






Seminar: "Hiring and Recruitment, methodology and issues" – Guangzhou – March 28th, 2019

28 三月 2019
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invites you to take part to the Seminar "Hiring and Recruitment, methodology and issues" to be held in Guangzhou on Thursday March 28th, 2019 at 5 p.m.   The Seminar aims at giving an overview on Hiring and Recruitment, focusing on the methodology and procedures for hiring in order to avoid labor disputes.  The Seminar's speakers are Ms. Valeria Manunza and Ms. Cherry Wu from Dezan Shira & Associates. They will discuss about: The reasons behind labour disputes How to draft employment contracts How to design the staff handbook Tips and advices for termination and severance pay How can DSA helps you and your business?  Speaker: Valeria Manunza  Valeria Manunza currently works as Assistant Manager at DezanShira & Associates, leading the team of South China International Business Advisory providing support to foreign investors aiming at Asia and assistance about legal and management issues affecting foreign Invested Enterprises in China. Valeria is an Italian lawyer, having obtained a master degree cum laude in Law at the University of Milan in 2011 and was admitted to the Milan Bar in October 2014. Valeria also performs the role of Chair for the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise South of China Working Group of the European Chamber of Commerce in China and Vice Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Working Group of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China.  Cherry Wu Cherry Wu currently works as a manager in the HR & Payroll services team of DezanShira & Associates' Shenzhen office. She joined DezanShira & Associates as the Manager of HR & Payroll in August 2016. Cherry holds a bachelor’s degree major in English from Hunan Institute of Science and Technology. Before joining DezanShira & Associates, Cherry worked in several multi-national enterprises where she developed an extensive skillset in human resource management, compensation and benefit (C&B), recruitment, organization development (OD), employee relationship (ER) management. Cherry is specialized in the fields of payroll, labor law, recruiting, hiring pattern. Agenda: 4:30 pm - Registration 5:00 pm - Seminar, first part  6:00 pm - Break 6:15 pm - Seminar, second part 7:00 pm - End RSVP: To book a ticket please send an e-mail to  infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com within March 26th, including: • Name • Company Name • E-mail • Mobile number   For more information please email us to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    Kind regards, CICC Team  

Innovation & Technology Working Group (I&TWG)


The I&TWG represents the interest of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the Innovation Technology sector. Members of this group will work on defining, updating and taking part into the Working Group Program for increasing their knowledge and market share in the Chinese market.


Scope and main objectives of the CICC IT WG are:

SGSO Guangzhou: Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting - February 26th, 2019

26 二月 2019
                          Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to take part in the Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting, organized after the seminar “Instructions for Customs Clearance”.     Date&Time: Tuesday February 26th at 8pm Venue: MammaMia Italian Restaurant Guangzhou - 4/F Guangzhou lnternational Finance Center -IFC-, No.5 Zhujiang Road West, Guangzhou ​ Price: 180 RMB (drinks not included - pay at the venue)     To get more information and book a seat, please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com by February 22nd, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Kind Regards, CICC Team

SGSO Guangzhou: Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting - February 26th, 2019

26 二月 2019
                          Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to take part in the Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting, organized after the seminar “Instructions for Customs Clearance”.     Date&Time: Tuesday February 26th at 8pm Venue: MammaMia Italian Restaurant Guangzhou - 4/F Guangzhou lnternational Finance Center -IFC-, No.5 Zhujiang Road West, Guangzhou ​ Price: 180 RMB (drinks not included - pay at the venue)     To get more information and book a seat, please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com by February 22nd, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Kind Regards, CICC Team

SGSO Guangzhou: Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting - February 26th, 2019

26 二月 2019
                          Dear Members and Friends of CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly invites you to take part in the Monthly CICC Members' Informal Meeting, organized after the seminar “Instructions for Customs Clearance”.     Date&Time: Tuesday February 26th at 8pm Venue: MammaMia Italian Restaurant Guangzhou - 4/F Guangzhou lnternational Finance Center -IFC-, No.5 Zhujiang Road West, Guangzhou ​ Price: 180 RMB (drinks not included - pay at the venue)     To get more information and book a seat, please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com by February 22nd, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number   The event is open to CICC Members and Non-Members!   Kind Regards, CICC Team

