before the fair. Subcon China is organized by UNIDO SPX-CQ, whose ability and experiences ensures the quality of the fair and the business match-making meeting.   To find out more about exhibiting at or visiting Subcon China 2009, and to register for your free ticket, please visit the show website at or contact: Cesily Chen, UNIDO SPX-CQ Tel: +86 23 6863 5679 Fax:+86 23 6863 3784 Email:

CIMAMotor 2009

17 September 2009
The China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition (CIMAMotor) is known as the sole national-level motorcycle exhibition in China. After 7-year continuous development, it has become the most powerful event for motorcycle industry in China with great influence in the world. The 8th China International Motorcycle Trade Exhibition (CIMAMotor 2009) will be held in Chongqing- the motorcycle city of China on September 17-20, 2009. With rapid growth of manufacturing capability of China motorcycles and parts the exhibition event will become an important platform for brand display, product trade, technology transfer, culture diffusion and information releasing of international motorcycle industry as well as a global well-known professional trade exhibition in the near future. website:  


05 August 2009
中国意大利商会与华实会计事务所诚挚地邀请您参加以下研讨会: 请注意:该研讨会地点已做更改,详情请参照以下内容 新税法法规对企业的影响以及企业如何合理避税 演讲者: 林克宁先生, 华实会计事务所所长及合伙人,注册会计师,注册税务师。林先生对税法有着深入的了解,在指导在华外资企业合理避税、投资预计、转让定价策略及企业重组上有着丰富的经验。 在2003到2004年间,他曾为新加坡商会做过两场演讲,题目分别为:外资企业如何面对税务难题和中国新税务系统改革对外资企业的影响。 演讲议题 - 新发布的增值税条款- 新修订的营业税内容- 企业所得税的重要修订以及相关规章- 税收节减方案 注册信息 地点: 中国北京市朝阳区东三环中路9号富尔大厦2607室联系电话:  +86 10 8591 0545时间:2009年8月5日,早8:30到11:30(10:30中场休息) 语言: 中文 (无翻译)收费: 200 Rmb (会员) - 250 rmb (非会员)此研讨会将用中文进行,主要针对会员公司的首席财务官、财务经理. 注册截止日期:2009年7月30日新税法研讨会另外也将于2009年7月23日在上海举办 注册回执 请在2009年8月5日的研讨会中,预留____个位置姓名:职位:公司:电话:如有任何疑问,或发送回执,请发送电子邮件到 或致电:  +86 (010) 85910545    CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Nuovi regolamenti sull`imposizione fiscale

05 August 2009
The CICC in cooperation with Sino Reality Certified Public Accountants is glad to invite you to the seminar on: ATTENTION PLEASE: The venue of the Seminar is changed. Please read below for the details. New Tax Regulations: the effects on entreprises and the related tax saving plan for entreprises Speaker: Mr. Lin Kening, Chief and partner of Sino-reality Certified Public Accountants, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Tax Agent (CTA).Mr Lin has a wide experience in the tax laws, having managed and performed tax saving proposals, investment forecast, transfer pricing schemes and business restructuring for many foreign invested enterprises in China. In 2003 and 2004, he gave two lectures: How To Treat The Tax Difficult Issues For Foreign Enterprises and Influence Of The China Tax System Innovation On Foreign Enterprises for Singapore Chamber of Commerce. Topics: - New published provision and regulations of VAT- New published revised business tax- The important changes of the new enterprises income tax and related regulations- Tax saving planning Information and Registration Where:Unit 2607, Full Tower,9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu,Chaoyang District, 100020,Beijing China中国北京市朝阳区东三环中路9号富尔大厦2607室Tel.: +86 10 8591 0545When: 5th of August 2009, from 8:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m. (10:30 break)Language: Chinese (no english translation)Fee: 200 Rmb (members) - 250 rmb (non members)The seminar will be held in Chinese, and is addressed to CFO, Finance Managers. Registration deadline: please confirm within the 30th of July 2009The seminar on New Tax Regulation will be held also in Shanghai on the 23rd of July 2009. Reply Coupon Please reserve no.____ seat/seats for the meeting on the 5th of August 2009 for Mr/Ms.Name :Position:Company:Tel:For more information and confirmation please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: or to the following phone number:  +86 (010) 85910545    CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Tax Regulations: the effects on entreprises and its related tax saving plan for entreprises

