Latest News

26 八月 2024

Con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione delle cariche di 1) Vice Presidente e 1) Consigliere ...

23 八月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, August 21st at Cellar to Table, in ...

22 八月 2024


Feb 29th: China and the Vatican's Global Strategy
29 二月 2016

Feb 29th: China and the Vatican's Global Strategy

2016 Western China International Silk Expo - Nanchong
23 二月 2016

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CCIC), in cooperation with the General Consulate of Italy in Chongqing, is glad to promote the “2016 Western China International Silk EXPO” Fair, which will be held in Nanchong – named “Chinese capital of silk” from May 11th to 15th 2016 at Greenland City绿地城(North Yinghua Road, Shunqing District, Nanchong 南充市顺庆区潆华北路).

Chongqing High-Tech Fair
23 二月 2016

The Cina-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CCIC), in cooperation with the General Consulate of Italy in Chongqing, is glad to promote the 12th edition of the China Chongqing High-tech Fair, which will be held in Chongqing from April 21st to 24th 2016 at the International Convention & Exhibition Center 国际会展中心 (No. 2, Jiangnan Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing重庆市南岸区江南大道2号).

中意商会 ,重庆一周年晚宴 - Post Event
01 二月 2016


在早上,也举行了中国意大利商会重庆办公室揭幕仪式,其中理事会代表,本地会员以及中国朋友们出席了仪式。办公室位于涉外商务区,毗邻外事办,由VMCF Atelier设计,具有实用及现代风格。

Gigi D'Alessio Malaterra World Tour_Post Event
31 一月 2016

Gigi D'Alessio Malaterra World Tour_Post Event

Post Event Seminario italo-cinese sulla collaborazione nel settore della sanità e dei servizi sanitari
29 一月 2016

Giovedì 28 Gennaio 2016 si è svolto presso l'Hotel Nikko New Century di Pechino il seminario italo-cinese sulla collaborazione nel settore della sanità e dei servizi sanitari, organizzato dall'Ambasciata d'Italia nella R.P.C. e dal Centro per lo Sviluppo delle Risorse Umane nel Settore Sanità presso la Commissione Nazionale per la Salute e la Pianificazione Familiare della R.P.C., e ospitato dal Ministero della Salute della Repubblica Italiana - rappresentato dal Ministro della Salute Beatrice Lorenzin - e dalla Commissione Nazionale per la Salute e la Pianificazione Familiare della R.P.C.

144 Hours Visa-free Entry for International Transit Passengers
27 一月 2016

Dear All,

Starting from January 30th 2016, citizens of 51 nations will get a 144 hours (6 days) visa-free entry if transiting through one of the following airports: Shanghai's Pudong Airport, Shanghai's Hongqiao Airport, Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Airport e Nanjing's Lukou Airport.

Gigi D'Alessio Malaterra World Tour_Tickets on Sale now!
27 一月 2016

​Gigi D'Alessio Malaterra World Tour_Tickets on Sale now! 

中意商会 ,重庆一周年晚宴 2016.01.23
23 一月 2016

中国意大利商会荣幸的邀请您共度重庆办公室周年庆 2016年01月23号, 活动位于丽笙世嘉酒店.


厨师Emanuele Sabatini将会精心烹制意大利的招牌菜式,配上意大利葡萄酒,让我们一起享受这个美好的意式晚宴吧. 还有精彩的舞蹈表演、音乐演出、抽奖活动等等


Post Event Seminar "Cross-border E-Commerce"
21 一月 2016

Wednesday, Jan. 20th the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C. and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) co-organized the seminar "Cross-border E-Commerce".


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