
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




2010 Shanghai Language Course, 2nd round

28 九月 2010
   Basic Chinese Course  Advanced Chinese Course *Using a creative study system, the course is composed of many different practical topics. Pinyin based learning, vivid, interesting and efficient.  *The course is specially designed for business people, including more working related situations, such as job interviews, working luncheons lexicon, business travel, etc. Level: Absolute Beginner Level: Beginner (after 30-60 hours study) Starting Date: Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 Starting Date: Wednesday, September 29th, 2010   Timing: 2 times/week, 2 lessons/time, Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:30am to 10:10am , 60 lessons in total Timing: 2 times/week, 2 lessons/time, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30am to 10:10am , 60 lessons in total Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room   Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Price: Members: 3800 RMB Non-Members: 4300 RMB   Price: Members: 4200 RMB Non-Members: 4700 RMB     Basic Italian Course Advanced Italian Course *Given by an Italian Teacher, the course is focused to reach a new level of basic Italian and composed of many different practical topics. *The course will focus on Business Application of Italian Language, and will contain more commercial and economic words under the context of Italian culture in order to improve your working communication skills. Level: Absolute Beginner Level: Intermediate (after 60 hours study)   Starting Date: Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 Starting Date: Wednesday, September 29th, 2010 Timing: 2 times/week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30 to 9:00pm, 80 hours in total Timing: 2 times/week, Wednesday and Friday, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm, 80 hours in total Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Price: Members: 3800 RMB Non-Members: 4300 RMB  Price: Members: 4200 RMB Non-Members: 4700 RMB     Details   Participants: Courses are available to CICC Member Companies (extended to company`s staff and Member`s family) and Non-Members. Classes are minimum 5pax, maximum 10pax each. Subscription deadline: Friday, September 20th, 2010 (First come first served basis)  More information: Should you be interested in the courses , please contact Ms. Felicia Xue by email at sh.activities@cameraitacina.com or by telephone 021-54075181; Payment: the payment should be done within Monday, September 21st, 2010, in cash at CICC Shanghai office. *Please note that the price might be adjusted, according to the final confirmed number of participants.   

2010-04-15 Suzhou InterChamber Mixer

15 四月 2010
  Suzhou InterChamber Mixer April 15th, 2010, Suzhou   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with DUSA and the participating foreign Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai are delighted to invite you to the Suzhou InterChamber Mixer 2010. An occasion to mingle, make new friends and celebrate the blooming season full of vigor in Suzhou.     Information and Registration Date:           Thursday, April 15th, 2010 Time:           7:00pm till late Venue:         Crowne Plaza hotel Suzhou                      169 Xinggang Street Entry Fee:    RMB 150 per person (members only), inclusive of 2 drinks. Extra drinks will be charged at a special discounted rate. Registration: Please register with CICC Shanghai Office via e-mail to: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before the end of April 12th, 2010.    REPLY COUPON  Please book ____seat(s) for "Suzhou InterChamber Mixer" to be held on April 15th, 2010.Name:Position:Company:Tel:  Shanghai OfficeUnit 3605-3606A, The Center, 989 Changle Road, 200031, Shanghai, ChinaTel. +86 (21) 54075181  Fax. +86 (21) 54075182  Mail. infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com        www.cameraitacina.com  

