
Sicilian Aperitivo 西西里欢乐时光 - Venerdì 24 Marzo

24 March 2017
Dear friends, The Beijing Delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine, invites you to take part to a Sicilian Aperitivo, this Friday, March 24th! Through this initiative, the Italian Academy of Cuisine, aims at spreading a broader understanding of traditional Italian cuisine. Its mission is to defend and protect traditional Italian cuisine, and to promote its diffusion and improvement in Italy and abroad.     Scan the QR code and send an email to  to reserve your place, within March 22nd! The ticket includes two glasses of Sicilian wine and a buffet of typical Sicilian snacks. CruItaly and the Beijing Delegation of Italian Academy of Cuisine will be eagerly waiting for you at Spazio Italia Beijing to enjoy together a Sicilian Atmosphere.     CICC

Sicilian Aperitivo 西西里欢乐时光 - Friday, 24th March

24 March 2017
  Dear friends, The Beijing Delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine, invites you to take part to a Sicilian Aperitivo, this Friday, March 24th! Through this initiative, the Italian Academy of Cuisine, aims at spreading a broader understanding of traditional Italian cuisine. Its mission is to defend and protect traditional Italian cuisine, and to promote its diffusion and improvement in Italy and abroad.     Scan the QR code and send an email to  to reserve your place, within March 22nd! The ticket includes two glasses of Sicilian wine and a buffet of typical Sicilian snacks. CruItaly and the Beijing Delegation of Italian Academy of Cuisine will be eagerly waiting for you at Spazio Italia Beijing to enjoy together a Sicilian Atmosphere.   CICC

Convocazione Assemblea Generale 24 Marzo 2017 e rettifica OdG

24 March 2017
Pechino, 15 Marzo 2017   Cari Soci,    Convocazione Assemblea Generale Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina Pechino, Venerdì 24 Marzo 2017, ore 9.00-12.00   Si rettifica Ordine del Giorno dell’Assemblea Generale convocata in data Venerdi’ 24 Marzo ore 9:00 presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino.   Eliminata l’elezione della carica di Consigliere nella Circoscrizione di Guangzhou, al fine di garantire il diritto del Socio di candidarsi (art. 12 dello Statuto). Per l’elezione si rimanda ad una successiva comunicazione.   Ordine del Giorno aggiornato: Saluto di benvenuto Relazione annuale del Presidente e del Tesoriere Approvazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2016 verificato dai ns. revisori Aggiornamento sul Bilancio Preventivo e sul Programma di Attività 2017 Aggiornamento sui lavori del Nuovo Statuto   Un cordiale saluto a tutti,   Sergio Bertasi ​Presidente  

Convocazione Assemblea Generale 24 Marzo 2017 e rettifica OdG

24 March 2017
Pechino, 15 Marzo 2017   Cari Soci,    Convocazione Assemblea Generale Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina Pechino, Venerdì 24 Marzo 2017, ore 9.00-12.00   Si rettifica Ordine del Giorno dell’Assemblea Generale convocata in data Venerdi’ 24 Marzo ore 9:00 presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino.   Eliminata l’elezione della carica di Consigliere nella Circoscrizione di Guangzhou, al fine di garantire il diritto del Socio di candidarsi (art. 12 dello Statuto). Per l’elezione si rimanda ad una successiva comunicazione.   Ordine del Giorno aggiornato: Saluto di benvenuto Relazione annuale del Presidente e del Tesoriere Approvazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2016 verificato dai ns. revisori Aggiornamento sul Bilancio Preventivo e sul Programma di Attività 2017 Aggiornamento sui lavori del Nuovo Statuto   Un cordiale saluto a tutti,   Sergio Bertasi ​Presidente  

