
Summer All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking - August 22nd 2017

22 August 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC,  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with 18 other leading foreign Chambers in Beijing, are holding the All-Chamber Welcome Back Networking event. This gathering is one of our largest networking events of the year with more than 600 attendees from a wide variety of industries. It's an excellent opportunity to network, meet new business contacts, and be re-acquainted with peers and others important to your ongoing success. Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Location: Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel 61 Dongsanhuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京富力万丽酒店,北京市朝阳区东三环中路61号 Registration: Member: 150 RMB Non Member: 250 RMB (Includes two drinks from a choice of wine, local beer, and soft drinks, served with nuts and chips) Cancellation: Cancellation must be made at least 24 hours prior to the event, otherwise you will be charged anyhow. RSVP: Registrations are mandatory. To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by August 22nd, including information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.

China-Italy School Football and Youth Training Development, June 20th, Beijing

20 June 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to attend the seminar "China-Italy School Football and Youth Training Development", organized by Atom (Beijing) Culture and Technology Corporation, whose mission in China includes starting cooperations with campuses and football schools, especially in Beijing, Hebei and Shanxi. The seminar is free of charge and will be held at the Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing starting at 2:30 pm until 6:00 pm. Tentative Agenda 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Registration 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Greetings and Introduction 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm Flavio Modena, "The Differences Between Youth Football in Italy and China" 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm Davide Caliaro, "The Situation of Football Schools and Cultural Differences Between Italy and China. ChievoVerona Fooball Club Philosophy" 5:00 pm - 5:40 pm Free Discussion and Q&A 5:40 pm - 6:00 pm Networking   RSVP:  Please send an email to within Monday June 19th at 12:00 pm (CST). For more information on the event, please download the complete tentative agenda.   We count on your participation! Kind regards,   The CICC Team

China-Italy School Football and Youth Training Development, 20 Giugno, Pechino

20 June 2017
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina vi invita a partecipare al seminario "China-Italy School Football and Youth Training Development", organizzato da Atom (Beijing) Culture and Technology Corporation, la cui missione in Cina mira ad avviare dialoghi con campus e scuole di calcio cinesi, in particolare nelle aree di Pechino, Hebei e Shanxi. Il seminario si terrà il 20 Giugno 2017 presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Pechino, dalle 15:00 alle 18:00. L'evento è gratuito.   Programma temporaneo 14:30 - 15:00 Registrazione 15:00 - 15:30 Saluti ed introduzioni 15:30 - 16:15 Flavio Modena, "La differenze del calcio giovanile italiano e cinese" 16:20 - 17:00 Davide Caliaro, "La situazione delle scuole-calcio e la cultura italiana e cinese. La filosofia del ChievoVerona" 17:00 - 17:40 Dibattito e Q&A 17:40 - 18:00 Networking   RSVP: Inviare una mail a entro Lunedì 19 Giugno alle 12:00. Maggiori dettagli sul programma e sull'evento disponibili qui.   Vi aspettiamo numerosi!   Cordiali saluti,   Il Team CCIC  


20 June 2017
尊敬的会员和意大利之友, 中国意大利商会很荣幸邀请你们参加北京欧达亚通文化科技有限公司举办的“2017北京中意校园足球文化及青训发展研讨会”。 他们这次来华之行还会走进校园,参观调研北京,河北,山西等地的校园足球特色学校。 这次研讨会将于6月20号下午2点半到6点在意大利使馆文化处举办。这次活动是免费的。 研讨会初步日程 14:30 - 15:00 登记 15:00 - 15:30 致辞和介绍 15:30 - 16:15 Flavio Modena, "中意青训差异及发展方向" 16:15 - 17:00 Davide Caliaro, "中意校园足球现状、文化及差异,及切沃的青年训练营介绍" 17:00 - 17:40 提问及自由讨论 17:40 - 18:00 合影   RSVP:  如希望参加,请在6月19号中午12点内给info@cameraitacina.com发邮件。 请下载研讨会的初步日程和背景。 ​ 欢迎报名! 致敬,   中国意大利商会

CICC's Members Monthly Informal Meeting – Beijing – June 13th

13 June 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, We are glad to announce the first Beijing edition of the CICC Members' Informal Meeting STESSO GIORNO STESSA ORA, that will take place Tuesday June 13th at La Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant (Address: 2F Friendship Youth Hotel, 43 Sanlitun Bei Lu, Chaoyang district - 朝阳区三里屯后街青年酒店2楼/3.3大厦后面) starting from 20:00. This will be the right opportunity to share opinions, point of view and make proposals about future challenges and activities. Please confirm you participation at‌ within Monday June 12th.

CICC's Members Monthly Informal Meeting – Beijing – June 13th

13 June 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, We are glad to announce the first Beijing edition of the CICC Members' Informal Meeting STESSO GIORNO STESSA ORA, that will take place Tuesday June 13th at La Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant (Address: 2F Friendship Youth Hotel, 43 Sanlitun Bei Lu, Chaoyang district - 朝阳区三里屯后街青年酒店2楼/3.3大厦后面) starting from 20:00. This will be the right opportunity to share opinions, point of view and make proposals about future challenges and activities. Please confirm you participation at‌ within Monday June 12th.

