
CICC Christmas Dinner - Beijing 16 December 2019

16 December 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to: CICC Christmas Dinner to celebrate the upcoming Festivities! The dinner represents a great opportunity to celebrate Italian Christmas all together and to wish all a Merry Christmas. Join us for a holiday feast!   Date: December 16th, 2019 Time: 18:30-21:00 Price: 400 rmb for Members            500 rmb for Non-Members Venue: ​The Opposite House Hotel in Beijing, Sanlitun North District, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区三里屯路三里屯北区北京瑜舍酒店 Rsvp: or scan the following QR code:  Kind Regards,  CICC Team

CICC Christmas Dinner - Beijing 16 December 2019

16 December 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to: CICC Christmas Dinner to celebrate the upcoming Festivities! The dinner represents a great opportunity to celebrate Italian Christmas all together and to wish all a Merry Christmas. Join us for a holiday feast!   Date: December 16th, 2019 Time: 18:30-21:00 Price: 400 rmb for Members            500 rmb for Non-Members Venue: ​The Opposite House Hotel in Beijing, Sanlitun North District, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区三里屯路三里屯北区北京瑜舍酒店 Rsvp: or scan the following QR code:  Kind Regards,  CICC Team

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva - 6 marzo 2020

06 March 2020
  ATTENZIONE: l’Assemblea Generale Elettiva prevista per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 è stata posticipata in data 30 marzo 2020. Per maggiori informazioni fare riferimento al seguente LINK.   Cari Soci, di seguito, come previsto dall'articolo 12 dello Statuto, si convoca l'Assemblea Generale Elettiva per il giorno 6 marzo 2020. Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina - Elezioni 2020 - Convocazione L'elezione delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2020-2021 è affidata all'Assemblea ("Assemblea Elettiva"). L'Assemblea Elettiva è convocata per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 alle ore 9:00 am. L'Assemblea Elettiva si svolge a Pechino, presso l'Auditorium dell'Istituto di Cultura, Ambasciata d'Italia, 2 Sanlitun Dong Er Jie (北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2 号) Si prega di prendere visione del regolamento dell'elezione al seguente link.   Cordiali Saluti, Il Presidente della CCIC Davide Cucino

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva - 6 marzo 2020

06 March 2020
  ATTENZIONE: l’Assemblea Generale Elettiva prevista per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 è stata posticipata in data 30 marzo 2020. Per maggiori informazioni fare riferimento al seguente LINK.   Cari Soci, di seguito, come previsto dall'articolo 12 dello Statuto, si convoca l'Assemblea Generale Elettiva per il giorno 6 marzo 2020. Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina - Elezioni 2020 - Convocazione L'elezione delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2020-2021 è affidata all'Assemblea ("Assemblea Elettiva"). L'Assemblea Elettiva è convocata per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 alle ore 9:00 am. L'Assemblea Elettiva si svolge a Pechino, presso l'Auditorium dell'Istituto di Cultura, Ambasciata d'Italia, 2 Sanlitun Dong Er Jie (北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2 号). Si prega di prendere visione del regolamento dell'elezione al seguente link.   Cordiali Saluti, Il Presidente della CCIC Davide Cucino

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva - 6 marzo 2020

06 March 2020
  ATTENZIONE: l’Assemblea Generale Elettiva prevista per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 è stata posticipata in data 30 marzo 2020. Per maggiori informazioni fare riferimento al seguente LINK.   Cari Soci, di seguito, come previsto dall'articolo 12 dello Statuto, si convoca l'Assemblea Generale Elettiva per il giorno 6 marzo 2020.   Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina - Elezioni 2020 - Convocazione L'elezione delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2020-2021 è affidata all'Assemblea ("Assemblea Elettiva"). L'Assemblea Elettiva è convocata per il giorno 6 marzo 2020 alle ore 9:00 am. L'Assemblea Elettiva si svolge a Pechino, presso l'Auditorium dell'Istituto di Cultura, Ambasciata d'Italia, 2 Sanlitun Dong Er Jie (北京市朝阳区三里屯东二街2 号) Si prega di prendere visione del regolamento dell'elezione al seguente link.   Cordiali Saluti, Il Presidente della CCIC Davide Cucino

CICC Christmas Dinner - Beijing 16 December 2019

16 December 2019
  Dear Members and Friends of CICC, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to: CICC Christmas Dinner to celebrate the upcoming Festivities! The dinner represents a great opportunity to celebrate Italian Christmas all together and to wish all a Merry Christmas. Join us for a holiday feast!   Date: December 16th, 2019 Time: 18:30-21:00 Price: 400 rmb for Members            500 rmb for Non-Members Venue: ​The Opposite House Hotel in Beijing, Sanlitun North District, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区三里屯路三里屯北区北京瑜舍酒店 Rsvp: or scan the following QR code:  Kind Regards,  CICC Team

