
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Retail Insights on Chinese Consumers, April 11 Shanghai

11 四月 2024
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), with the support of its Italian Quality and Lifestyle Council (IQLC) is glad to invite you to attend the event Retail Insights: Navigating Recent Uncertainties Among China Consumers: Brand Building Versus Short Term Actions On April 11, in Shanghai!   We welcome the representatives of the Sino-Italian Business Community to participate in a Business Roundtable focused on recent Chinese consumer trends, and the performance of well-known retail companies in China.   During the morning session, Daniel Zipser, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Leader of McKinsey's Consumer & Retail Practice in Asia, will offer China Macroeconomics outlook and insights from a soon-to-be-released report focused on Consumers trends, entitled "Chinese Consumption: An Encouraging Start in the Year of the Dragon". China experienced a moderate recovery in 2023, marking the first year of bounce-back since the conclusion of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the Chinese economy faces continued headwinds and consumer-facing companies are encountering increasingly fierce competition, one message emerges from our analysis of the first two months of the year: we’re off to an encouraging start in the Year of the Dragon. While it's too early to provide an accurate forecast for the rest of the year, key consumption indicators are pointing in the right direction.   To follow, a roundtable moderated by Mauro Maggioni, CICC Board Member and CEO Asia Pacific at Golden Goose, with well-known experts in fashion, luxury and retail: Maggie Chan, Operating Partner, Board of Directors at Wagas Group; Filippo Gori, President Apac at Stella McCartney, and Judy Liu, Farfetch APAC President.   The business roundtable will take place at Frasca from 8 to 11 am, accompanied by delicious breakfast.   AGENDA 8:00-8:15 am Registration 8:15-9 am Breakfast buffet 9-9:30 am Keynote speech: China Macroeconomics outlook and insights from a soon-to-be-released report focused on Consumers trends. Daniel Zipser, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Leader of McKinsey's Consumer & Retail Practice in Asia 9:30-10:30 am Insights from retail firms. Business Roundtable with Maggie Chan, Operating Partner, Board of Directors at Wagas Group, Filippo Gori, President Apac at Stella McCartney, Judy Liu, Farfetch APAC President, moderated by Mauro Maggioni, CICC Board Member and CEO Asia Pacific at Golden Goose. 10:30-10:45 Q&A and Closing Remarks   SPEAKERS Daniel Zipser, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Leader of McKinsey's Consumer & Retail Practice in Asia Maggie Chan, Operating Partner, Board of Directors, Wagas Group  Filippo Gori, President Apac at Stella McCartney Judy Liu, Farfetch APAC President Moderator: Mauro Maggioni, CICC Board Member and CEO Asia Pacific at Golden Goose.   EVENT DETAILS Date: April 11, 2024 Time: 8 am – 11 am (Beijing Time) Venue: Frasca, Shanghai Address: Frasca(南京西路店) Level 1, The Middle House Residences, No. 366 Shi Men Yi Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai. 石门一路366号镛舍公寓式酒店1层   TICKETS CICC Members: 330 rmb Non Members: 380   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!   BECOME OUR SPONSORS! Either as financial or  In-Kind sponsors, you can become one of the sponsors for this unique breakfast seminar!  Don’t miss the opportunity to secure a promotion space in the event and enjoy exclusive benefits.   Interested in becoming our sponsor?   Contact us at sh.events@cameraitacina.com   About Italian Quality & Lifestyle Council (IQLC) A council about Luxury Living, Fashion, Luxury and Premium Goods, Design, Lifestyle, focus on Retail and Digital. Our objective is to facilitate business with China for CICC  member or non member companies and individuals, in retail and consumer goods.

