Latest News

02 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Italian Night “Notte Italiana” to...

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

Results of the Quarterly Business Sentiment Survey (Q4) of CICC Members
17 March 2021

Dear Members and Friends,

From July 2020, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) started a quick quarterly survey to gather information on the business sentiment of all our Members in China.

Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG) meeting - Election of the new I&TWG Coordinator&Vice-Coordinators and updates on I&TWG’s activities
17 March 2021

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

This is to summon the Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG) meeting on 30/04/2021 at 17:00 (Beijing time) via Zoom.

Representatives of CICC SCH Joined the Consul General of Italy in Shanghai and the delegation for “China’s Arbor Day” Events in Wujiang
15 March 2021

On March 12th, 2021, China's Arbor Day, more than 20 representatives of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) Suzhou Chapter (SCH) joined the Consul General of Italy in Shanghai, Mr. Michele Cecchi and the delegation to Wujiang District for a series of China’s Arbor Day events including China-Italy Tree Presentation Ceremony, China-Italy Business Seminar, and plant tours to Italian companies: Valvitalia (Suzhou) Valves Co., Ltd., Sogefi (Suzhou) Auto Parts Co., Ltd, and Prima Power (Suzhou)Co., Ltd.

Pubblicazione “La mappatura dell’agroalimentare italian sounding in Asia prodotti, caratteristiche e canali distributivi”
15 March 2021

Cari Soci e Amici,

All’interno del progetto True Italian Taste, la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha contribuito alla realizzazione di uno studio relativo alla presenza di prodotti Italian Sounding all’interno del mercato cinese.

Lo studio si focalizza in modo più amplio sull’area asiatica prendendo in considerazione i seguenti paesi: Repubblica Popolare Cinese, Giappone, Vietnam e Corea del Sud.

New Easter Goodie Arrivals! , by TimesGrocery
12 March 2021

Dear members and friends of CICC,

the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to share with you a new article published by TimesGrocery 泰晤士连锁超市 called New Easter Goodie Arrivals!

POST EVENT - China-Italy Jiaxing International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, March 10th, 2021
10 March 2021

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Jiaxing Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and the Zhejiang Maylink Culture Development Corporation.

POST EVENT- SH SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting - March 9th, 2021
09 March 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting was successfully held on Tuesday, 9th of March at Da Marco.

Online workshop "What does it take to Set-up and Operate a Foreign Company in China?", 11th March 2021
09 March 2021

The China Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to share the online workshop "What does it take to Set-up and Operate a Foreign Company in China?"​ organized by the EU SME Center. The webinar will take place on March, 11th at 5pm (Beijing Time). 

Missione nel Guangdong del Presidente CCIC, 2-5 Marzo 2021
05 March 2021

Cari Soci e Amici di CCIC, 

La presente per informare la base associativa in merito alle attività organizzate nella provincia del Guangdong nel corso della settimana dal 2 al 5 Marzo 2021. La visita del Presidente della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina Paolo Bazzoni ha fornito l’ccasione per rafforzare i rapporti della CCIC con le aziende italiane in loco e con le istituzioni italiane e locali.

POST EVENT- Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon_ 3rd March 2021
04 March 2021

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

On Wednesday, March 3rd at 11:00 am the Haining-Italy (Shanghai) Investment Promotion Salon was held with success at CICC’s Shanghai Office, attended by more than fifty Italian and Chinese companies. The salon represented a strategic and economic solution for Italian companies that have a location or relocation project in China and a great moment to bring Haining under spotlight.


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