"Opening Henan, Charming Xuchang" 2019 Henan - Europe Industrial Cooperation Symposium, November 22, 2019 Beijing

22 November 2019
Dear Members and Friends, To help more foreign enterprise investigate potential opportunities for cooperation in Henan, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, German Chamber of Commerce in China, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, together with Henan Provincial Commerce Department and Xuchang Municipal People's Government are planning to hold the “Opening Henan, Charming Xuchang" 2019 Henan - Europe Industrial Cooperation Symposium on November 22, 2019 in Beijing. This event will be focusing on issues such as circular economy, green agriculture and high-end equipment manufacturing and aims to help more foreign companies to understand Henan's industrial development and Henan's local investment policy. At the same time, it helps them establishing contacts and gives them a networking opportunity with the Henan provincial government, institutions and enterprises. During the event, the Henan Provincial Commercial Office and Xuchang City will introduce potential needs of the province's industrial development, in order to promote the cooperation between Henan Province and Xuchang City with foreign enterprises. We sincerely invite foreign-invested enterprises to sign up for participating in this Matchmaking Event for the collaboration of local and European enterprises in key areas. Henan, a populous province in central China, has a solid industrial base. With the continuous upgrading of industries in recent years, Henan has vigorously developed its high-end equipment manufacturing and green circulation economy, while steadily promoting the development of modern agriculture. In order to strengthen the foreign cooperation, seize industrial opportunities and promote cooperation between foreign and local enterprises in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, Henan province has been pursuing an open investment promotion policy to provide a nurturing environment for foreign companies. In 2018,  the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has approved the first Sino-German (Xuchang) SME Cooperation Zone in Henan province. Relying on the existing industrial base, the district strengthens the connection between “Made in China 2025” and “German Industry 4.0”. Meanwhile, Xuchang is also an important equipment manufacturing base in China and the largest renewable resource recycling base north of the Yangtze River. It is one of the three core clusters of strategic emerging industries in Henan province.   The event is free of charge. We are looking forward to your participation!   Registration and Deadline: Please click here to fill out the registration form and send it to . Registration deadline: November 20th   If you have any further questions, please contact: 85910545-616   Kind Regards,  CICC Team

"Opening Henan, Charming Xuchang" 2019 Henan - Europe Industrial Cooperation Symposium, November 22, 2019 Beijing

22 November 2019
亲爱的会员和朋友们, 河南,作为中国中部人口大省,拥有坚实的产业基础。随着近几年产业的不断升级,河南省在稳固推进现代农业发展的同时,大力发展高端装备制造及绿色循环经济。为加大对外合作力度,把握产业机遇,促进国外企业与河南企业在经贸、科技和技术等领域的合作,河南省一直在推行开放的招商引资政策,为外资企业提供良好的发展环境。许昌,作为河南省对外合作的亮点城市,于2018年获工信部批准设立河南省首个中德(许昌)中小企业合作区。该区依托现有产业基础,加强“中国制造2025”与“德国工业4.0”的对接,同时,许昌市也是中国重要的装备制造生产基地、中国长江以北最大的再生资源回收利用基地,是河南省三个战略性新兴产业核心集聚区之一。   为了帮助更多的外资企业在河南挖掘潜在合作机遇,中国意大利商会、中国德国商会、中国西班牙商会以及河南省商务厅和许昌市人民政府,计划于2019年11月22日在北京举办“开放河南 • 魅力许昌,2019豫欧合作交流会”。本次活动将主要围绕循环经济、绿色农业及高端装备制造等主题展开,旨在让更多外资企业深入了解河南省内产业发展情况及河南当地对外投资政策,并帮助其建立与河南省政府、机构及企业之间的联系与交流。届时,河南省商务厅及许昌市将介绍省内产业发展及对外合作领域的潜在需求,以此来推进河南省及许昌市的对外合作。在此,我们诚邀外资企业报名参与本次河南企业对欧合作对接会,与河南相关政府机构及企业代表就中欧企业如何在重点领域合作进行深入交流。   此次活动不收取任何额外费用,欢迎商会会员企业踊跃报名参加此次活动!   报名方式及截止时间: 请填写报名表进行报名,并发送邮件至  。 报名截止日期:11月20日。 任何问题请致电:85910545-616

