






Mission to Jiangmen, December 9-10

09 十二月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with Zhongshan Foreign Advisory Council (ZSFAC), is cordially inviting you to the commercial delegation activity Mission to Jiangmen on December 9-10th (which has been rescheduled from November 18-19th) in Jiangmen, Guangdong.   Jiangmen, with the total area of 9,507 square kilometers and the population of 4,835,100, is a vibrant city in western Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The city contributed 360.1 billion RMB GDP in 2021. (reference)   The mission to Jiangmen will provide opportunities for networking, investment and collaboration in this vibrant city. It will also give you new insights into the GBA. Do not miss this unprecedented opportunity!     AGENDA The agenda is subject to epidemic prevention and control measures. Day 1 - Friday, Dec.9th 10:30 Xinhui CRRC 中车 12:30 Lunch 午餐 14:30 Wehbe Heavy Industry 伟博利重工 16:00 Skyworth 创维 17:30 Reception Dinner by Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园晚宴   Day 2 - Saturday, Dec.10th 8:30 Liando U Valley 联东U谷 11:00 Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园 12:15 Seminar with Government Municipal 与当地政府官员交流会 14:00 BBQ @Four Castle Wood 私人林场烧烤 15:00 Senke Motor 森科摩托  17:00 Dismiss 解散   Please find the details of the agenda, meeting point and hotel here.   FEE 800 RMB per person (including accommodation, meals and local transportation)   EXPECTED ATTENDEES Multinational Senior Business Executives   REGISTRATION For registration, please click here or scan the QR code below:   For any inquiries, please contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    

Mission to Jiangmen, December 9-10

09 十二月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with Zhongshan Foreign Advisory Council (ZSFAC), is cordially inviting you to the commercial delegation activity Mission to Jiangmen on December 9-10th (which has been rescheduled from November 18-19th) in Jiangmen, Guangdong.   Jiangmen, with the total area of 9,507 square kilometers and the population of 4,835,100, is a vibrant city in western Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The city contributed 360.1 billion RMB GDP in 2021. (reference)   The mission to Jiangmen will provide opportunities for networking, investment and collaboration in this vibrant city. It will also give you new insights into the GBA. Do not miss this unprecedented opportunity!     AGENDA The agenda is subject to epidemic prevention and control measures. Day 1 - Friday, Dec.9th 10:30 Xinhui CRRC 中车 12:30 Lunch 午餐 14:30 Wehbe Heavy Industry 伟博利重工 16:00 Skyworth 创维 17:30 Reception Dinner by Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园晚宴   Day 2 - Saturday, Dec.10th 8:30 Liando U Valley 联东U谷 11:00 Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园 12:15 Seminar with Government Municipal 与当地政府官员交流会 14:00 BBQ @Four Castle Wood 私人林场烧烤 15:00 Senke Motor 森科摩托  17:00 Dismiss 解散   Please find the details of the agenda, meeting point and hotel here.   FEE 800 RMB per person (including accommodation, meals and local transportation)   EXPECTED ATTENDEES Multinational Senior Business Executives   REGISTRATION For registration, please click here or scan the QR code below:   For any inquiries, please contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    

