Latest News

26 九月 2024

We are officially calling for candidates for the elections of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Healthcare Working Group (CICC HCWG)...

26 九月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2025 Membership Campaign, starting on October 1st, 2024.

24 九月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the FBWG Extra-ordinary Election 2024-25.

Post Event - Young Professional Social Mixer
19 一月 2017

Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,


Young Professional Social Mixer, co-Hosted by CanCham, SwissCham, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Finnish Business Council Shanghai, took place on 18th January evening at Hungry Lung's Kitchen at the Crystal Galleria, Shanghai.

The event has been a great chance for our guests to socialize, network, and make connections with young professionals in Shanghai's international business scene, and to meet the Chambers' staff, in order to learn more about the Chambers' services and activities.




Thank you all for participating 


Best Regards,


Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia
18 一月 2017

Italia-Cina Scienza e Tecnologia

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina
18 一月 2017

Convenzione Quadro fra Consorzio Interuniversitario AlmaLaurea, AlmaLaurea Srl e Camera di Commercio italiana in Cina 

Season's Greetings: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
13 十二月 2016

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a successful and rewarding New Year!

12 十二月 2016

2016年12月8号由中国意大利商会和Cruitaly 联合组织的首次意大利慈善圣诞市集成功开幕,也为12月9号至11号的意大利空间中心的市集活动成功拉开序幕。


Il mondo del lavoro e dell'impresa in Cina. La gestione dei talenti e la creazione delle nuove professioni.
07 十二月 2016

Gentilissimo/a l'associazione degli ex alunni dell'Università Cattolica è lieta di invitarLa alla conferenza in oggetto che potrà essere un momento informativo e di confronto molto costruttivo. Grato se potrà essere con noi.

h. 16:30-18/18:30

10 F, One Lujiazui Building

n.68 Yincheng Zhong Road

Pudong, Shanghai


Stefano Devecchi Bellini, Head ALUMNI CATTOLICA SHANGHAI.

First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China, November 21st - 27th_VIDEO
06 十二月 2016

First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China, November 21st - 27th, Special Guest: Chef Carlo Cracco

Chinese Holiday`s Schedule for 2017
06 十二月 2016

Chinese Holiday`s Schedule for 2017


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