2010-04-08 Fesco Seminar - The Future of Rep. Off. in China

08 四月 2010
                                              The Future of Representative Offices in China? newly implemented tax requirements  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, in co-operation with Fesco Shanghai Foreign Service, are pround to present "the Future of Representative Offices in China" seminar. On January 11th, 2010, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the "Notice for Strengthening the Registration and Management of Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises" to further regulate the validity of the representative offices and headcount of representatives. The new policy will lead to substantial legal consequences and tax implications to the foreign representative offices in China. Participation to the seminar is recommended to Chief Reps as well as to administrative clerks in charge of tax declarations. Main speaker will be Ms Zhao Min, a veteran Tax Official active in the tax arena for more than 20 years. Next to her, senior Tax Consultants, in charge of tax issues in different District Tax Offices in Shanghai, will illustrate the most recent changes in the tax policy applied to Representative Offices in China, and address the questions coming directly from the attending audience, during three sessions:- Analysis of new rules governing the Rep. offices;- Real case scenarios; - Q&A To download the seminar profile, please click here. Location of the seminar is kindly sponsored by Haworth; refreshments are courtesy of WaterItaly and De` Longhi.      Information and Registration Date:           Thursday, April 8th, 2010 Time:           4:00pm - 8:00pm Venue:         Haworth Organic Workspace                     16F, Shanghai World Financial Center                    100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area                     Shanghai 200120 China                    上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号上海环球金融中心16楼 Language:    English and Chinese Entry Fee:     RMB 200/pax for CICC Members                      RMB 300/pax for non CICC Members Registration: Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by April 5th 2010. Entry fees settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer, before April 6th, 2010 will be reduced 50RMB (RMB 150/Member and RMB 250/Non-Member). Cancellation policy: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded. No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you shall be required to pay the fee in full price, in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given. REPLY COUPON  Please book ____seat(s) for the seminar "The Future of Representative Office in China?" to be held on April 8th, 2010. Name:Position:Company:Tel:    Shanghai OfficeUnit 3605-3606A, The Center,989 Changle Road, 200031, Shanghai,ChinaTel. +86 (21) 54075181      Fax. +86 (21) 54075182Mail. infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comwww.cameraitacina.com

2010-04-16 China Economic Review - Focus on Italy and China

16 四月 2010
                                    Focus on Italy and China Challenges and opportunities for companies working with the Italian market The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with China Economic Review have the pleasure to introduce you to "Focus on Italy and China", a conference held on April 16th, 2010 in Shanghai. It is the first time that China Economic Review organizes a conference focused on doing business in China, analyzing issues, opportunities and challenges from the perspective of a single foreign country, whereby certain problems are specific, unique and not shareable with other international realities. The conference is open to a wide audience of professionals, addressing issues that range from market entry, mentality and cultural approach, HR, branding and marketing tools to legal and financial issues, for a comprehensive approach to the "Chinese way of business" through "a truly Italian perspective". Come and subscribe to the "Italy and China" conference! It will help you better understand the current economic situation of China and Italy, the commercial and cultural relationships that link these economies, and how this all can affect your business! Agenda                                 08:00 - 09:15 Registration 09:15 - 09:45 Opening Address by Claudio d`Agostino, Vice President, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, and by Giovanni Orgera, Director, Jesa Investment & Management Co., Ltd 09:45 - 10:15 Session Ⅰ: Investment strategies: Italy to China and China to ItalySpeaker: Michael Zheng, Investment Manager, Mandarin Capital Partners 10:15 - 10:45 Session Ⅱ: Italy - China Relationship: a never-ending work in progressSpeaker: Giovanni Orgera, Director, Jesa Investment & Management Co., Ltd 10:45 - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 - 11:45 Session Ⅲ: Shanghai World Expo 2010Speaker: Edoardo Bertolani, General Manager China, Graniti Fiandre 11:45 - 12:30 Session Ⅳ: Panel discussion - Shanghai Expo and the promotion of the brand Italy in China 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 14:30 Session Ⅴ: Managing human resources: a cultural confrontation between China and ItalySpeaker: Alessandro Paparelli, Regional Human Resource Director Asia Pacific, Salvatore Ferragamo 14:30 - 15:00 Session Ⅵ: Approaching sales and distribution issues in ChinaSpeaker: Marco Treggiari, Managing Director China, Technogym 15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 - 16:00 Session Ⅶ: How the Chinese legislative framework is changingSpeaker: Giampaolo Naronte, Managing Partner, Studio Zunarelli 16:00 - 16:30 Session Ⅷ: Managing professional relationships between the Chinese office and the counterparts in ItalySpeaker: Michael Cati, Sales and Marketing Director Greater China & Korea, Pirelli 16:30 - 17:00 Session Ⅸ: Panel discussion - Questions from the public For more information about topics and bio of speakers, please click here to download the detailed program, or contact Ms. Felicia Xue on tel. 021- 5407 5181, or email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com         Information and Registration Date:           Friday, April 16th, 2010 Time:           8:00am - 5:00pm Venue:         Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, Grand Ballroom,                     9th floor, No.789, Nanjing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai                    上海世茂皇家艾美酒店,9楼宴会厅                    上海市黄浦区南京东路789号 Language:    English Entry Fee:     RMB 750/pax for CICC Members                      RMB 850/pax for non CICC Members Registration: Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by April 14th, 2010 noon time.   Entry fees settled with China Economic Review, by cash or bank transfer Cancellation policies: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded.  No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you shall be required to pay the fee in full price, in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given.  REPLY COUPON  Please book ____seat(s) for "China Economic Review -- Italy and China" to be held on April 16th, 2010.Name:Position:Company:Tel:    Shanghai OfficeUnit 3605-3606A, The Center,989 Changle Road, 200031, Shanghai,ChinaTel. +86 (21) 54075181      Fax. +86 (21) 54075182Mail. infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comwww.cameraitacina.com  