Italian Food & Beverage Tour - Foshan, Nov 19-20

19 十一月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to introduce the companies that take part in the Italian Food & Beverage Tour 2022 at Florentia Village in Foshan from November 19th to 20th. On the occasion of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 (Settimana della Cucina nel Mondo 2022), the CICC has launched a Call for Companies dedicated to Italian F&B companies that provide authentic Italian food and beverage products based in South China (Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi) to take part in the Italian Food & Beverage Tour. With the theme “Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for people's health and the protection of the planet", the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a project coordinated by the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou and organized with the support of the Italian Trade Agency, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine.     JUMP ON A VESPA AND START THE ITALIAN FOOD & BEVERAGE TOUR! 佛山比亚乔机动车技术研发有限公司 Foshan Piaggio Vehicles Technology Research & Development Co., Ltd. 1946年,欧洲饱受战乱冲突的摧残,但同时充满了创造力和对复兴的渴望,Vespa应运而生。经过76年的历史发展,Vespa在全球累计产量超1900万辆,成为时尚格调、优雅情怀与前沿科技的代名词。作为一个世界范围内广为人知并深受喜爱的品牌,Vespa焕发崭新魅力,在过去的十年间生产超过180万辆,Vespa正经历着其传奇故事中最幸运、最具活力的时期之一。如今,Vespa 成为汇集了标志性、功能性和设计美学的意式典范,享誉全球,并记录着世界移动出行的历史篇章。经典永恒的品牌风格与先进技术使得Vespa独一无二、无可比拟。它将理性、实用价值、感性集于一身,在全球范围内用优雅的格调与不羁的个性,诠释踏板车非凡的魅力。 It was 1946 when Vespa made its debut on the roads of a Europe devastated by the recent conflict but, equally, full of creativity and a desire for renewal. After seventy-six years of history and more than nineteen million scooters, Vespa is a global reference for style, elegance and technology. A brand known and loved all over the world that, with more than more than 1,800,000 new vehicles produced in the last decade, is experiencing one of the most fortunate and dynamic periods in its story. Today Vespa is an iconic, functional, and beautiful Made in Italy product, appreciated all over the world and that year by year wrote the history of global mobility; the brand’s timeless style and technical format make its products something unique and inimitable, combining rational, functional and emotional elements in its scooters and being recognized all over the world as the classy and irreverent side of light mobility.   比亚乔集团成立于1884年,是欧洲最大的踏板车和摩托车制造商,也是该领域的全球领导者之一。集团已于2006年在意大利证券交易所上市,拥有三个主营业务线:两轮及三轮车型(踏板车和摩托车)、轻型商用车、机器人业务(PFF)。集团的产品备受市场欢迎,其中包括轻型交通工具行业中标志性的知名品牌,例如:Piaggio、Vespa、Aprilia、Moto Guzzi、Gilera、Derbi、Ape和Piaggio Commercial。比亚乔集团现拥有超过6,600名员工;销售网络遍及100多个国家和地区。 Established in 1884, Piaggio Group is the largest scooter and motorcycle manufacturer in Europe and one of the global leaders in the sector. The Piaggio Group has been listed on the Italian stock exchange since 2006 and has three main business lines: 2 and 3 wheelers (scooters and motorcycles), light commercial vehicles and robotics (PFF). The Group’s portfolio includes some of the most iconic and famous brands in the light mobility industry, such as: Piaggio, Vespa, Moto Guzzi, Gilera, Derbi, Ape and Piaggio Commercial. Piaggio Group counts more than 6,600 employees; it has distribution in more than 100 countries.   更多信息请关注官方微信公众号 More information  please follow  WeChat official account                        Piggio官方微信   Vespa官方微信   Aprilia官方微信   Moto Guzzi官方微信     Caffe d'Italia Caffè d’Italia has the ambitious project to bring everywhere and on every occasion, an espresso of the highest quality, like the one offered in the best clubs of the most beautiful squares of our country. Coffee is an universal language thanks to its spread and use in every part of the world, each with its own systems, traditions and particularities. The espresso is simply Italian, because as well as for many other products, passion, genius and love for good things, contribute to ensuring that Italy represents the best quality and synonymous of great quality.   Caffe' Borbone       美好生活意大利餐厅 BellaVita (Foshan)  “美好生活”意大利餐厅坐落于“佛罗伦萨小镇”——第一名品奥特莱斯,拥有典雅的用餐环境以及意大利优秀的厨师和管理团队,精选上等意大利进口食材,为您精心打造传统的意大利美食。 我们专注于“美好生活”品牌形象,倾力打造传统的意大利餐饮文化服务。我们不仅仅是做意大利菜更是向您传达一种意大利的生活方式。 Bella Vita Italian restaurant & café’s first signed in “Florentia Village” which is one of the first luxury outlets in China. It owns elegant dining environment, selected imported Italian food materials & ingredients  and outstanding Italian chef & his team.  We are focusing on creating brand identity of “Bella Vita” and creatively developing top Italian food and beverage culture. We are not only cooking Italian food, it is more of putting across Italian life attitude. 电话: 0757 81251112 / 188 2590 6091       中山茵蓝卡食品饮料有限公司 Zhongshan Inalca Food & Beverage Co., Ltd Ifb Zhongshan and IFB Shanghai are part of one of the worldwide leaders in food industry: Cremonini Group. IF&B is present in 10 countries with its own directly managed multi-temperature warehouses and it reaches out 9.000+ Ho.Re.Ca. customers with the last-mile distribution service. Our portfolio consists of some of the best local & imported brands, each brand is carefully selected to join our growing portfolio of brands. We offer a range of products from Italy, Spain, France, UK, Holland and a selection of some of the best local producers.  