"Opening Henan, Charming Xuchang" 2019 Henan - Europe Industrial Cooperation Symposium, November 22, 2019 Beijing

22 November 2019
Dear Members and Friends, To help more foreign enterprise investigate potential opportunities for cooperation in Henan, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, German Chamber of Commerce in China, Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, together with Henan Provincial Commerce Department and Xuchang Municipal People's Government are planning to hold the “Opening Henan, Charming Xuchang" 2019 Henan - Europe Industrial Cooperation Symposium on November 22, 2019 in Beijing. This event will be focusing on issues such as circular economy, green agriculture and high-end equipment manufacturing and aims to help more foreign companies to understand Henan's industrial development and Henan's local investment policy. At the same time, it helps them establishing contacts and gives them a networking opportunity with the Henan provincial government, institutions and enterprises. During the event, the Henan Provincial Commercial Office and Xuchang City will introduce potential needs of the province's industrial development, in order to promote the cooperation between Henan Province and Xuchang City with foreign enterprises. We sincerely invite foreign-invested enterprises to sign up for participating in this Matchmaking Event for the collaboration of local and European enterprises in key areas. Henan, a populous province in central China, has a solid industrial base. With the continuous upgrading of industries in recent years, Henan has vigorously developed its high-end equipment manufacturing and green circulation economy, while steadily promoting the development of modern agriculture. In order to strengthen the foreign cooperation, seize industrial opportunities and promote cooperation between foreign and local enterprises in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, Henan province has been pursuing an open investment promotion policy to provide a nurturing environment for foreign companies. In 2018,  the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has approved the first Sino-German (Xuchang) SME Cooperation Zone in Henan province. Relying on the existing industrial base, the district strengthens the connection between “Made in China 2025” and “German Industry 4.0”. Meanwhile, Xuchang is also an important equipment manufacturing base in China and the largest renewable resource recycling base north of the Yangtze River. It is one of the three core clusters of strategic emerging industries in Henan province.   The event is free of charge. We are looking forward to your participation!   Registration and Deadline: Please click here to fill out the registration form and send it to . Registration deadline: November 20th   If you have any further questions, please contact: 85910545-616   Kind Regards,  CICC Team

Workshop "Le nuove frontiere dell’alimentazione infantile: punto di vista dello Chef Stellato Luigi Nastri e metodologie a confronto" - 17 Novembre, Pechino

17 November 2019
亲爱的会员们和朋友们,   中国意大利商会(CCIC)与意大利大使馆及北京意大利大使馆学校合作举办研讨会: "婴儿喂养的新领域:米其林星级厨师 Luigi Nastri的观点和比较方法论" 研讨会将以健康饮食为主题,并介绍营养做法,以简化父母对孩子的食物和进餐的方式。   在此之际,中国意大利商会很高兴邀请米其林星级厨师路易吉·纳斯特里(Luigi Nastri)担任嘉宾,他将介绍玛格丽特披萨的制作方法。在这方面,他与儿科医生及儿科营养学家合作,出版了《让我们学会吃饭》一书,该书收集了一周的食谱,其中包括每天烹饪的食材和简单的备菜工作。带有花瓣的玛格丽特披萨代表一种简单的方案,有助于确保适合全家人日常生活正确饮食所需的微量营养素。 这也是将北京意大利大使馆学校提出的雷焦艾米利亚方法纳入讨论范围的绝佳机会,以便就两种教育方法的多样性和潜力交换意见。 此外,由来自北京农学院国际学院食品管理专业的副教授,成黎博士,与大家分享该主题的专业知识。 结尾部分,厨师路易吉·纳斯特里(Luigi Nastri)将与北京大使馆意大利平等学校的大厨Roberta Bari合作,对示例食谱进行烹饪示范演示。   日期:星期日2019年11月17 日 地址:意大利驻华使馆文化中心三里屯,东二街2号,北京   议程: 16:00-16:30:  注册 16:30-17:15:  小组讨论与问答 Roberta Bari, 北京意大利大使馆学校的大厨 Cheng Li, 北京农学院国际学院食品管理专业的副教授,成黎博士 Luigi Nastri, 意大利米其林厨师   小组讨论主持人:意大利驻华大使馆,特派卫生专员朱茜康多雷利博士。   17:15-18:15:  厨师Nastri Luigi在厨师Roberta Bari的协助下开展研讨会   备注:意大利和中国活动的语言 活动对会员和非会员开放,活动免费   要参加活动,请扫描以下二维码:     顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队


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