The Italian Healthcare Eco-System for China, April 12

12 四月 2024
亲爱的会员和朋友们。 中国意大利商会(CICC)与医疗保健工作组(HCWG)和意大利对外贸易委员会(ITA)合作,诚邀您参加即将在华举办的意大利面向中国的医疗保健生态系统研讨会。该活动将在上海的中国国际医疗器械博览会(CMEF)期间线下举行。时间为 北京时间2024 年 4 月 12 日下午 3:00。   促进国际合作和知识交流对于推动创新和推进医疗解决方案至关重要。在我们的提议下,决定举办这次研讨会,旨在向中国企业介绍意大利的医疗保健生态系统。该研讨会将作为一个平台,突出意大利医疗保健行业的优势和机遇,同时促进中国和意大利医疗保健实体之间的交流和合作机会。   意大利拥有世界闻名的医疗保健系统,在全球评估中一直名列前茅。根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的数据,意大利医疗系统的整体表现位居世界前十名。2022 年彭博医疗效率指数将意大利医疗系统列为第四名。这些排名彰显了意大利为其公民提供高质量医疗服务的承诺,并将该国定位为医疗保健领域具有吸引力的国际合作和投资目的地。   意大利的医疗保健生态系统由多个子行业组成,每个行业都具有卓越和创新的特点。   制药行业 2022 年,意大利是第六大药品生产国,意大利制药企业在诊断成像、肿瘤学、神经学和罕见病等领域取得了重大进展,成为全球制药业的重要参与者。    医疗器械行业 意大利的医疗器械行业以尖端技术和创新解决方案而闻名。意大利医疗器械企业在诊断和微创手术等领域的专业技术得到了广泛认可,提供符合最高国际标准的先进产品。   教育 在教育领域,意大利拥有颇具权威的医学院和研究机构,吸引着来自世界各地的学生和学者。这些机构提供全面的培训计划,并在生物医学、生物技术和医疗保健管理等领域开展突破性研究,为医学知识的进步和创新做出了贡献。   医疗旅游 此外,意大利已成为医疗旅游的主要目的地,提供世界一流的医疗保健服务,同时还拥有文化景点和风景名胜。意大利的医院和诊所提供广泛的医药治疗和程序,吸引着来自全球各地的患者在理想的环境中寻求高质量的医疗服务。   综上所述,研讨会将为中国企业提供对意大利医疗生态系统的宝贵见解,突出其优势、机遇和合作潜力。   通过促进中国和意大利医疗保健行业利益相关方之间的对话与合作,我们旨在推动全球医疗保健行业的共同发展和创新。   活动细节 2024年4月12日15-17时 语言:英语 形式:线下 地址:国家会展中心国际展台5.2号馆 (上海市 青浦区 崧泽大道 333号) 免费为会员非会员开放     注册参会   需要更多信息请写邮至: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   该活动将在博览会内举行,因此您还需要注册报名参加 CMEF,以便获得入场胸卡!如果您要注册参加博览会,请扫描海报上的二维码。     关于中国国际医疗器械博览会(CMEF) 中国国际医疗器械博览会(CMEF)是世界领先的医疗健康技术平台,全面展示整个医疗产业链的技术进步和解决方案。CMEF 致力于行业趋势、技术创新、促进未来商机和发展,为全球医疗行业的进步做出贡献。   同期举办的活动包括中国国际医疗器械设计与制造技术展览会(ICMD)、中国国际智能健康展览会(IHC)、中国国际应急救援与安全用品展览会(ERSC)、中国国际康复及个人健康展览会(CRS)、中国国际老年护理用品展览会(CECN)、中国国际家庭护理用品展览会(Lifecare)和中国国际动物保健展览会(AHC)。   意大利国家展团即将亮相 第 89 届中国国际医疗器械博览会 Exploring Italy's Presence at the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair   中国国际医疗器械博览会(CMEF)为医疗器械制造商、经销商和医疗保健专业人士提供了一个汇聚和探索该领域最新进展的平台。意大利对外贸易委员会(ITA)将组织来自意大利领先的医疗器械企业展团,于 2024 年 4 月 11 日至 14 日亮相第 89 届中国国际医疗器械(春季)博览会(CMEF),同现场全球5000余家医疗器械领域企业、业界专业人士共同交流行业发展并搭建桥梁。   由 12 家意大利领先医疗器械企业组成的意大利国家展团在 ITA 的组织下将向在场人士展示旨在提高和改善整体医疗效果的尖端医疗技术,同时彰显了意大利致力于全球合作和创新交流的决心。     Participating companies:     关于医疗保健工作组 (HCWG) 医疗保健工作组包括所有在医疗领域运营的企业,如医疗器械、设备或医药产品以及提供IT解决方案等行业。 该工作组组建的缘由来自于意大利驻华使馆。其第一个有形产品是“中意合作方案”,该产品是工作组信息共享并最大限度寻找商机实践的最好体现。该方案于2014年1月由意大利经济发展部部长Flavio Zanonato先生访华期间首次呈现。 工作组致力于提高意大利企业及其产品在中国医疗行业的知名度及质量并与医疗行业经营者共享信息旨在最大限度地创造商业机会。