Thanks to the presence of our branches and/or selected distributors we can delivery within maximu 48 hours our products in all the provinces in China. 联系人: Conner Chan 电话: 0760-89818825       卡比詹尼(中山)机械制造有限公司 Carpigiani (Zhongshan) Manufactory Co., Ltd 卡比詹尼成立于1946年,引领全球冰淇淋设备发展潮流。1989年并入世界三大餐饮设备集团之一(Ali)集团。 多年来一直致力于新产品的研发和设计,生产手工冰淇淋、软冰淇淋、雪泥和奶油等冷热食品饮料设备。全球每天有超过1亿人品尝“Carpigiani卡比詹尼”冰淇淋机制作的冰淇淋! 并首创冰淇淋大学和博物馆、意式手工冰淇淋世界巡回赛等。卡比詹尼中国公司于2007年在广东中山成立,在上海设立分公司。 Founded in 1946, based in Italy. The world largest company Gelato & Ice cream equipment and solutions. In 1989, join into Ali group. Carpigiani mainly produces Gelato, Ice cream, Slush and Cream machine etc. More than 1 billion people in the world taste Gelato & Ice cream made by Carpigiani machine every day. And they have Gelato University, Gelato Museum and Gelato World Tour etc.                            Carpigiani China was established in 2007 in Zhongshan, Guangdong, China, and set up a branch in Shanghai.   Contact Person: Welling Zhang Email: wellingzhang@carpigiani.cn Tel: 139 2491 6192 Website: www.carpigiani.com       鑫润泰(广州)贸易有限公司 Xinruntai (Guangzhou) Trading Co.Ltd 鑫润泰(广州)贸易有限公司以经营健康优质进口食品为主营业务,与全国Ole'华润万家、永旺吉之岛等多家知名连锁超市,以及高端零售渠道合作。 集境外高端优质食品厂家资源,具备进口报关报检、境内销售、物流配送于一体的综合性发展企业。 联系人: 黄明逸 电话: 020 3112 7739  手机: 130 068 8015   德乐科思达意大利面 Dalla Costa 意大利原装进口,始于1898年Dalla Costa家族,历经三代人工艺传承 研发团队因应时代潮流不断推陈出新,尤其在儿童意面得到业界诸多肯定与好评,其中美国迪士尼集团为代表,授权Dalla Costa品牌的蔬菜意面使用经典卡通形象,增加童用餐乐趣并传递人物的意义,带给全球儿童健康与快乐。除此之外,Dalla Costa集团也自主研发款与生活贴近的各样主题意面: 环保主题(爱护动物及大地)-动物形、恐龙形、海洋生物、泰迪熊形 学习主题(益智多元学习)-字母形、交通工具形 迪士尼主题(卡通人物精神)-米老鼠系列、公主系列、小汽车系列等 人文主题(关爱人群与社会)-爱心形 产品亮点: 1. 蔬菜意面,番茄、菠菜外无任何添加剂。 2. 无盐配方,儿童肾脏0负担。 3. 意大利杜兰小麦粉,口感Q弹,增加口腔咀嚼。 4. 青铜压制,久煮不糊、不变形。 5. 多样主题意面,丰富孩童食用乐趣。 6.吃面的人快乐!煮面的人更快乐! --陪伴全球儿童健康快乐成长--       蒂维妮酒业(深圳)有限公司 Interprocom Cantine Divine Co., Ltd INTERPROCOM蒂维妮酒业有限公司是众多意大利葡萄酒庄在中国 的独家进口商,领有来自意大利20个全部产区的葡萄酒以及繁多由 本土葡萄品种所酿造的葡萄酒;不仅如此, INTERPROCOM蒂 维 妮在意大利也拥有、运营自己的酒庄。 INTERPROCOM蒂维妮在中国与时尚界其包括国际奢侈品牌、腕表 珠宝、豪华汽车有着长期稳定的合作关系;蒂维妮曾经是F 1赛事和 其它豪华车展的主要赞助商。蒂维妮所以独家代理的颇多酒款在中国倍受五星级酒店以及米其林餐厅的欢迎,其中包括瑰丽酒店、宝格丽酒店、丽思卡尔顿酒店、Opera Bombana、 Da Vittorio 等。这也是为何INTERPROCOM蒂维妮多年来都是居多酒店、餐饮首选的长期共赢合作伙伴的原因之一。  Tel: 186 1718 5965 Website: www.cantinedivine.com/zh   深圳意尚贸易有限公司 Shenzhen Yesita Wines Co., Ltd. 深圳意尚贸易有限公司简介 深圳意尚贸易有限公司是意大利 BIXIO 酒庄与 FRENTANA、TENUTE 酒庄在中国区域的战略 合作伙伴,我们致力于将意大利真正优质葡萄酒佳酿引进到中国葡萄酒市场,意尚贸易团队自 2006 年成立以来一直积极推广葡萄酒文化传播与销售,与全国多家社会团体、高端会所、企 业、餐饮机构、经销商建立了良好的合作关系,在客户服务、客户体验领域积累了丰富的经验, 近两年来受益于国内愈加成熟的葡萄酒市场,目前公司处于积极拓展阶段,我们正在引进多款 意大利佳酿,开发更多受市场追捧的产品,在未来,意尚贸易将持续专注于意大利细分市场, 以优质的产品、极致的服务传递财富,传递价值!   Shenzhen Yesita Wines Introduction Shenzhen Yisita Trading Co.,Ltd. is a strategic partner of Italy BIXIO winery and FRENTANA 、TENUTE winery in China, we are committed to the introduction of Italy's real high-quality wine to the China market, YESITA team since its inception in 2006 has been actively promoting wine culture dissemination and sales, YESITA have established good relations of cooperation with a number of social groups, high-end clubhouses, enterprises, catering institutions, distributors.YESITA have accumulated rich experience in the field of customer service, customer experience. In the past two years to benefit from the domestic more mature wine market, the company is currently in the active expansion stage, we are importing more Italian fine wine and developing more popular products, in the future, YESITA team will continue to focus on the Italian market segment, to pass wealth, transfer value with high-quality products and ultimate service! 联系人: 汤浩岚 电话: 158 1444 6699   上海华饮贸易有限公司 Shanghai SinoDrink Trading Co., Ltd. 上海华饮贸易有限公司SinoDrink成立于2008年,刘强先生(Edward Liu)为公司创始人及董事长。华饮SinoDrink为意大利忠利保险集团Generali S.P.A(全球第二大保险集团)旗下忠利农业集团Genagricola在华合资公司,专业从事意大利葡萄酒和农业产品的代理及进口,保税仓物流,完税服务;经营酒庄投资,葡萄酒培训、收藏及精品酒庄游。 华饮SinoDrink的宗旨是成为意大利文化传播的使者,分享健康而阳光的意大利生活方式。目前,华饮SinoDrink为国内意大利葡萄酒进口商领导者,是最为专业的意大利葡萄酒供应链营运商之一,拥有来自50多家供应商、遍及意大利20个葡萄酒产区的意大利葡萄酒单品。 As a member of Generali, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, SinoDrink is the leading Italian wine importer in China. Nowadays, SinoDrink is the most professional Italian wine importer which has the most wine variety in China. We own more than 50 suppliers from 20 regions around Italy. SinoDrink aims to be the one to spread Italian culture, make more people to enjoy and share the healthy and pleasant Italian lifestyle.   Contact Person: Maria Wu Tel: 021 6226 7586 Phone: 137 7421 2575 Website:  www.sinodrink.com   VM精品葡萄酒&美食 VM FINE WINES & FOOD​ VM精品葡萄酒目前在中国拥有五个仓库和一个遍布全国的经 销商网络,目前VM精品葡萄酒致力于在中国市场树立一个可 靠的供应商形象,为各大、中、小客户如餐馆、公司和个人 客户供应优质葡萄酒。 VM精品葡萄酒有一个主要强项,那就是从原产地的运输到存 储再到运输中的整个低温运输系统的精心管理。 我们对酒厂的选择也很挑剔,要求它们必须有不同的口味, 满足不同的需求。我们目前面临的挑战就是与您合作,竭诚 满足您的要求,包括对葡萄酒的好奇心和历史考究,满足每 个人的品味。   VM FINE WINES is a professional Italian wines importing and distributing Company. With a portfolio of about 30 wineries and over 200 different labels, our selection offers wines from all over Italian Regions, from North to South. VM is a leading company specialized in providing high quality products and able to give a comprehensive selection of fine Italian wines. With our three warehouses and offices, we are able to quickly deliver our products and we put all our expertise at people’s service all over the country.  Contact Person: Semprini Simone Phone: 135 2438 4165 Tel: 021 6227 6850 Website:  www.vmfinewines.com     For more information, do not hesitate to contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com. CICC Team