2010-04-21 2010 Chamber of Commerce Forum

21 四月 2010
                2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum China in the global picture: restructuring the industries China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Net of Chambers of Commerce, has the pleasure to invite you to 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum. 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum is co-organized by China National Committee for APEC SME Service Alliance, World Economy & Trading United Promotion Society, Netcoc and Wenzhou SME Business Development and Promotion Association. The two days forum is an occasion for all the Chinese Chambers of Commerce to gather in Shanghai, and meet their foreign counterparts, exchanging talks on how to seize business opportunities of common interest and strategize new synergies. Member companies of participating Chambers will be invited, with specific moments during the forums dedicated to mingling and business development. We look forward to see you all at 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum!  Agenda April 21st, 2010                               08:30 -- 09:00 Registration 09:00 -- 17:30 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum      Theme Forum: China`s Next Ten Years: New Industry, New Opportunitiy   Topic Forum 1: National Secretary-General Forum   Topic Forum 2: A New Realm of Art Investment   Topic Forum 3: Summit Forum on Venture Capital Investment   Topic Forum 4: The Current Situation and Development Trend of Chinese Stock Market   Topic Forum 5: Philosophical Communication Among Enterprises April 22nd, 2010 09:00 -- 09:30 Registration 09:30 -- 16:30 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum   Topic Forum 6: Discovering the Opportunities for PE Investment in the Period of Economic Transformation   Topic Forum 7: Unveiling the Success of the Stock Index Futures Trade   Topic Forum 8: Financial Forum on "Industrial Integration and National Recovery"   Topic Foum 9: Opportunities in Chinese Stock Market and Relevant Investment Strategies   Topic Forum 10: On the Transformation and Update of Chinese Manufacturing Participation for CICC Members is free of charge, except for luncheons fees and special gathering fees. Please click here to download detailed information about 2010 Chambers of Commerce Forum, or contact Ms. Felicia Xue at tel. 021-5407 5181 or email infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com       Information and Registration Date:           April 21st (Wednesday)- 22nd  (Thursday), 2010 Time:           08:30am - 5:30pm Venue:         Pudong Shangri-La  上海浦东香格里拉大酒店                      No.33, Fu Cheng Road, Pudong District, Shanghai Language:    Chinese (with simultaneous translation) Entry Fee:     Free of charge*(see notes above) Registration: Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by April 16th, 2010 noon time.   REPLY COUPON  Please book ____seat(s) for "2010 Chambers of COmmerce Forum" to be held on April 21st, 2010.Name:Position:Company:Tel:    Shanghai OfficeUnit 3605-3606A, The Center,989 Changle Road, 200031, Shanghai,ChinaTel. +86 (21) 54075181      Fax. +86 (21) 54075182Mail. infoshanghai@cameraitacina.comwww.cameraitacina.com