The Italian Healthcare Eco-System for China, April 12

12 四月 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with its Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA), is pleased to invite you to the upcoming event Italian Healthcare Eco-system for China. It will be held offline on April 12, 2024, from 3:00 pm (Beijing time), at the China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) in Shanghai.   Fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange is essential for driving innovation and advancing healthcare solutions. With this in mind, we propose a seminar that aims to introduce Chinese companies to the Italian healthcare ecosystem. This seminar will serve as a platform to highlight the strengths and opportunities within the Italian healthcare sector while facilitating networking and partnership opportunities between Chinese and Italian healthcare entities.   Italy boasts a world-renowned healthcare system that consistently ranks highly in global assessments. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Italy's healthcare system ranks among the top 10 in the world for overall performance. Bloomberg Healthcare Efficiency Index 2022 classified the Italian Healthcare System at the fourth place. These rankings underscore Italy's commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services to its citizens and position the country as an attractive destination for international collaboration and investment in healthcare.   The Italian healthcare ecosystem comprises several sub-sectors, each characterized by excellence and innovation.   Pharmaceutical sector In 2022 Italy was the 6th biggest producer of pharmaceuticals and Italian pharmaceutical companies have made significant advancements in areas such as diagnostic imaging, oncology, neurology, and rare diseases, positioning themselves as key players in the global pharmaceutical landscape.   Medical device industry Italy's medical device industry is renowned for its cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. Italian medical device companies are recognized for their expertise in areas such as diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery, offering state-of-the-art products that meet the highest international standards.   Education In the field of education, Italy is home to prestigious medical schools and research institutions that attract students and scholars from around the world. These institutions offer comprehensive training programs and conduct groundbreaking research in areas such as biomedicine, biotechnology, and healthcare management, contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and innovation.   Medical Tourism Furthermore, Italy has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, offering world-class healthcare services coupled with cultural attractions and scenic landscapes. Italian hospitals and clinics provide a wide range of medical treatments and procedures, attracting patients from across the globe seeking high-quality care in a desirable setting.   Overall, the seminar will provide Chinese companies with valuable insights into the Italian healthcare ecosystem, highlighting its strengths, opportunities, and potential for collaboration.   By fostering dialogue and partnership between Chinese and Italian healthcare stakeholders, we aim to drive mutual growth and innovation in the global healthcare industry.     EVENT DETAILS Date: 12 April, 2024 Time: 3-5 pm (Beijing Time) Language: English Format: offline Venue: National Convention and Exhibition Center, International Stage, Hall 5.2 Address: No. 333 Songze Avenue, Qingpu District, Shanghai. 上海市 青浦区 崧泽大道 333号 Ticket: Free for both CICC members and non-members     CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!   For more information, please send an email to: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   The event will be held within the fair, so you will also need to register for CMEF  in order to get the badge the enter! To register for the fair please scan the qr-code in the flyer below:       About China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) The China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) is a world leading medical and health technology platform, provides a comprehensive display of technological advancements and solutions from across the entire medical industry chain. CMEF is dedicated to industry trends, technological innovation, and fostering future business opportunities and development, contributing to the global advancement of the medical industry.   Concurrent events include the International Manufacturing and Components Design Show (ICMD), Intelligent Health China (IHC), International Emergency, Rescue & Safe China (ERSC), China International Rehabilitation and Personal Health Show (CRS), the China International Elderly Care and Nursing Show (CECN), the China International Home Care Exhibition (Lifecare), and Animal Health China (AHC).   Italian National Pavilion Coming Soon The 89th China International Medical Equipment Expo Exploring Italy's Presence at the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair   The China International Medical Device Expo (CMEF) provides a platform for medical device manufacturers, distributors and healthcare professionals to gather and explore the latest advances in the field. The Italian Trade Agency along with the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai will organize a pavilion from leading Italian medical device companies at the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) from April 11 to 14, 2024. With more than 5000 global medical device field enterprises, industry professionals to exchange industry development and build bridges. Organized by ITA, the Italian National Pavilion, consisting of 12 leading Italian medical device companies, will showcase cutting-edge medical technologies aimed at enhancing and improving overall medical outcomes, while underlining Italy's commitment to global cooperation and innovation exchange.     Participating companies:     About Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) The HCWG includes all the companies working in the healthcare sector, such as manufacturing companies of medical equipment, devices or pharmaceutical products and supply of IT solutions. The initiative to create a network of companies operating in the healthcare sector was activated by the Embassy of Italy in the P.R.C. The first tangible result of this initiative was the publication of "Pacchetto di cooperazione sino-italiana", presented at Chinese counterparts during the visit of the Italian Minister of Economic Development, Flavio Zanonato, in January 2014. The HCWG is committed to promote awareness of the know-how and quality of Italian products and companies in the healthcare sector in China and to share industry information between operators to maximize business opportunities.