Canceled | Sunday Brunch in Guangzhou, Nov 27

27 十一月 2022
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) regrets to inform you that due to the current Covid-19 situation in Guangzhou, Sunday Brunch in Guangzhou, which was originally scheduled on November 27th, has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information, please contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com     The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is cordially inviting you to the Sunday Brunch in Guangzhou. The event will be held at CICC member restaurant PIAZZA ITALIA on November 27th, from 12:00.   BUFFET-STYLE BRUNCH Selection of 50 different types of appetizers Selection of first courses Panettone & Pandoro A glass of Prosecco or Spritz Coffee   TICKET Members: 198 RMB Non-members: 250 RMB Children under 10 years old: 98 RMB   VENUE PIAZZA ITALIA 意式扒屋 8 Xipu Street, Liede Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区猎德大道西浦街8号   IMPORTANT NOTE In oder to follow local COVID-related policies of prevention and control: 1) Seats are limited to a total of 45 people;  2) COVID test result within 24hour is required.   REGISTRATION Please click here or scan the QR code below:  NOTE: Attendees shall pre-register online and pay at the door NOTE 2: Table reservations not available (first come first served)    SPONSORSHIP/VENUE PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Want to increase visibility among the Italian community? Become our event sponsor or venue partner! Send an email to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.  