Seminar: “Instructions for Customs Clearance” - Guangzhou - February 26th, 2019

26 二月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invites you to take part to the seminar “Instructions for Customs Clearance” to be held in Guangzhou on Tuesday February 26th, 2019 at 5 pm.     The seminar aims at giving an overview on customs clearance, which involves preparation and submission of documentations required to facilitate export and import of goods into the country.   The seminar's speaker is Ms Janet Zhang from Deloitte Guangzhou. She will discuss about: Standard Customs Clearance Procedure, Common issues which should be paid attention to during customs clearance and recommendation, New requirements regarding the integration of Customs and "Inspection and Quarantine Bureau", Recent development of Golden Customs Program.    Speaker: Janet Zhang Janet is a Tax partner based in Southern China. Janet has over 18 years of experience in business and tax advisory services with clients in various industries.  She is the leader of Deloitte Indirect Tax service team in Southern China and the core team member of Business Model Optimization service team in Southern China. Janet is specialized in providing customs, Value Added Tax and other tax advisory services and business model optimization services, assisting in communication and negotiation with tax and customs authorities for tax and customs disputes.  She has assisted lots of enterprises of different sectors in resolving customs clearance, customs audit, customs valuation, AEO issues, etc. and accumulated solid practical experience. Janet is recognized by International Tax Review, a leading publication, as a leading Global Indirect Tax and Customs Partner in 2014~2016.   Agenda: 4:30 pm - Registration 5:00 pm - Seminar, first part  6:00 pm - Break 6:15 pm - Seminar, second part 7:00 pm - End   For more information please email us to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    Kind regards, CICC Team


26 二月 2019
尊敬的中国-意大利商会的会员们与朋友们,   中国-意大利商会邀请您参加于2019年2月26日(星期二)下午5点在广州举行的“通关须知”研讨会。     研讨会的目的是对海关放行做一个综述,内容包括准备和提交所需要的文件,以便于货物的进出口。 研讨会的主讲人是来自于广州德勤会计师事务所的张女士。她将讨论: 标准的清关程序, 通关中应当注意的常见问题以及建议, 关于海关与“检验检疫局”整合的新要求,  最近开发的金色的海关计划。   演讲者: Janet Zhang Janet是立足于中国南方的税务合伙人。她拥有超过18年为不同行业的客户提供商业和税务咨询服务的经验。她是德勤华南地区间接税服务团队的负责人,也是华南地区业务模式优化服务团队的核心成员。 Janet专业提供海关、增值税等等税务咨询服务和业务模式优化服务,对于税务与海关纠纷,能够协助与税务和海关当局进行沟通与协商。她协助过多家不同行业的企业解决清关、海关审核、海关评价、AEO事宜等等,并且积累了扎实的实践经验。Janet被主要的刊物——国际税收评论(International Tax Review)认可为2014~2016年领先的全球间接税和海关合作伙伴。   议程: 下午4:30 – 报到登记 下午5:00 – 研讨会,第一部分  下午6:00 – 中场休息 下午6:15 – 研讨会,第二部分 下午7:00 – 结束   欲知更多信息,请给我们发电子邮件 infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    谨致问候, CICC Team

Seminar: “Instructions for Customs Clearance” - Guangzhou - February 26th, 2019

26 二月 2019
Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce invites you to take part to the seminar “Instructions for Customs Clearance” to be held in Guangzhou on Tuesday February 26th, 2019 at 5 pm.     The seminar aims at giving an overview on customs clearance, which involves preparation and submission of documentations required to facilitate export and import of goods into the country.   The seminar's speaker is Ms Janet Zhang from Deloitte Guangzhou. She will discuss about: Standard Customs Clearance Procedure, Common issues which should be paid attention to during customs clearance and recommendation, New requirements regarding the integration of Customs and "Inspection and Quarantine Bureau", Recent development of Golden Customs Program.    Speaker: Janet Zhang Janet is a Tax partner based in Southern China. Janet has over 18 years of experience in business and tax advisory services with clients in various industries.  She is the leader of Deloitte Indirect Tax service team in Southern China and the core team member of Business Model Optimization service team in Southern China. Janet is specialized in providing customs, Value Added Tax and other tax advisory services and business model optimization services, assisting in communication and negotiation with tax and customs authorities for tax and customs disputes.  She has assisted lots of enterprises of different sectors in resolving customs clearance, customs audit, customs valuation, AEO issues, etc. and accumulated solid practical experience. Janet is recognized by International Tax Review, a leading publication, as a leading Global Indirect Tax and Customs Partner in 2014~2016.   Agenda: 4:30 pm - Registration 5:00 pm - Seminar, first part  6:00 pm - Break 6:15 pm - Seminar, second part 7:00 pm - End   For more information please email us to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com.    Kind regards, CICC Team

Logistic Working Group (LWG)






  • “丝绸之路”计划
  • 进口食品规则的最新修订
  • 海关及关税
  • 自由贸易区
  • 上海航运交易所、德鲁里航运咨询公司及海运和空运物流公司提供最直观的行业信息,及就其公司物流服务作介绍
  • 仓库管理条例
  • 与第三方的交流活动,如上海航运交易所和咨询公司
  • 聚焦特定主题的活动,如中国冷链运输等

Innovation and Disruptive Technologies Working Group (I&DTWG)


Obiettivi del gruppo:

  • Promuovere all’interno della CCIC le nuove tecnologie che ogni giorno si affacciano sul mercato;
  • Fare incontrare progetti innovativi con le necessita’ aziendali dei membri della Camera prima, e poi a tutti coloro che ne vorranno usufruire;
  • Promuovere in eventi organizzati da enti Innovativi Cinesi e non, le Technologie Italiane;
  • Supportare le iniziative del Governo Italiano e Cinese nello sviluppo di nuovi progetti technologici di collaborazione Italia/Cina.



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