The Italian Healthcare Eco-System for China, April 12

12 四月 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with its Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA), is pleased to invite you to the upcoming event Italian Healthcare Eco-system for China. It will be held offline on April 12, 2024, from 3:00 pm (Beijing time), at the China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) in Shanghai.   Fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange is essential for driving innovation and advancing healthcare solutions. With this in mind, we propose a seminar that aims to introduce Chinese companies to the Italian healthcare ecosystem. This seminar will serve as a platform to highlight the strengths and opportunities within the Italian healthcare sector while facilitating networking and partnership opportunities between Chinese and Italian healthcare entities.   Italy boasts a world-renowned healthcare system that consistently ranks highly in global assessments. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Italy's healthcare system ranks among the top 10 in the world for overall performance. Bloomberg Healthcare Efficiency Index 2022 classified the Italian Healthcare System at the fourth place. These rankings underscore Italy's commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare services to its citizens and position the country as an attractive destination for international collaboration and investment in healthcare.   The Italian healthcare ecosystem comprises several sub-sectors, each characterized by excellence and innovation.   Pharmaceutical sector In 2022 Italy was the 6th biggest producer of pharmaceuticals and Italian pharmaceutical companies have made significant advancements in areas such as diagnostic imaging, oncology, neurology, and rare diseases, positioning themselves as key players in the global pharmaceutical landscape.   Medical device industry Italy's medical device industry is renowned for its cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. Italian medical device companies are recognized for their expertise in areas such as diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery, offering state-of-the-art products that meet the highest international standards.   Education In the field of education, Italy is home to prestigious medical schools and research institutions that attract students and scholars from around the world. These institutions offer comprehensive training programs and conduct groundbreaking research in areas such as biomedicine, biotechnology, and healthcare management, contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge and innovation.   Medical Tourism Furthermore, Italy has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, offering world-class healthcare services coupled with cultural attractions and scenic landscapes. Italian hospitals and clinics provide a wide range of medical treatments and procedures, attracting patients from across the globe seeking high-quality care in a desirable setting.   Overall, the seminar will provide Chinese companies with valuable insights into the Italian healthcare ecosystem, highlighting its strengths, opportunities, and potential for collaboration.   By fostering dialogue and partnership between Chinese and Italian healthcare stakeholders, we aim to drive mutual growth and innovation in the global healthcare industry.     EVENT DETAILS Date: 12 April, 2024 Time: 3-5 pm (Beijing Time) Language: English Format: offline Venue: National Convention and Exhibition Center, International Stage, Hall 5.2 Address: No. 333 Songze Avenue, Qingpu District, Shanghai. 上海市 青浦区 崧泽大道 333号 Ticket: Free for both CICC members and non-members     CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!   For more information, please send an email to: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   The event will be held within the fair, so you will also need to register for CMEF  in order to get the badge the enter! To register for the fair please scan the qr-code in the flyer below:       About China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) The China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) is a world leading medical and health technology platform, provides a comprehensive display of technological advancements and solutions from across the entire medical industry chain. CMEF is dedicated to industry trends, technological innovation, and fostering future business opportunities and development, contributing to the global advancement of the medical industry.   Concurrent events include the International Manufacturing and Components Design Show (ICMD), Intelligent Health China (IHC), International Emergency, Rescue & Safe China (ERSC), China International Rehabilitation and Personal Health Show (CRS), the China International Elderly Care and Nursing Show (CECN), the China International Home Care Exhibition (Lifecare), and Animal Health China (AHC).   Italian National Pavilion Coming Soon The 89th China International Medical Equipment Expo Exploring Italy's Presence at the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair The China International Medical Device Expo (CMEF) provides a platform for medical device manufacturers, distributors and healthcare professionals to gather and explore the latest advances in the field. The Italian Trade Agency along with the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai will organize a pavilion from leading Italian medical device companies at the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) from April 11 to 14, 2024. With more than 5000 global medical device field enterprises, industry professionals to exchange industry development and build bridges. Organized by ITA, the Italian National Pavilion, consisting of 12 leading Italian medical device companies, will showcase cutting-edge medical technologies aimed at enhancing and improving overall medical outcomes, while underlining Italy's commitment to global cooperation and innovation exchange.     Participating companies:     About Healthcare Working Group (HCWG) The HCWG includes all the companies working in the healthcare sector, such as manufacturing companies of medical equipment, devices or pharmaceutical products and supply of IT solutions. The initiative to create a network of companies operating in the healthcare sector was activated by the Embassy of Italy in the P.R.C. The first tangible result of this initiative was the publication of "Pacchetto di cooperazione sino-italiana", presented at Chinese counterparts during the visit of the Italian Minister of Economic Development, Flavio Zanonato, in January 2014. The HCWG is committed to promote awareness of the know-how and quality of Italian products and companies in the healthcare sector in China and to share industry information between operators to maximize business opportunities.