Food and Wine Map - South China Launch Event | Nov 14

14 十一月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), on the occasion of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 (Settimana della Cucina nel Mondo 2022), is glad to invite you to the Launch Event "Food and Wine Map: Ingredients of Italian Cuisine in South China. Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation", on Monday, November 14th from 5:00 pm, at the Italian Restaurant Francesco Yabe, in Guangzhou. The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, the Italian Trade Agency, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine. During the Launch Event, the "Food and Wine Map" will be introduced. The Map includes Italian Restaurants that provide authentic Italian food and beverage and are based in South China (Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi) and that have applied to our Call for Companies. With the theme “Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for people's health and the protection of the planet", the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a project coordinated by the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou and organized with the support of the Italian Trade Agency, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine.   The Week will be organized from November 14th to November 20th, 2022.    AGENDA (Beijing Time) 17:00-17:30 Registrations 17:30-17:45 Welcome Speech  17:45-18:30 Cooking Show 18:30-19:30 Networking   VENUE Francesco Yabe 弗朗西斯科花园餐厅&露台吧 Address: Unit 426, Summer Plaza GTLand 8, Zhujianxi Lu, Tianhe District Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新西路8号 高德置地夏广场4层426铺 Francesco Yabe花园餐厅是一家以制作意大利各地美食为主的意式西餐厅。主厨是一位在意大利佛罗伦萨生活多年的日本人,在意期间就已经获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会的嘉奖。从2014在中国开设了一间餐厅至今已经走过了8个年头。   在此期间,餐厅获得了不少荣誉。早在2015年就获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会颁发的海外认证餐厅称号、2016年获得了那不勒斯PIZZA协会颁发的披萨认证、2021年获得了意大利料理协会颁发的认证,并由意大利驻广州总领事白露茜女士亲自颁发了证书,2021年还获得了知名英文杂志That's评选的年度意大利餐厅称号。   当然餐厅的成就离不开老板对食材的挑剔以及传统意大利料理的执着和很多热爱意大利美食的朋友的认可和鼎力支持,非常感谢!接下来我们会更加努力致力于传统并加以创新,争取给客户更多更好的选择和感受。   COST Free of charge   Please register here or scan the QR code below:  

Food and Wine Map - South China Launch Event | Nov 14

14 十一月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), on the occasion of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 (Settimana della Cucina nel Mondo 2022), is glad to invite you to the Launch Event "Food and Wine Map: Ingredients of Italian Cuisine in South China. Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation", on Monday, November 14th from 5:00 pm, at the Italian Restaurant Francesco Yabe, in Guangzhou. The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, the Italian Trade Agency, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine. During the Launch Event, the "Food and Wine Map" will be introduced. The Map includes Italian Restaurants that provide authentic Italian food and beverage and are based in South China (Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi) and that have applied to our Call for Companies. With the theme “Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for people's health and the protection of the planet", the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a project coordinated by the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou and organized with the support of the Italian Trade Agency, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine.   The Week will be organized from November 14th to November 20th, 2022.    AGENDA (Beijing Time) 17:00-17:30 Registrations 17:30-17:45 Welcome Speech  17:45-18:30 Cooking Show 18:30-19:30 Networking   VENUE Francesco Yabe 弗朗西斯科花园餐厅&露台吧 Address: Unit 426, Summer Plaza GTLand 8, Zhujianxi Lu, Tianhe District Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新西路8号 高德置地夏广场4层426铺 Francesco Yabe花园餐厅是一家以制作意大利各地美食为主的意式西餐厅。主厨是一位在意大利佛罗伦萨生活多年的日本人,在意期间就已经获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会的嘉奖。从2014在中国开设了一间餐厅至今已经走过了8个年头。   在此期间,餐厅获得了不少荣誉。早在2015年就获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会颁发的海外认证餐厅称号、2016年获得了那不勒斯PIZZA协会颁发的披萨认证、2021年获得了意大利料理协会颁发的认证,并由意大利驻广州总领事白露茜女士亲自颁发了证书,2021年还获得了知名英文杂志That's评选的年度意大利餐厅称号。   当然餐厅的成就离不开老板对食材的挑剔以及传统意大利料理的执着和很多热爱意大利美食的朋友的认可和鼎力支持,非常感谢!接下来我们会更加努力致力于传统并加以创新,争取给客户更多更好的选择和感受。   COST Free of charge   Please register here or scan the QR code below:  