InterChamber Spring Mixer 2010

10 三月 2010
   InterChamber Spring Mixer 2010 March 10th, 2010, Shanghai   The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, the American Chamber of Commerce, the AustCham and the participating foreign Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai are delighted to invite you to the Inter-Chamber Spring Mixer 2010. An occasion to mingle, make new friends and celebrate the incoming spring season in Shanghai.     Information and Registration Date:           Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 Time:           18:30pm -- 22:00pm Venue:         INTERCONTINENTAL Shanghai Puxi, Grand Ballroom on 3rd Floor                      500 Heng Feng Road, Shanghai, near Tian Mu Xi Road              上海浦西洲际酒店, 三楼大宴会厅, 恒丰路500号近天目西路 Entry Fee:    RMB 150 per person (members only), inclusive of 2 drinks.                      Extra drinks will be charged at a special discount rate. REPLY COUPON  The company: ___________________________, attendee ___________________Confirms the attendance to the Inter-Chamber Spring Mixer, on March 10th, 2010.Date______________________ Signature_______________________Please register with CICC Shanghai Office via e-mail to: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com, before March 5th noon time,2010.    Shanghai OfficeUnit 3605-3606A, The Center, 989 Changle Road, 200031, Shanghai, ChinaTel. +86 (21) 54075181  Fax. +86 (21) 54075182  Mail. infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com        www.cameraitacina.com

Subscribe now! Shanghai Language Course 2010

    Chinese & Italian Language courses   Following the success of previous Language Courses, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai is glad to inform you that we are organizing a new series of language courses in Shanghai.   Shanghai  Situational Chinese Course    Advanced Chinese Course    *Using a creative study system, the course is composed of many different practical topics. Pinyin based learning, vivid, interesting and efficient.  *The course is specially designed for business people, including more working related situations, such as job interviews, working luncheons lexicon, business travel, etc. Level: Absolute Beginner Level: Beginner (after 30-60 hours study) Starting Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Starting Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010   Timing: 2 times/week, 2 lessons/time, Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:30am to 10:10am , 60 lessons in total Timing: 2 times/week, 2 lessons/time, Wednesday and Friday, from 8:30am to 10:10am , 60 lessons in total Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room   Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Price: Members: 3500 RMBNon-Members: 4000 RMB   Price: Members: 4000 RMBNon-Members: 4500 RMB      Basic Italian Course Advanced Italian Course *Given by Italian Teacher who got good feedbacks of last year, the course will use the material "Progetto Italiano". *The course will continue the study of "Progetto Italiano", to further adapt into practical business situation. Level: Absolute beginner Level: Intermediate (after 60 hours study)   Starting Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Starting Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Timing: 2 times/week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 6:30 to 9:00pm, 80 hours in total Timing: 2 times/week, Wednesday and Friday, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm, 80 hours in total Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Where: CICC-Shanghai meeting room Price: Members: 3500 RMBNon-Members: 4000 RMB Price: Members: 4000 RMBNon-Members: 4500 RMB    Details Participants: Courses are available to CICC Member Companies (extended to company`s staff and Member`s family) and Non-Members. Classes are minimum 5pax, maximum 10pax each. Subscription deadline: Monday, February 22nd, 2010 (First come first served basis) More information: Should you be interested in the courses , please contact Ms. Felicia Xue by email at sh.activities@cameraitacina.com or by telephone 021-54075181; Payment: the payment should be done within Thursday, February 25th, 2009, in cash at CICC Shanghai office. *Please note that the price might be adjusted, according to the final confirmed number of participants. Reply Coupon I confirm I would like to attend the course:Shanghai:    A. Basic Italian ;                      B. Advanced Italian;                                C. Situational Chinese;             D. Advanced Chinese; Your Information Company: Name of attending student: Mobile: E-mail: **CICC will keep this information confidential and only use it for communications related to the Language Course.