Italy Meets China: Focus on Fengxian in Shanghai, 9th Apr

09 四月 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you about the upcoming event "Italy Meets China: Feng Xian District Focus" on 9 April 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall (Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai). The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce with the support of Feng Xian District Investment Promotion Office, Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone and Oriental Beauty Valley. The aim of this initiative is to facilitate a better understanding of the business opportunities between the Italian community and the New City of Feng Xian and to foster links with local companies and potential new business partners. The event will include visits to two companies located in Feng Xian district, namely Atos Shanghai and Oriental Beauty Valley Company in the morning, and after lunch, will be attended the official event: "Riding the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event.   Introduction of Feng Xiang Feng Xian District is in the south of Shanghai. It is the "western gateway of the new area, the southern Shanghai city center, and the dynamic new city of the Yangtze River Delta". It is in the center of the "1.5-hour city radius circle of the Yangtze River Delta". It has a land area of 733 square kilometres and a population of 1.30 million. According to legend, 2,500 years ago, Confucius' disciple Yan Yan came here to give a lecture, and the local people respected him very much. To commemorate the sage, he named it "Feng Xian", which has the meaning of "respecting the wise and thinking of the wise". Feng Xian embraces the five innovations of "basic theory innovation, underlying technology innovation, subversive project innovation, cross-border integration innovation, and transfer and transformation innovation", and strives to promote the development of four emerging industries: beauty and health, new energy auto parts, digital intelligence new economy, and new chemical materials. It owns 50.2% of the land in Lin gang New Area, enjoys the special policy advantages and industrial spillover effects of Lin gang New Area, and accelerates the formation of new productive forces.   Introduction of visiting companies   Atos Hydraulics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. ATOS SH/ATOS CN is parts of Atos Group, leader in electronic hydraulics sector, operating in more than 80 countries, with 9 production sites in Italy, China, USA, and India with over 750 professionals who share the same passion for innovation, technology, and creativity. They believe in the value of technology, and we are constantly searching for innovation and quality thanks to our people’s value. Atos is a dynamic, technologically advanced reality, devoted to innovation, efficiency and customer service. For this reason, you will always find training opportunities and professional growth opportunities within a group with numerous offices worldwide. We offer pleasant work environments and we always strive to enhance the welfare and the work-life balance of our employees. ATOS SH and ATOS CN are branch companies wholly owned by ATOS Spa. We need industrious, serious-minded and cooperative people, contributing with their talents in their positions and growing up together with ATOS.   Oriental Beauty Valley "Oriental Beauty Valley" is an industrial brand built by the Feng Xian District Committee and the District Government since 2015, mainly focusing on the beauty and health industry. Through the concept of "cross-border to borderless", the headquarters economy, cultural creativity, tourism and leisure, e-commerce, sports, financial services, fashion industry, luxury goods and other cross-border industries are integrated to form a "beauty and health industry alliance" with the beauty and health industry as the core and multiple industries coexisting and win-win, forming a "urban industrial ecosystem" with full regional coverage, full functional integration, full-industry supporting, and all-factor services.   EVENT DETAILS Date: April 9, 2024 Time: 10:00 – 15.40 Language: English and Chinese Format: Offline Venue: Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall Address: Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai. 奉贤区规划资源展示馆(上海市奉贤区湖畔路333号A栋) Participation is open to both Members and Non-Members.   Price CICC members: free of charge Non-members: 200 RMB A bus will be organized for the round trip from Shanghai to Feng Xian. When registering, please indicate whether you need to use the bus service!   CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT!   For further information, you can send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   AGENDA 9:30- 9:50 Registration and coffee break 9:50- 10:00 Brief speeches by representatives of both parties to announce the start of the "Italy Meets Feng Xian" event. 10:00-10:40 Visit Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall 10:40-11:20 Visit Smart Link Science and Innovation Building (the Oriental Beauty Valley Company) 11:20-11:40 Visit Beauty Valley No.3 Bonded Warehouse (Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone) 11:40-12:00 Visit Atos (Shanghai) Hydraulic Co. 12:10- 13:20 Lunch break 13.30-14.00 Important guests before the event meeting with Feng Xian District leaders 14:00- 15:40 Official Event: “Ride the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event  