CANCELED | Food and Wine Map - South China Launch Event | Nov 14

14 十一月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) regrets to inform you that the Launch Event of Food and Wine Map: Ingredients of Italian Cuisine in South China. Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation, originally scheduled for November 14, has been canceled, due to the COVID-19 situation in Guangzhou. We apologize for any inconvenience.     The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), on the occasion of the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World 2022 (Settimana della Cucina nel Mondo 2022), is glad to invite you to the Launch Event "Food and Wine Map: Ingredients of Italian Cuisine in South China. Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation", on Monday, November 14th from 5:00 pm, at the Italian Restaurant Francesco Yabe, in Guangzhou. The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, the Italian Trade Agency, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine. During the Launch Event, the "Food and Wine Map" will be introduced. The Map includes Italian Restaurants that provide authentic Italian food and beverage and are based in South China (Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi) and that have applied to our Call for Companies. With the theme “Conviviality, Sustainability and Innovation: the ingredients of Italian cuisine for people's health and the protection of the planet", the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is a project coordinated by the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou and organized with the support of the Italian Trade Agency, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and the Academy of Italian Cuisine.   The Week will be organized from November 14th to November 20th, 2022.    AGENDA (Beijing Time) 17:00-17:30 Registrations 17:30-17:45 Welcome Speech  17:45-18:30 Cooking Show 18:30-19:30 Networking   VENUE Francesco Yabe 弗朗西斯科花园餐厅&露台吧 Address: Unit 426, Summer Plaza GTLand 8, Zhujianxi Lu, Tianhe District Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新西路8号 高德置地夏广场4层426铺 Francesco Yabe花园餐厅是一家以制作意大利各地美食为主的意式西餐厅。主厨是一位在意大利佛罗伦萨生活多年的日本人,在意期间就已经获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会的嘉奖。从2014在中国开设了一间餐厅至今已经走过了8个年头。   在此期间,餐厅获得了不少荣誉。早在2015年就获得了佛罗伦萨厨师协会颁发的海外认证餐厅称号、2016年获得了那不勒斯PIZZA协会颁发的披萨认证、2021年获得了意大利料理协会颁发的认证,并由意大利驻广州总领事白露茜女士亲自颁发了证书,2021年还获得了知名英文杂志That's评选的年度意大利餐厅称号。   当然餐厅的成就离不开老板对食材的挑剔以及传统意大利料理的执着和很多热爱意大利美食的朋友的认可和鼎力支持,非常感谢!接下来我们会更加努力致力于传统并加以创新,争取给客户更多更好的选择和感受。   COST Free of charge   Please register here or scan the QR code below:  

Mission to Jiangmen, December 9-10

09 十二月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with Zhongshan Foreign Advisory Council (ZSFAC), is cordially inviting you to the commercial delegation activity Mission to Jiangmen on December 9-10th (which has been rescheduled from November 18-19th) in Jiangmen, Guangdong.   Jiangmen, with the total area of 9,507 square kilometers and the population of 4,835,100, is a vibrant city in western Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The city contributed 360.1 billion RMB GDP in 2021. (reference)   The mission to Jiangmen will provide opportunities for networking, investment and collaboration in this vibrant city. It will also give you new insights into the GBA. Do not miss this unprecedented opportunity!     AGENDA The agenda is subject to epidemic prevention and control measures. Day 1 - Friday, Dec.9th 10:30 Xinhui CRRC 中车 12:30 Lunch 午餐 14:30 Wehbe Heavy Industry 伟博利重工 16:00 Skyworth 创维 17:30 Reception Dinner by Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园晚宴   Day 2 - Saturday, Dec.10th 8:30 Liando U Valley 联东U谷 11:00 Sino-Europe Zone 中欧产业园 12:15 Seminar with Government Municipal 与当地政府官员交流会 14:00 BBQ @Four Castle Wood 私人林场烧烤 15:00 Senke Motor 森科摩托  17:00 Dismiss 解散   Please find the details of the agenda, meeting point and hotel here.   FEE 800 RMB per person (including accommodation, meals and local transportation)   EXPECTED ATTENDEES Multinational Senior Business Executives   REGISTRATION For registration, please click here or scan the QR code below:   For any inquiries, please contact infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    

