
Learn Business Chinese! (Hutong School Beijing)

04 April 2016
The Hutong School has been organising a workshop for professionals to learn Business Chinese. This entails learning the main vocabulary for doing business in China, the most important aspects of culture and etiquette and other factors that can have an impact on the success rate of business endeavours here in China.  The workshops will be held in Hutong Schools in Beijing and Shanghai over two weeknights. There will be a workshop for beginners and one for intermediary Mandarin speakers.  Click here to see the invitation.

Learn Business Chinese! (Hutong School Beijing)

04 April 2016
The Hutong School has been organising a workshop for professionals to learn Business Chinese. This entails learning the main vocabulary for doing business in China, the most important aspects of culture and etiquette and other factors that can have an impact on the success rate of business endeavours here in China.  The workshops will be held in Hutong Schools in Beijing and Shanghai over two weeknights. There will be a workshop for beginners and one for intermediary Mandarin speakers.  Click here to see the invitation.

Learn Business Chinese! (Hutong School Beijing)

04 April 2016
The Hutong School has been organising a workshop for professionals to learn Business Chinese. This entails learning the main vocabulary for doing business in China, the most important aspects of culture and etiquette and other factors that can have an impact on the success rate of business endeavours here in China.  The workshops will be held in Hutong Schools in Beijing and Shanghai over two weeknights. There will be a workshop for beginners and one for intermediary Mandarin speakers.  Click here to see the invitation.

IP Awards Ceremony

30 March 2016
IP Key would like to invite you to the upcoming IP Awards Ceremony, which will take place at the Sofitel Wanda Beijing, on the 30th March 2016 from 9am to 4pm. 2015 marked the 10th anniversary of the EU-China IP Dialogue Mechanism, with that in mind the European Chamber of Commerce in China is taking time to recognise China’s most IP-friendly regions, with an IP Awards Ceremony and conference which will take place on the 30th March 2016. The European Chamber, and in particular Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group, defined five evaluation indicators which will make up the award categories: Transparency Efficiency Cooperation Deterrence Fairness The awards and conference will be celebrated at the Sofitel Wanda on the 30th March from 9am to 4pm.  Visit the awards home page here for an updated agenda and program.

IP Awards Ceremony

30 March 2016
IP Key would like to invite you to the upcoming IP Awards Ceremony, which will take place at the Sofitel Wanda Beijing, on the 30th March 2016 from 9am to 4pm. 2015 marked the 10th anniversary of the EU-China IP Dialogue Mechanism, with that in mind the European Chamber of Commerce in China is taking time to recognise China’s most IP-friendly regions, with an IP Awards Ceremony and conference which will take place on the 30th March 2016. The European Chamber, and in particular Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group, defined five evaluation indicators which will make up the award categories: Transparency Efficiency Cooperation Deterrence Fairness The awards and conference will be celebrated at the Sofitel Wanda on the 30th March from 9am to 4pm.  Visit the awards home page here for an updated agenda and program.

IP Awards Ceremony

30 March 2016
IP Key would like to invite you to the upcoming IP Awards Ceremony, which will take place at the Sofitel Wanda Beijing, on the 30th March 2016 from 9am to 4pm. 2015 marked the 10th anniversary of the EU-China IP Dialogue Mechanism, with that in mind the European Chamber of Commerce in China is taking time to recognise China’s most IP-friendly regions, with an IP Awards Ceremony and conference which will take place on the 30th March 2016. The European Chamber, and in particular Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group, defined five evaluation indicators which will make up the award categories: Transparency Efficiency Cooperation Deterrence Fairness The awards and conference will be celebrated at the Sofitel Wanda on the 30th March from 9am to 4pm.  Visit the awards home page here for an updated agenda and program.

Elective General Meeting

08 April 2016
On Friday 8 April 2016 at 9 am the Elective Annual General Meeting will be held with the following Agenda Welcoming speech Chairman and Treasures’ annual report Approval of 2015 final balance (audited) Updates on budget plan and on activities plan for 2016 Outlines of the candidacies for the posts Elections Results of the elections and installation of the Direction Board and Board of Probiviri for the 2016-2017 period For the regulations, please click here. For further details, we invite you to consult the Avviso di convocazione.  

Convocazione dell’Assemblea Generale Elettiva dei Soci

08 April 2016
Per il giorno Venerdi 8 Aprile 2016 alle ore 09:00 e' stata convocata l'Assemblea Generale Elettiva, con il seguente Ordine del giorno Saluto di benvenuto Relazione annuale del Presidente e del Tesoriere Approvazione del bilancio consuntivo 2015 verificato dai ns. revisori Aggiornamento sul bilancio preventivo e sul programma di attività 2016 Lettura delle candidature alle cariche sociali Elezioni Lettura dei risultati delle elezioni e insediamento del Consiglio Direttivo e del Collegio dei Probiviri per il biennio 2016-2017 Per il regolamento, cliccare qui. Per ulteriori dettagli, vi invitiamo a consultare l'Avviso di convocazione. 

Convocazione dell’Assemblea Generale Elettiva dei Soci

08 April 2016
Per il giorno Venerdi 8 Aprile 2016 alle ore 09:00 e' stata convocata l'Assemblea Generale Elettiva, con il seguente Ordine del giorno Saluto di benvenuto Relazione annuale del Presidente e del Tesoriere Approvazione del bilancio consuntivo 2015 verificato dai ns. revisori Aggiornamento sul bilancio preventivo e sul programma di attività 2016 Lettura delle candidature alle cariche sociali Elezioni Lettura dei risultati delle elezioni e insediamento del Consiglio Direttivo e del Collegio dei Probiviri per il biennio 2016-2017 Per il regolamento, cliccare qui. Per ulteriori dettagli, vi invitiamo a consultare l'Avviso di convocazione. 

Inter-Chamber SME Working Group “Managing SME in China”

04 March 2016
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), implementing partner of EUSme Centre, is delighted to invite all European small and medium enterprises to the next Inter-Chamber SME Working Group meeting focused on the topic “Managing SME in China”. This event is organized by the EUSME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce (EUCCC) and it will be held on March 4th, 2016 at the German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing. Establishing in a new market is always challenging, how to manage your SME in China? What are the solutions available to have a better operation? Are you ready to embrace another year of success? The experts will share best practices and case studies.  Venue: German Centre for Industry and Trade Beijing, DRC Liangmaqiao Office, Tower D1, 11th Floor, Unit 1101A (DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, 19 Dongfang East Road) Rundown: 08:30 – 09:00 Registration  09:00 – 09:10 Opening Remarks – Ludmila Hyklova, EU SME Centre  09:10 – 09:40 Ludmila Hyklova, Legal Advisor, EU SME Centre 1)   How to do Staff Handbook for your company  2)   Practicality and importance of internal labour rules 3)   Tool to avoid labour issues 09:40 – 10:20 SMEs in China IT challenges & New Solutions– Niles-Uwe Behrens, IBB China  10:20 – 10:50 2016-2017 Position Paper KR Discussion  10:50 – 11:00 Q&A  Invitation: This meeting is open to European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and SME intermediary organisations such as embassies or consulates, chambers of commerce and trade associations only. If you would like to attend, please send email to Erica Wang ( or call (010) 6462 2066 ext. 27.  About Inter-Chamber SME Working Group: The Inter-Chamber Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Working Group was established in 2014 as a new advocacy element of EU SME Centre Phase II with the objective of strengthening advocacy for EU SMEs. The Inter-Chamber SME Working Group is based on the existing Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Forum of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, bringing together European SMEs and creating a strong channel to express concerns and report challenges they face in conducting business in China.


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