Italy Meets China: Focus on Fengxian in Shanghai, 9th Apr

09 四月 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you about the upcoming event "Italy Meets China: Feng Xian District Focus" on 9 April 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall (Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai). The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce with the support of Feng Xian District Investment Promotion Office, Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone and Oriental Beauty Valley. The aim of this initiative is to facilitate a better understanding of the business opportunities between the Italian community and the New City of Feng Xian and to foster links with local companies and potential new business partners. The event will include visits to two companies located in Feng Xian district, namely Atos Shanghai and Oriental Beauty Valley Company in the morning, and after lunch, will be attended the official event: "Riding the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event.   Introduction of Feng Xiang Feng Xian District is in the south of Shanghai. It is the "western gateway of the new area, the southern Shanghai city center, and the dynamic new city of the Yangtze River Delta". It is in the center of the "1.5-hour city radius circle of the Yangtze River Delta". It has a land area of 733 square kilometres and a population of 1.30 million. According to legend, 2,500 years ago, Confucius' disciple Yan Yan came here to give a lecture, and the local people respected him very much. To commemorate the sage, he named it "Feng Xian", which has the meaning of "respecting the wise and thinking of the wise". Feng Xian embraces the five innovations of "basic theory innovation, underlying technology innovation, subversive project innovation, cross-border integration innovation, and transfer and transformation innovation", and strives to promote the development of four emerging industries: beauty and health, new energy auto parts, digital intelligence new economy, and new chemical materials. It owns 50.2% of the land in Lin gang New Area, enjoys the special policy advantages and industrial spillover effects of Lin gang New Area, and accelerates the formation of new productive forces.   Introduction of visiting companies   Atos Hydraulics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. ATOS SH/ATOS CN is parts of Atos Group, leader in electronic hydraulics sector, operating in more than 80 countries, with 9 production sites in Italy, China, USA, and India with over 750 professionals who share the same passion for innovation, technology, and creativity. They believe in the value of technology, and we are constantly searching for innovation and quality thanks to our people’s value. Atos is a dynamic, technologically advanced reality, devoted to innovation, efficiency and customer service. For this reason, you will always find training opportunities and professional growth opportunities within a group with numerous offices worldwide. We offer pleasant work environments and we always strive to enhance the welfare and the work-life balance of our employees. ATOS SH and ATOS CN are branch companies wholly owned by ATOS Spa. We need industrious, serious-minded and cooperative people, contributing with their talents in their positions and growing up together with ATOS.   Oriental Beauty Valley "Oriental Beauty Valley" is an industrial brand built by the Feng Xian District Committee and the District Government since 2015, mainly focusing on the beauty and health industry. Through the concept of "cross-border to borderless", the headquarters economy, cultural creativity, tourism and leisure, e-commerce, sports, financial services, fashion industry, luxury goods and other cross-border industries are integrated to form a "beauty and health industry alliance" with the beauty and health industry as the core and multiple industries coexisting and win-win, forming a "urban industrial ecosystem" with full regional coverage, full functional integration, full-industry supporting, and all-factor services.   EVENT DETAILS Date: April 9, 2024 Time: 10:00 – 15.40 Language: English and Chinese Format: Offline Venue: Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall Address: Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai. 奉贤区规划资源展示馆(上海市奉贤区湖畔路333号A栋) Participation is open to both Members and Non-Members.   Price CICC members: free of charge Non-members: 200 RMB A bus will be organized for the round trip from Shanghai to Feng Xian. When registering, please indicate whether you need to use the bus service!   CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT!   For further information, you can send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   AGENDA 9:30- 9:50 Registration and coffee break 9:50- 10:00 Brief speeches by representatives of both parties to announce the start of the "Italy Meets Feng Xian" event. 10:00-10:40 Visit Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall 10:40-11:20 Visit Smart Link Science and Innovation Building (the Oriental Beauty Valley Company) 11:20-11:40 Visit Beauty Valley No.3 Bonded Warehouse (Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone) 11:40-12:00 Visit Atos (Shanghai) Hydraulic Co. 12:10- 13:20 Lunch break 13.30-14.00 Important guests before the event meeting with Feng Xian District leaders 14:00- 15:40 Official Event: “Ride the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event  