Interchamber Business Networking - Guangzhou, September 28th

28 九月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking Drinks - Guangzhou to be held at Sun Garden · InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center on Wednesday, September 28th, from 18:30 to 21:30. This event is in cooperation with CCI France Chine, Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China and other 7 international chambers based in south China.   ABOUT INTERCHAMBER BUSINESS NETWORKING DRINKS InterChamber Business Networking Drinks is an event that provides businessmen, entrepreneurs and professionals from different industries and cultures with an opportunity to meet each other while enjoying finger food, wine and beer. The InterChamber is organized and supported by 10 chambers:  Australian Chamber of Commerce - South China (AustCham) Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Pearl River Delta (CanCham PRD) China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCI France Chine) Danish Chamber of Commerce in South China German Chamber of Commerce - South and Southwest China Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China    AGENDA 18:30 - 19:00 Registration 19:00 - 21:30 Networking   TICKETS Early Bird Ticket by September 21st Members: 200 RMB Non Members: 300 RMB   Standard Ticker after September 21st Members: 220 RMB Non Members: 330 RMB   VENUE  Sun Garden · InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center 6F, No. 828, Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou / 广州市海珠区阅江中路828号, 广州保利洲际酒店, 6楼朗晴花园   SPONSORS Paulaner Bräuhaus Foshan 佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊 The name Paulaner has stood for the highest quality and Munich beer culture since 1634. Paulaner is an long-established family-owned company in Munich that has developed into a globally thinking and successful brand enterprise. The Paulaner Brauhaus is an international F&B brand of Paulaner, which stands for Beer, Food & Gemutlichkeit from Munich. It gives guests a sense of Bavarian hospitality and the art of finest Munich brewing. Paulaner Brauhaus Foshan in Elegance Mall is so far the largest flagship of Paulaner Brauhaus. 2000sqm indoor dining and outdoor area, German brewing equipment- Caspary, well-selected ingredients, handcrafted beer by brewmaster onsite offers a unique combination of Bavarian tradition and Munich lifestyle in Foshan. It is the place where you can make friends and enjoy excellent Bavarian beer and food – with all your senses. 自从1634年起,以高质量著称的保拉纳啤酒一直是慕尼黑啤酒文化的代表。保拉纳集团作为慕尼黑一家历史悠久的家族企业,已发展成一间具有全球思维的成功品牌企业。保拉纳啤酒坊作为保拉纳集团旗下知名的国际餐饮品牌,代表着来自慕尼黑遍及世界的啤酒、美食。其宗旨就是为了让顾客亲身体验到巴伐利亚的热情好客以及精湛的啤酒酿造技术。 坐落在丽致汇广场开业的佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊是迄今为止德国保拉纳品牌店铺中体量最大的体验店,其占地面积近2000平方,包括两层的室内餐厅和露天啤酒广场,重金引进德国Caspary专业啤酒酿制设备,选择上乘原料,并由德国总部派遣酿造师现场手工酿造。佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊结合了百年巴伐利亚传统与现代化的生活态度,在这里您可以结识朋友,尽情享受巴伐利亚的风味佳肴和现酿啤酒。   DP Winery Since the second half of the 1800s, the ancestors of the D'Andrea family have always been linked to their land, working on its soil while also producing and marketing its products. Over the decades, the family has written its own history in various regions, from Abruzzo to Tuscany, to arrive in Calabria and Sardinia. Regions rich in food and wine history and it is family's duty to make them known to the world. DP Winery is inspired by the power of the authentic Italian food and wine tradition; it is family's duty to spread their virtues around the world. To reach the world and offer the traditional Italian food and wine taste experience, grown in the homeland of D'Andrea family. Quality, passion, and care for customers are DP Winery strongest values.   D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel is a consolidated business in the international legal profession and a point of reference for companies that want to enter into the global market and be successful there. Established by its founding partners, Mr. Carlo Diego D’Andrea, Attorney at law with solid experience in international law in China, and Mr. Matteo Hanbin Zhi, one of the first Italian-speaking Chinese lawyers, today the Firm is made up of professionals coming from different countries around the world. This feature ensures its client legal and business assistance in different languages. Besides the main operational headquarters located in Shanghai, D’Andrea & Partners has a number of branches around Asia and Europe, as well as a Russian Desk. The Firm’s clients include large industrial groups, plus medium-size Italian, Chinese and global enterprises, for which D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel has advised on outbound and inbound investments amounting to RMB 3 billion.   De Halve Maan Brouwerij De Halve Maan, home to Brugse Zot, Straffe Hendrik and Blanche de Bruges, is located in the heart of Bruges, Belgium. Since the early beginnings in 1856, brewing is an art that was passed down from generation to generation. Today, Xavier Vanneste is the sixth generation of De Halve Maan.  In 2016 De Halve Maan constructed a unique underground beer pipeline that connects the historic brewery with the new bottling plant. The pipeline is an example of the brewing innovation, but it doesn't stop there. De Halve Maan continues to invest in new techniques to show that sustainability combined with economic growth is possible.   REGISTRATION To book a ticket, please click here or scan the following QR code: CANCELLATION AND REFUND Please note, CICC reserves the right to apply the following policy for tickets' cancellation: Cancellation within 48 hours from the event: 100% refund Cancellation within 24 hours from the event: no refund   CICC Team 