Suzhou HR Training - Presentation Skills

19 二月 2010
               The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, in co-operation with DUSA and with the support of The Channel, Management Consulting Company are organizing a two half-day training session on   Presentation SkillsYour attitude shapes your business!Suzhou, February 19th-20th, 2010   What will you learn? Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally when entertaining an audience. Our program helps you to develop the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience and delivering a convincing, assertive, charismatic speech. It is also extremely helpful for your self-development too.  Content: Correct PPT Structure Preparation Presentation Phrases Delivery: Tone of Voice Body Language TM (Time Management) Delivery Practice Teaching approach: Lecture given by Hannahlise Barlow Real Situation Analysis Role plays & exercises Assessment tools Interactivity between participants and the coach Who should attend? Staff from all levels who wish to make an impact when speaking in public or presenting for the first time at a professional meeting. Assessment: ROI (return on investment) is a priority for our training courses, and our goal is to work closely with our Members to determine learning needs and objectives before the course takes place. Before any course starts, CICC will conduct a brief check of the participants` English level, in order to make the course more effective. We conclude with a final course test and report, in order to assess the participants` results and help them maintain what they have learnt, and inform their Companies about their progress.     TRAINER: Hannahlise Barlow   Hannahlise Barlow is a professional with expertise in HR Training.Born in England, she moved to Italy in 2003, and set-up her own business providing in-company training to some of the biggest multinationals in Northern Italy. Today Hannahlise lives and works in Shanghai. Being a linguist and a passionate follower of all things HR and training, Hannahlise continues to study the latest training techniques and subjects to develop herself and her skills as a Business Soft Skills & Language trainer. Hannahlise has recently given lectures at Jiao Tong University on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the MBA-C course, teaching top international managers from many different industries. Information and Registration Date:           Friday and Saturday, February 19th-20th, 2010 Time:            10:00 - 16:00 (with a break for lunch) Venue:         Suzhou                      Address to be confirmed Language:    English Entry Fee:    RMB 1,800 for CICC/DUSA Members                     RMB 2,500 for non CICC/DUSA Members                     Fees might be adjusted if participants are less than 10 people Access is limited to 10-15 people only, based on e-mail pre-registration date.  Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by February 11th, 2010.Entry fees are to be settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer. Cancellation policy: no cancellation is accepted once the payment is done.   REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat(s) for the training "Suzhou Presentation Skills" to be held on February 19th-20th, 2010.Name:Position:Company:Tel: CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518  

Suzhou HR Training - Secretarial Skills

05 二月 2010
               The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, in co-operation with DUSA and with the support of The Channel, Management Consulting Company are organizing a two half-day training session on   Secretarial SkillsYour attitude shapes your business!Suzhou, February 5th-6th, 2010 What will you learn?Nowadays, executive secretaries and administrative assistants provide high-level administrative support for an office and for top executives of an organization. Our Secretarial Skills Program enhances your ability to perform a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization more efficiently.Content: What makes a good Secretary How to be professional You represent your boss, so do it professionally! Cross Cultural Communication Skills Organizational Skills How to write minutes of the meeting Formal English for Business Teaching approach: Lecture given by Hannahlise Barlow Real Situation Analysis Role plays & exercises Assessment tools Interactivity between participants and the coach Who should attend? Secretaries, assistants, executive assistants who are having their first experience working with a foreign company/boss, or who have never undergone a specific technical training before. Assessment: ROI (return on investment) is a priority for our training courses, and our goal is to work closely with our Members to determine learning needs and objectives before the course takes place. Before any course starts, CICC will conduct a brief check of the participants` English level, in order to make the course more effective.We conclude with a final course test and report, in order to assess the participants` results and help them maintain what they have learnt, and inform their Companies about their progress. TRAINER: Hannahlise Barlow   Hannahlise Barlow is a professional with expertise in HR Training.Born in England, she moved to Italy in 2003, and set-up her own business providing in-company training to some of the biggest multinationals in Northern Italy. Today Hannahlise lives and works in Shanghai. Being a linguist and a passionate follower of all things HR and training, Hannahlise continues to study the latest training techniques and subjects to develop herself and her skills as a Business Soft Skills & Language trainer. Hannahlise has recently given lectures at Jiao Tong University on CPD (Continuing Professional Development) for the MBA-C course, teaching top international managers from many different industries. Information and Registration Date:           Friday and Saturday, February 5th-6th, 2010 Time:            10:00 - 16:00 (with a break for lunch) Venue:         Suzhou                      Address to be confirmed                     Language:    English Entry Fee:    RMB 1,800 for CICC/DUSA Members                     RMB 2,500 for non CICC/DUSA Members                     Fees might be adjusted if participants are less than 10 people Access is limited to 10-15 people only, based on e-mail pre-registration date.  Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by January 28th, 2010.Entry fees are to be settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer. Cancellation policy: no cancellation is accepted once the payment is done.   REPLY COUPON Please book ____seat(s) for the training "Suzhou Secretarial Skills" to be held on February 5th-6th, 2010.Name:Position:Company:Tel: CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIANA IN CINACHINA-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Camera riconosciuta dal Governo Italiano aisensi della Legge 1 Luglio 1970, n.518  


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