Italy Meets China: Focus on Fengxian in Shanghai, 9th Apr

09 四月 2024
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you about the upcoming event "Italy Meets China: Feng Xian District Focus" on 9 April 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall (Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai). The event is organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce with the support of Feng Xian District Investment Promotion Office, Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone and Oriental Beauty Valley. The aim of this initiative is to facilitate a better understanding of the business opportunities between the Italian community and the New City of Feng Xian and to foster links with local companies and potential new business partners. The event will include visits to two companies located in Feng Xian district, namely Atos Shanghai and Oriental Beauty Valley Company in the morning, and after lunch, will be attended the official event: "Riding the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event.   Introduction of Feng Xiang Feng Xian District is in the south of Shanghai. It is the "western gateway of the new area, the southern Shanghai city center, and the dynamic new city of the Yangtze River Delta". It is in the center of the "1.5-hour city radius circle of the Yangtze River Delta". It has a land area of 733 square kilometres and a population of 1.30 million. According to legend, 2,500 years ago, Confucius' disciple Yan Yan came here to give a lecture, and the local people respected him very much. To commemorate the sage, he named it "Feng Xian", which has the meaning of "respecting the wise and thinking of the wise". Feng Xian embraces the five innovations of "basic theory innovation, underlying technology innovation, subversive project innovation, cross-border integration innovation, and transfer and transformation innovation", and strives to promote the development of four emerging industries: beauty and health, new energy auto parts, digital intelligence new economy, and new chemical materials. It owns 50.2% of the land in Lin gang New Area, enjoys the special policy advantages and industrial spillover effects of Lin gang New Area, and accelerates the formation of new productive forces.   Introduction of visiting companies   Atos Hydraulics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. ATOS SH/ATOS CN is parts of Atos Group, leader in electronic hydraulics sector, operating in more than 80 countries, with 9 production sites in Italy, China, USA, and India with over 750 professionals who share the same passion for innovation, technology, and creativity. They believe in the value of technology, and we are constantly searching for innovation and quality thanks to our people’s value. Atos is a dynamic, technologically advanced reality, devoted to innovation, efficiency and customer service. For this reason, you will always find training opportunities and professional growth opportunities within a group with numerous offices worldwide. We offer pleasant work environments and we always strive to enhance the welfare and the work-life balance of our employees. ATOS SH and ATOS CN are branch companies wholly owned by ATOS Spa. We need industrious, serious-minded and cooperative people, contributing with their talents in their positions and growing up together with ATOS.   Oriental Beauty Valley "Oriental Beauty Valley" is an industrial brand built by the Feng Xian District Committee and the District Government since 2015, mainly focusing on the beauty and health industry. Through the concept of "cross-border to borderless", the headquarters economy, cultural creativity, tourism and leisure, e-commerce, sports, financial services, fashion industry, luxury goods and other cross-border industries are integrated to form a "beauty and health industry alliance" with the beauty and health industry as the core and multiple industries coexisting and win-win, forming a "urban industrial ecosystem" with full regional coverage, full functional integration, full-industry supporting, and all-factor services.   EVENT DETAILS Date: April 9, 2024 Time: 10:00 – 15.40 Language: English and Chinese Format: Offline Venue: Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall Address: Building A, No. 333, Lakeside Road, Feng Xian District, Shanghai. 奉贤区规划资源展示馆(上海市奉贤区湖畔路333号A栋) Participation is open to both Members and Non-Members.   Price CICC members: free of charge Non-members: 200 RMB A bus will be organized for the round trip from Shanghai to Feng Xian. When registering, please indicate whether you need to use the bus service!   CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT!   For further information, you can send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com   AGENDA 9:30- 9:50 Registration and coffee break 9:50- 10:00 Brief speeches by representatives of both parties to announce the start of the "Italy Meets Feng Xian" event. 10:00-10:40 Visit Feng Xian District Planning Resources Exhibition Hall 10:40-11:20 Visit Smart Link Science and Innovation Building (the Oriental Beauty Valley Company) 11:20-11:40 Visit Beauty Valley No.3 Bonded Warehouse (Shanghai Comprehensive Industrial Development Zone) 11:40-12:00 Visit Atos (Shanghai) Hydraulic Co. 12:10- 13:20 Lunch break 13.30-14.00 Important guests before the event meeting with Feng Xian District leaders 14:00- 15:40 Official Event: “Ride the Wave of Rising Shanghai, Feng Xian Influences the World" - 2024 "Foreign Enterprises Entering Feng Xian" Manufacturing Industry Special Investment Promotion Event  

Easter Lunch, Shanghai, 31 March

31 三月 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with its Food & Beverage Working Group (F&BWG), Associazione dei Campani, Pugliesi, Siciliani, Veneti di Cina, Italiani a Shanghai and Promoitalia, is pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming "Easter Lunch" event, which will be held on Sunday, March 31 at Da Marco restaurant in Shanghai. Experience this day with great company and savor delicious authentic Italian cuisine! Join us for a festive lunch where everyone has a chance to win fabulous prizes in our exciting lucky draw. Additionally, children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount, making this occasion perfect for families to come together and celebrate the joy of Easter.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Sunday, March 31st, 2024 Time: from 12:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Da Marco 大马可意大利餐厅 Address: 1/F, Golden Bridge Garden,103 Dong Zhu'anbang Lu, Changning District, Shanghai/ 上海市长宁区东渚安浜路103号1楼, 近江苏路   TICKETS Adults: 360 RMB *children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount: 160 RMB   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!     Cancellation and Refund Please note, CICC reserves the right to apply the following policy for tickets' cancellation: 1. Cancellation within 48 hours from the event: 100% refund 2. Cancellation within 24 hours from the event: no refund   About the Food and Beverage Working Group The F&B Working Group includes all companies working in the F&B / Ho.Re.Ca sector, such as manufacturers, companies that import Italian products to China, Italian restaurants, etc. Despite being one of the most fragmented and challenged sectors, F&B represents an incredible opportunity for Italian companies. This is why the CICC has decided to establish a dedicated working group. What we do The F&BWG promotes joint promotional activities and events, in order to avoid fragmentation and maximize the marketing appeal of Italian food culture. Benefits for WG Members Take part in the biggest Italian F&B community, exposition during the B2B and B2C events. The F&B working group keeps institutions and authorities constantly updated to raise awareness of the major challenges faced by its members in the Chinese market. The working group launched a WeChat Mini Program to enhance the online exposure of the members and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms.   