Interchamber Business Networking - Guangzhou, September 28th

28 九月 2022
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking Drinks - Guangzhou to be held at Sun Garden · InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center on Wednesday, September 28th, from 18:30 to 21:30. This event is in cooperation with CCI France Chine, Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China and other 7 international chambers based in south China.   ABOUT INTERCHAMBER BUSINESS NETWORKING DRINKS InterChamber Business Networking Drinks is an event that provides businessmen, entrepreneurs and professionals from different industries and cultures with an opportunity to meet each other while enjoying finger food, wine and beer. The InterChamber is organized and supported by 10 chambers:  Australian Chamber of Commerce - South China (AustCham) Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Pearl River Delta (CanCham PRD) China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCI France Chine) Danish Chamber of Commerce in South China German Chamber of Commerce - South and Southwest China Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China    AGENDA 18:30 - 19:00 Registration 19:00 - 21:30 Networking   TICKETS Early Bird Ticket by September 21st Members: 200 RMB Non Members: 300 RMB   Standard Ticker after September 21st Members: 220 RMB Non Members: 330 RMB   VENUE  Sun Garden · InterContinental Guangzhou Exhibition Center 6F, No. 828, Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou / 广州市海珠区阅江中路828号, 广州保利洲际酒店, 6楼朗晴花园   SPONSORS Paulaner Bräuhaus Foshan 佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊 The name Paulaner has stood for the highest quality and Munich beer culture since 1634. Paulaner is an long-established family-owned company in Munich that has developed into a globally thinking and successful brand enterprise. The Paulaner Brauhaus is an international F&B brand of Paulaner, which stands for Beer, Food & Gemutlichkeit from Munich. It gives guests a sense of Bavarian hospitality and the art of finest Munich brewing. Paulaner Brauhaus Foshan in Elegance Mall is so far the largest flagship of Paulaner Brauhaus. 2000sqm indoor dining and outdoor area, German brewing equipment- Caspary, well-selected ingredients, handcrafted beer by brewmaster onsite offers a unique combination of Bavarian tradition and Munich lifestyle in Foshan. It is the place where you can make friends and enjoy excellent Bavarian beer and food – with all your senses. 自从1634年起,以高质量著称的保拉纳啤酒一直是慕尼黑啤酒文化的代表。保拉纳集团作为慕尼黑一家历史悠久的家族企业,已发展成一间具有全球思维的成功品牌企业。保拉纳啤酒坊作为保拉纳集团旗下知名的国际餐饮品牌,代表着来自慕尼黑遍及世界的啤酒、美食。其宗旨就是为了让顾客亲身体验到巴伐利亚的热情好客以及精湛的啤酒酿造技术。 坐落在丽致汇广场开业的佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊是迄今为止德国保拉纳品牌店铺中体量最大的体验店,其占地面积近2000平方,包括两层的室内餐厅和露天啤酒广场,重金引进德国Caspary专业啤酒酿制设备,选择上乘原料,并由德国总部派遣酿造师现场手工酿造。佛山保拉纳现酿啤酒坊结合了百年巴伐利亚传统与现代化的生活态度,在这里您可以结识朋友,尽情享受巴伐利亚的风味佳肴和现酿啤酒。   DP Winery Since the second half of the 1800s, the ancestors of the D'Andrea family have always been linked to their land, working on its soil while also producing and marketing its products. Over the decades, the family has written its own history in various regions, from Abruzzo to Tuscany, to arrive in Calabria and Sardinia. Regions rich in food and wine history and it is family's duty to make them known to the world. DP Winery is inspired by the power of the authentic Italian food and wine tradition; it is family's duty to spread their virtues around the world. To reach the world and offer the traditional Italian food and wine taste experience, grown in the homeland of D'Andrea family. Quality, passion, and care for customers are DP Winery strongest values.   D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel is a consolidated business in the international legal profession and a point of reference for companies that want to enter into the global market and be successful there. Established by its founding partners, Mr. Carlo Diego D’Andrea, Attorney at law with solid experience in international law in China, and Mr. Matteo Hanbin Zhi, one of the first Italian-speaking Chinese lawyers, today the Firm is made up of professionals coming from different countries around the world. This feature ensures its client legal and business assistance in different languages. Besides the main operational headquarters located in Shanghai, D’Andrea & Partners has a number of branches around Asia and Europe, as well as a Russian Desk. The Firm’s clients include large industrial groups, plus medium-size Italian, Chinese and global enterprises, for which D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel has advised on outbound and inbound investments amounting to RMB 3 billion.   De Halve Maan Brouwerij De Halve Maan, home to Brugse Zot, Straffe Hendrik and Blanche de Bruges, is located in the heart of Bruges, Belgium. Since the early beginnings in 1856, brewing is an art that was passed down from generation to generation. Today, Xavier Vanneste is the sixth generation of De Halve Maan.  In 2016 De Halve Maan constructed a unique underground beer pipeline that connects the historic brewery with the new bottling plant. The pipeline is an example of the brewing innovation, but it doesn't stop there. De Halve Maan continues to invest in new techniques to show that sustainability combined with economic growth is possible.   REGISTRATION To book a ticket, please click here or scan the following QR code: CANCELLATION AND REFUND Please note, CICC reserves the right to apply the following policy for tickets' cancellation: Cancellation within 48 hours from the event: 100% refund Cancellation within 24 hours from the event: no refund   CICC Team 


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