Latest News

02 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Italian Night “Notte Italiana” to...

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

POST EVENT: CICC Members' Meeting Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang - 3 March 2021, Shanghai
02 March 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC, 

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the CICC Members' Meeting Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang took place successfully at CICC’s Shanghai Office on March 3rd, 2021. About 60 Members offline and online attended the meeting, which was an occasion to assess CICC recent activities and discuss some new projects.

CICC participates SCOFCOM meeting 2021-意大利商会参加2021在沪外国投资促进机构工作会
01 March 2021

On Friday February 26 the Shanghai Vice President of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce(CICC) Valtero Canepa participated to the Joint Conference of the Shanghai Foreign Investment Promotion Center and Shanghai Investment Promotion Agency (SIPP).  Madam Zhu Yi, Vice Chairperson of the Municipal Commission of Commerce(SCOFCOM), attended the event and delivered a speech.

Opportunità di Investimento nella Provincia cinese dello Hebei
26 February 2021

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CICC) condivide l'informativa in allegato relativa a opportunità di investimento nella provincia cinese dello Hebei per interesse della base associativa. 

Post event - CICC I&TWG Webinar: "Sensors in the Workplace. Employees Wellbeing for Productivity and Retention" – 25th February 2021
25 February 2021

Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,

The Webinar: "Sensors in the Workplace. Employees Wellbeing for Productivity and Retention", which has been organized by China-Italy Chamber of Commerce CICC and the CICC Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG), took place via Zoom, on 25th February 2021.

Breaking Into The Chinese Green Construction Sector online workshop-25 February 2021
25 February 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

on 25 February 2021, the EU SME Centre, Eurochambres and the Flanders-China Chamber of Commerce are happy to welcome you to our online workshop on the Green Construction Sector in China. 

The event will take from from 10:00-11:30 (Brussels time) and 17:00-18:30 (Beijing time).

China's Food and Drink Market in 2021, Regulatory headlines and key consumer trends-24 February 2021
24 February 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

the EU SME Centre and the China-Britain Business Council are glad to invite you to participate in our next online workshop on ''China's Food and Drink Market in 2021 – Regulatory headlines and key consumer trends''. 

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 24 February 2021, at 10:00-11:30 Brussels time, and 17:00-18:30 Beijing time. 

Internship opportunity at the EU SME Centre
19 February 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

the EU SME Centre is now looking for an intern fora duration of 6 months starting from March 2021. 

The position is an internship based in Beijing, China.
The deadline for application is 26 February 2021.

Opportunity for Traineeships at European Union Delegation-Beijing
18 February 2021

We are glad to inform you that the European Union Delegation/Office has published a call for unpaid compulsory traineeships (within the framework of third level studies) with a deadline of 28 February.

POST EVENT - Presentation of the Business Survey Results 2020, 8 Febbraio 2021
08 February 2021

Dear Members and Friends,

Today, February 8th, 2021 the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) has released the results of the III edition of CICC Business Survey.

Considering the difficulties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic globally, the aim of the publication is to acknowledge challenges and opportunities faced by the Sino-Italian business representatives and investigating the sentiment of the community about doing business in China.

La CCIC vi augura un buon Capodanno Cinese!
03 February 2021

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina vi augura un buon Capodanno Cinese!


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