Latest News

02 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Italian Night “Notte Italiana” to...

26 August 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 August 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

Young Professional Talks #2 Career Development in Fashion Business and Design Management
25 February 2022

The second session of the "Young Professional Talks” was held on Friday 25th 2022 both online and offline in Shanghai.

Hong Kong: Where Belt & Road Business Opportunities Connect
25 February 2022

On February 22nd, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with InvestHK, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shanghai Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT Shanghai), held a hybrid seminar "Hong Kong: Where Business Opportunities Connect".

Approvate proposte di modifica allo Statuto camerale con il 54% di voti favorevoli sul totale degli aventi diritto
25 February 2022

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina è lieta di informarvi che le proposte di modifica allo Statuto camerale, sottoposte al voto dei nostri soci, sono state approvate con il 54% di voti favorevoli sul totale degli aventi diritto (322).

Call for Speakers | "Fare Business in Cina", Marzo 2022
22 February 2022

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di informarvi che siamo attualmente alla ricerca di relatori per il prossimo seminario "Fare Business in Cina".

CICC New Suzhou Office | Co-working Spaces Available!
21 February 2022

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that our Suzhou office will be relocated to a new larger location, where you will have the opportunity to rent offices, desks and spaces for organizing events. The new office will be opened with the cooperation of Jiangsu Suzhou Yangchenghu Peninsula Tourist Resort Administrative Committee and Suzhou Industrial Park Investment Promotion Committee.

Quality Council Webinars - Entering China through Digital
18 February 2022

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce’s Quality Council is pleased to invite you to the series of seminars “Entering China through Digital”. The four-session course is aimed at export managers and digital business developers in the West who are looking to unlock the secrets of the world’s biggest consumer market, China. 

China Winter Sports Industry: Growth and Challenges Ahead for SMEs
17 February 2022

While Beijing 2022 is happening, together with the EU SME Centre we held the hybrid workshop “Beijing Winter Olympics: what’s next?” on February 16th at Intercontinental Beijing and online. 

Call for Companies | China International Consumer Products Expo, Hainan
17 February 2022

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), on the occasion of the next China International Consumer Products Expo, which will be held from Tuesday, April 12th until Saturday, April 16th, at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center (Haikou, Hainan Province) is organizing a company pavilion.

What's the Future of Mobility? CICC EEPWG Tries to Answer
15 February 2022

The seminar "E-Mobility: Where Are We Heading?", organized on February 15th 2022 by the CICC Energy and Environmental Working Group (EEPWG), gathered about 40 Members and Friends, creating an important opportunity to network with companies in the energy sector.

Registrazione per Assemblea Generale straordinaria online: comunicazione risultati modifica Statuto Camerale, 25 febbraio 2022
14 February 2022

L’esito delle votazioni per la modifica statutaria sarà annunciato nel corso dell’Assemblea Generale straordinaria online indetta per il 25 febbraio 2022 dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 12:00 (CST) in prima ed unica convocazione.


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