CICC's Members Monthly Informal Meeting – Beijing – June 13th

13 June 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, We are glad to announce the first Beijing edition of the CICC Members' Informal Meeting STESSO GIORNO STESSA ORA, that will take place Tuesday June 13th at La Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant (Address: 2F Friendship Youth Hotel, 43 Sanlitun Bei Lu, Chaoyang district - 朝阳区三里屯后街青年酒店2楼/3.3大厦后面) starting from 20:00. This will be the right opportunity to share opinions, point of view and make proposals about future challenges and activities. Please confirm you participation at‌ within Monday June 12th.

Interchamber event: Ladies' Afterwork - Discover Pastry Art with Master Chef - 25th May 2017

25 May 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China and the SwissCham, is delighted to invite you to Ladies' Afterwork at Haollee in Sanlitun on May 25th. Come and discover the Art of dessert with professional Pastry chef, also make your own dessert from A to Z! It's also an agreeable moment to mingle with old and new friends, as well as to share your little secret of enjoying a pleasant life after work. Ladies members, bring your lady friends so they can also enjoy a member price!   Date: Thursday, May 25th 2017 Time: 18:15 - 21:00   Agenda: 18:15 – 19:00 Sign up & reception with snacks and juice 19:00 – 19:20 Introduction to the world of Pastry by Chef 19:30 – 21:00 Dessert Making & Sharing   Venue: Haollee Pastry Art Academy 田园坊 5-2 Topwin Center, 1 South Sanlitun road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路1号,通盈中心5层5-2   Fee: Member 180 RMB / Non-Member 280 RMB RSVP: Send an email to before May 24th at 17:30.   Kind regards,   The CICC Team

Interchamber event: Ladies' Afterwork - Discover Pastry Art with Master Chef - 25th May 2017

25 May 2017
Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China and the SwissCham, is delighted to invite you to Ladies' Afterwork at Haollee in Sanlitun on May 25th. Come and discover the Art of dessert with professional Pastry chef, also make your own dessert from A to Z! It's also an agreeable moment to mingle with old and new friends, as well as to share your little secret of enjoying a pleasant life after work. Ladies members, bring your lady friends so they can also enjoy a member price!   Date: Thursday, May 25th 2017 Time: 18:15 - 21:00   Agenda: 18:15 – 19:00 Sign up & reception with snacks and juice 19:00 – 19:20 Introduction to the world of Pastry by Chef 19:30 – 21:00 Dessert Making & Sharing   Venue: Haollee Pastry Art Academy 田园坊 5-2 Topwin Center, 1 South Sanlitun road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路1号,通盈中心5层5-2   Fee: Member 180 RMB / Non-Member 280 RMB RSVP: Send an email to before May 24th at 17:30.   Kind regards,   The CICC Team

Save-the-Date: China Focus for Italian SMEs, Domenica 14 Maggio, Pechino

14 May 2017
Cari Soci, La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di invitarvi a partecipare al seminario "China Focus for Italian SMEs", che si terrà Domenica 14 Maggio a Pechino, presso Spazio Italia.   Programma   Registrazione ore 15:30 L’evento inizia alle ore 16:00 Saluti di benvenuto 16:00 – 16:20 Enrico Berti, Primo Segretario, Uff. Ec. e Comm., Ambasciata d’Italia a Pechino – 5 min Marco Gasparroni, Vice Presidente Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina – 5 min Filippo Maria Grasso, Direttore Relazioni Istituzionali Pirelli - 5 min Ilaria Vescovi, Presidente del Gruppo Tecnico Internazionalizzazione dei Territori Confindustria – 5 min Filippo Petz, Vice Direttore ICE Pechino – 5 min 16:20 – 17:20 Keynote speech – 10 minuti Sara Marchetta, EUCCC National Representative, Resident Partner Studio Legale Chiomenti L’esperienza della comunità imprenditoriale italiana in Cina – Panel Discussion, Q&A Moderatore: Francesco Lorenzini, Founder Techsilu Valtero Canepa, Shanghai Bracco Sine Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Federico Bullo, Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co.,Ltd. Cristian Cattalini, Tenova Industrial Technologies (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 17:20 – 18:20 Keynote speech – 10 minuti Domenico di Liello, Knowledge Centre Coordinator, EU SME Centre Nuovi consumi nuovi consumatori – Panel Discussion, Q&A Moderatore: Sara Marchetta, EUCCC National Representative, Resident Partner Studio Legale Chiomenti Angelo Morano, Insider International (Shanghai) Limited Matteo Oppici, Smeg (Euroidea)   A seguire networking, chiusura ore 19:00.   RSVP: entro Venerdì 12 Maggio ore 18:00 (Beijing Time)   Vi aspettiamo numerosi!   Cordiali saluti,   Il Team CCIC


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