Convocazione Assemblea Generale 24 Marzo 2017 e rettifica OdG

24 March 2017
Pechino, 15 Marzo 2017   Cari Soci,    Convocazione Assemblea Generale Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina Pechino, Venerdì 24 Marzo 2017, ore 9.00-12.00   Si rettifica Ordine del Giorno dell’Assemblea Generale convocata in data Venerdi’ 24 Marzo ore 9:00 presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Pechino.   Eliminata l’elezione della carica di Consigliere nella Circoscrizione di Guangzhou, al fine di garantire il diritto del Socio di candidarsi (art. 12 dello Statuto). Per l’elezione si rimanda ad una successiva comunicazione.   Ordine del Giorno aggiornato: Saluto di benvenuto Relazione annuale del Presidente e del Tesoriere Approvazione del Bilancio Consuntivo 2016 verificato dai ns. revisori Aggiornamento sul Bilancio Preventivo e sul Programma di Attività 2017 Aggiornamento sui lavori del Nuovo Statuto   Un cordiale saluto a tutti,   Sergio Bertasi ​Presidente  

Save the Date - The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China

15 March 2017
Dear Members,    The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the event “The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China”. The seminar will be held at the Auditorium of the Embassy of Italy on Wednesday 15th March 2017, from 11.00 to 18.00. The event is organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in China and the Italian Trade Agency in the occasion of “World Consumer Rights Day” and under the patronage of the European Union Delegation in Beijing.  The seminar will be divided into three sessions and will feature several speakers.  The first session will be a legal seminar on GIs Protection in China. The seminar will be held from 11.00 to 13.00, only in English. The aim is to raise awareness among Italian companies on how they can safeguard the GIs in China. The morning session will be then followed by a conference on GIs Protection and a comparison of different experiences, between 14.00 and 17.00 (with simultaneous Chinese translation). The seminar will give the opportunity to promote Italian GIs in China, also through the presentation of several case studies from Protection Consortia. One of the speakers will be Marco Pizzoli, Vice-Coordinator of Food & Beverage Working Group of the CICC. The day will conclude with a Networking and Tasting Event on Italian PDOs and PGIs.   For further information, click here to see the flyer and the agenda of the event.   To sign up please send an email to by March 14th.    Kind regards,   CICC    

Save the Date - The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China

15 March 2017
Dear Members,    The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to attend the event “The Extraordinary Italian taste: Promotion and Protection of Geographical Indications in China”. The seminar will be held at the Auditorium of the Embassy of Italy on Wednesday 15th March 2017, from 11.00 to 18.00. The event is organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in China and the Italian Trade Agency in the occasion of “World Consumer Rights Day” and under the patronage of the European Union Delegation in Beijing.  The seminar will be divided into three sessions and will feature several speakers.  The first session will be a legal seminar on GIs Protection in China. The seminar will be held from 11.00 to 13.00, only in English. The aim is to raise awareness among Italian companies on how they can safeguard the GIs in China. The morning session will be then followed by a conference on GIs Protection and a comparison of different experiences, between 14.00 and 17.00 (with simultaneous Chinese translation). The seminar will give the opportunity to promote Italian GIs in China, also through the presentation of several case studies from Protection Consortia. One of the speakers will be Marco Pizzoli, Vice-Coordinator of Food & Beverage Working Group of the CICC. The day will conclude with a Networking and Tasting Event on Italian PDOs and PGIs.   For further information, click here to see the flyer and the agenda of the event.   To sign up please send an email to by March 14th.    Kind regards,   CICC    

“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 March 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team

“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 March 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team

“Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference”_Monday March 6th 2-5 pm, Italian Institute of Culture

06 March 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Italy China Travel Club are glad to introduce you to the “Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference” to be held on Monday March 6th 2-5 pm at the Italian Institute of Culture (Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.). Jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine”, the event is a perfect occasion to learn more about major exhibitions in Italy and to network with exhibition organisers and stakeholders. Confirmed participants include Hannover Milano Fairs, Italian Exhibition Group Spa, Reed Exhibition Group, and INNO International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Opening greetings and speeches by Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Please note the event will be in Chinese.   RSVP: Name, surname, company, mobile to Luca Nardini, by Friday March 3rd noontime.   All the members of CICC and ICTC are welcome to attend with 1-2 representatives.   We are counting on your participation!   Kind regards,   CICC Team


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