Easter Lunch, Shanghai, 31 March

31 三月 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with its Food & Beverage Working Group (F&BWG), Associazione dei Campani, Pugliesi, Siciliani, Veneti di Cina, Italiani a Shanghai and Promoitalia, is pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming "Easter Lunch" event, which will be held on Sunday, March 31 at Da Marco restaurant in Shanghai. Experience this day with great company and savor delicious authentic Italian cuisine! Join us for a festive lunch where everyone has a chance to win fabulous prizes in our exciting lucky draw. Additionally, children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount, making this occasion perfect for families to come together and celebrate the joy of Easter.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Sunday, March 31st, 2024 Time: from 12:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Da Marco 大马可意大利餐厅 Address: 1/F, Golden Bridge Garden,103 Dong Zhu'anbang Lu, Changning District, Shanghai/ 上海市长宁区东渚安浜路103号1楼, 近江苏路   TICKETS Adults: 360 RMB *children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount: 160 RMB   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!     Cancellation and Refund Please note, CICC reserves the right to apply the following policy for tickets' cancellation: 1. Cancellation within 48 hours from the event: 100% refund 2. Cancellation within 24 hours from the event: no refund   About the Food and Beverage Working Group The F&B Working Group includes all companies working in the F&B / Ho.Re.Ca sector, such as manufacturers, companies that import Italian products to China, Italian restaurants, etc. Despite being one of the most fragmented and challenged sectors, F&B represents an incredible opportunity for Italian companies. This is why the CICC has decided to establish a dedicated working group. What we do The F&BWG promotes joint promotional activities and events, in order to avoid fragmentation and maximize the marketing appeal of Italian food culture. Benefits for WG Members Take part in the biggest Italian F&B community, exposition during the B2B and B2C events. The F&B working group keeps institutions and authorities constantly updated to raise awareness of the major challenges faced by its members in the Chinese market. The working group launched a WeChat Mini Program to enhance the online exposure of the members and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms.   

Easter Lunch, Shanghai, 31 March

31 三月 2024
Dear CICC members and friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in cooperation with its Food & Beverage Working Group (F&BWG), Associazione dei Campani, Pugliesi, Siciliani, Veneti di Cina, Italiani a Shanghai and Promoitalia, is pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming "Easter Lunch" event, which will be held on Sunday, March 31 at Da Marco restaurant in Shanghai. Experience this day with great company and savor delicious authentic Italian cuisine! Join us for a festive lunch where everyone has a chance to win fabulous prizes in our exciting lucky draw. Additionally, children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount, making this occasion perfect for families to come together and celebrate the joy of Easter.   EVENT DETAILS Date: Sunday, March 31st, 2024 Time: from 12:00 pm (Beijing Time) Venue: Da Marco 大马可意大利餐厅 Address: 1/F, Golden Bridge Garden,103 Dong Zhu'anbang Lu, Changning District, Shanghai/ 上海市长宁区东渚安浜路103号1楼, 近江苏路   TICKETS Adults: 360 RMB *children below 12 years old can enjoy a special discount: 160 RMB   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!     Cancellation and Refund Please note, CICC reserves the right to apply the following policy for tickets' cancellation: 1. Cancellation within 48 hours from the event: 100% refund 2. Cancellation within 24 hours from the event: no refund   About the Food and Beverage Working Group The F&B Working Group includes all companies working in the F&B / Ho.Re.Ca sector, such as manufacturers, companies that import Italian products to China, Italian restaurants, etc. Despite being one of the most fragmented and challenged sectors, F&B represents an incredible opportunity for Italian companies. This is why the CICC has decided to establish a dedicated working group. What we do The F&BWG promotes joint promotional activities and events, in order to avoid fragmentation and maximize the marketing appeal of Italian food culture. Benefits for WG Members Take part in the biggest Italian F&B community, exposition during the B2B and B2C events. The F&B working group keeps institutions and authorities constantly updated to raise awareness of the major challenges faced by its members in the Chinese market. The working group launched a WeChat Mini Program to enhance the online exposure of the members and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms.   


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