05 August 2009
The CICC in cooperation with Sino Reality Certified Public Accountants is glad to invite you to the seminar on: ATTENTION PLEASE: The venue of the Seminar is changed. Please read below for the details.New Tax Regulations: the effects on entreprises and the related tax saving plan for entreprises Speaker: Mr. Lin Kening, Chief and partner of Sino-reality Certified Public Accountants, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Tax Agent (CTA).Mr Lin has a wide experience in the tax laws, having managed and performed tax saving proposals, investment forecast, transfer pricing schemes and business restructuring for many foreign invested enterprises in China. In 2003 and 2004, he gave two lectures: How To Treat The Tax Difficult Issues For Foreign Enterprises and Influence Of The China Tax System Innovation On Foreign Enterprises for Singapore Chamber of Commerce. Topics: - New published provision and regulations of VAT- New published revised business tax- The important changes of the new enterprises income tax and related regulations- Tax saving planning Information and Registration Where: Unit 2607, Full Tower,9, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu,Chaoyang District, 100020,Beijing China中国北京市朝阳区东三环中路9号富尔大厦2607室Tel.:  +86 10 8591 0545When: 5th of August 2009, from 8:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m. (10:30 break)Language: Chinese (no english translation)Fee: 200 Rmb (members) - 250 rmb (non members)The seminar will be held in Chinese, and is addressed to CFO, Finance Managers. Registration deadline: please confirm within the 30th of July 2009The seminar on New Tax Regulation will be held also in Shanghai on the 23rd of July 2009. Reply Coupon Please reserve no.____ seat/seats for the meeting on the 5th of August 2009 for Mr/Ms.Name :Position:Company:Tel:For more information and confirmation please send an e-mail to the following e-mail address: or to the following phone number:  +86 (010) 85910545    CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518

Daily business in China

14 July 2009
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to the following seminar:   Daily business in China - 101 questions that European companies face after their set up stage in China The seminar aims to solve all the most widespread and controversial questions resulting from the day-to-day business. The speaker, Mr. Javier Hernandez of Goldmillennium, will illustrate the resolutions and the answers with real life cases collected during his long consulting experience in China. Moreover, he will be glad to collect your own questions during the days before the seminar: if you are interested just write him an email, at Some points which will be discussed are: 1. After the set up is fully accomplished, why my WFOE or JV cannot transfer money to foreign companies in other countries outside China?2. Why I can`t apply for my VAT even if I finished setting up my company?3. In my business license appears that I have an import-export license, but once the products reached China the customs department does not allow me to clear the goods.4. I want to transfer an amount of money from my bank account using my E-banking, but I can`t do the transfers.5. I still waiting for my business license after more than 4 months, and I still don`t have it.6. I had asked for a new employment permit for my foreign employee, but the labour bureau refused: how can I solve the problem?7. My Chinese partner mentions that our JV should pay more taxes in customs then the amount payed by Chinese company, and for this reason he wants to use his "friends agent company" to clear the goods.8. It is mandatory to pay social security for my foreign employees in China. Which insurance it is mandatory, if there`s any? Speakers: Javier Hernandez is an international lawyer with three Masters, the European Union Law Masters from U. Carlos III, Spain, the Masters in International Business Transaction and Commercial Law from Washington College of Law, American University, USA, and the Master in Chinese Law, Tsinghua University, China. Mr. Hernandez has a wide experience in different legal areas, from M&As to contract revisions, and has now been working in China for almost 6 years, exposed to the daily challenges to integrate international companies into the Chinese legal system. His exposure has gone anywhere from S&Ms to Multinationals and he can relate with most of the troubles which companies experience when trying to integrate International contracts with Local customs, business and legal terms. Due to his experience he has cooperated with different publications, including Tsinghua Enterprise Business School magazine and European and American magazines. During his trainings, he likes to evaluate real contracts from the companies he is training, to give them a sense of consultancy plus training and bringing real life scenarios to improve their day to day work. He has trained in different countries, including India, Japan, Singapore and, of course, China.       Information and Registration Date & Time: Tuesday July 14th, 200908:00-08:30    Registration 08:30-09:30    1st Speech  9:30               Q&A Venue: Westin Chaoyang Hotel, 1 Xinyuan Nan Road, Sanlitun, Yanshaqiao - Beijing, 5922-8888             金茂北京威斯汀大饭店新源南路1号, 5922-8888 Language: English Entrance Fee: 200 RMB for Members, 300 RMB for non-Members Registration Deadline: Thursday the 11th of June, 6 p.m. REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat{s} for the seminar Daily business in China to be held on the 14th of JulyName:Position:Company:Tel:Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to

CCIC Summer Networking

29 July 2009
            WELCOME TO OUR SUMMER NETWORKING The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the British Chamber of Commerce, the Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, the China - Australia Chamber of Commerce and the Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce, cordially invites you to our up coming: Summer Networking. Date: Wednesday, 29thof July, 2009Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Venue: Swissôtel - Sunset Terrace 2 Chaoyangmen BeidajieChaoyang District, Beijing.港澳中心瑞士酒店朝阳门北大街2号北京朝阳区Tel.: +86 10 6553 2288Price: 100 rmb for members200 rmb for non members One voucher includes: 2 drinks (house wine, beer, soft drinks) and a selection of canape`s.   The Organizations encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues, friends and to your business partners.   REPLY COUPON To be submitted by the 24th of July, via e-mail to: The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Networking, on the 29th of July, 2009. Date______________________ Signature_______________________We only accept written confirmations and cancellations. Cancellation Policy: You are liable for 100% of the registration fee in case your cancellation is received less than 24 hours before the event. Beijing Office Unit 2607, Full Tower, Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 Tel. 86(10) 85910545 Fax. +86 (10) 85910546 Mail.


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