
地址:上海市, 静安区, 威海路777, 2楼, 202 室




Real Life Business Chinese - Level 1, Shanghai, 11th, April, 2012

11 四月 2012
  Life in China can sometimes be hard. Life in the Chinese workplace can be even harder. With the goal to break through some of these language and cultural barriers in the Chinese business environment and give your Chinese skills some added professionalism, presenters Eric Mei and Aaron Duff from Mandarin House Chinese Schools will be sharing their insights into Chinese business language and culture covering such topics as:    Phone etiquette (making and receiving)    How to introduce yourself in Chinese (and not embarrass yourself)    A guide to China’s confusing work titles for government and companies (should you just add ‘zong’ to the end of every surname?)    An extensive Q & A session where you can bring all your China-related business questions for an honest answer.   Who Should Attend   1. Recently arrived expatriates with a beginner to intermediate level of Chinese who work in or with a Chinese workforce.   2. HR professionals seeking training solutions for their company’s expatriate staff.   The Presenters Mr. Aaron Duff: Business Development Manager As a Chinese son-in-law and with rich work experience dealing with Australian & Chinese government officials and education experts, Aaron has a unique insight into the many challenges China’s language and culture can throw at foreigners. Now, managing the business development and growth of China’s leading Chinese language school, Aaron’s job is to bring Chinese to the world. Mr. Eric Mei: Education Supervisor Eric has worked in the Chinese language industry for 8 years and the last 5 at Mandarin House having taught over 1000 students including the Finance Director of Philips China and a Partner of Ernst & Young. Having started as a teacher and then a teacher trainer, Eric is now Mandarin House Shanghai’s Education Supervisor managing a team of 80 teachers and work in curriculum and teacher improvement.        

Real Life Business Chinese - Level 1, Shanghai, 11th, April, 2012

11 四月 2012
          Life in China can sometimes be hard. Life in the Chinese workplace can be even harder. With the goal to break through some of these language and cultural barriers in the Chinese business environment and give your Chinese skills some added professionalism, presenters Eric Mei and Aaron Duff from Mandarin House Chinese Schools will be sharing their insights into Chinese business language and culture covering such topics as:  Phone etiquette (making and receiving)  How to introduce yourself in Chinese (and not embarrass yourself)  A guide to China’s confusing work titles for government and companies (should you just add ‘zong’ to the end of every surname?)  An extensive Q & A session where you can bring all your China-related business questions for an honest answer. Who Should Attend 1. Recently arrived expatriates with a beginner to intermediate level of Chinese who work in or with a Chinese workforce. 2. HR professionals seeking training solutions for their company’s expatriate staff. The Presenters Mr. Aaron Duff: Business Development Manager As a Chinese son-in-law and with rich work experience dealing with Australian & Chinese government officials and education experts, Aaron has a unique insight into the many challenges China’s language and culture can throw at foreigners. Now, managing the business development and growth of China’s leading Chinese language school, Aaron’s job is to bring Chinese to the world. Mr. Eric Mei: Education Supervisor Eric has worked in the Chinese language industry for 8 years and the last 5 at Mandarin House having taught over 1000 students including the Finance Director of Philips China and a Partner of Ernst & Young. Having started as a teacher and then a teacher trainer, Eric is now Mandarin House Shanghai’s Education Supervisor managing a team of 80 teachers and work in curriculum and teacher improvement.     

Inter - Chamber Bowling Tournament 2012, Shanghai, 14th April

14 四月 2012
    The breakdown of the prizes: a) Team Event 1st prize X 4 , 2nd prize X 4 , 3rd prize X 4 and 4th prize X 4 b) Individual Men`s High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize c) Individual Ladies’ High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize and 2nd prize d) Individual Men’s High Game 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize e) Individual Ladies’ High Game 1st prize and 2nd prize f) Challenge Trophy   We will accomodate a maximum of 21 teams / 4 players per team. Tickets are limited reserve your ticket now! Please send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 10th April, 2012, including information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.   Venue: Orden Bowling Centre 欧登保龄球馆 No. 10 HengShan Road, XuHui District, Shanghai 上海市徐汇区衡山路10号(近乌鲁木齐南路) TEL: 021-6474 6666  

Inter - Chamber Bowling Tournament 2012, Shanghai, 14th April

14 四月 2012
    The breakdown of the prizes: a) Team Event 1st prize X 4 , 2nd prize X 4 , 3rd prize X 4 and 4th prize X 4 b) Individual Men`s High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize c) Individual Ladies’ High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize and 2nd prize d) Individual Men’s High Game 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize e) Individual Ladies’ High Game 1st prize and 2nd prize f) Challenge Trophy   We will accomodate a maximum of 21 teams / 4 players per team. Tickets are limited reserve your ticket now! Please send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 10th April, 2012, including information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.   Venue: Orden Bowling Centre 欧登保龄球馆 No. 10 HengShan Road, XuHui District, Shanghai 上海市徐汇区衡山路10号(近乌鲁木齐南路) TEL: 021-6474 6666  

Inter - Chamber Bowling Tournament 2012, Shanghai, 14th April

14 四月 2012
    The breakdown of the prizes: a) Team Event 1st prize X 4 , 2nd prize X 4 , 3rd prize X 4 and 4th prize X 4 b) Individual Men`s High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize c) Individual Ladies’ High Series (total of 3 games) 1st prize and 2nd prize d) Individual Men’s High Game 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize e) Individual Ladies’ High Game 1st prize and 2nd prize f) Challenge Trophy   We will accomodate a maximum of 21 teams / 4 players per team. Tickets are limited reserve your ticket now! Please send an email to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 10th April, 2012, including information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number.   Venue: Orden Bowling Centre 欧登保龄球馆 No. 10 HengShan Road, XuHui District, Shanghai 上海市徐汇区衡山路10号(近乌鲁木齐南路) TEL: 021-6474 6666  

Premio Panda d‘Oro – 2012 Edition, Shanghai/1st round

03 五月 2012
  Organized in partnership with Fondazione Italia Cina, the event will award 5 prizes, in 4 different categories: Panda d’Oro Category (2 prizes): 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award Italian Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Chinese market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award Chinese Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Italian market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 MADE IN ITALY Category (1 prize) 3. The Best Project Panda Award Italian Company which has implemented the best project for the promotion of the “Made in Italy” in China DISCOVERY Category (1 prize) 4. The Voyager Panda Award Chinese or Italian Company which has distinguished itself for helping Chinese tourists discover Italy and Italian tourists to discover China, by offering attractive and tailored travel packages. SME Category (1 prize) 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award Italian Small Medium enterprise which has invested in the industrial sector in China To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai in June 2012. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receive the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 3rd May, 2012, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded.   “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publication, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Benefits: - Sponsorship is exclusive as main event sponsor! - VIP table (10 pax) during the Gala Dinner in primary position - One additional benefit, to be chosen among two options, disclosed only after manifestation of interest for this sponsorship level - Promotional stand in the foyer of the Gran Gala - Company’s representative on stage to give a speech and introduce the Company - Media coverage - Logo exposure on all adv. materials of the event, as “SUPPORTING SPONSOR” - Logo exposure on CCICInforma, for 3 months Sponsorship to be confirmed before mid-May 2012. Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Details about Sponsorship Levels will be made available as soon as Gala Dinner date is finalized. For more information and assistance, please contact Ms. Ottavia Curcuraci, at 021.54075181. Help us award those companies which bring more Italy to China and more China to Italy. Make your nomination, now!  

Premio Panda d‘Oro – 2012 Edition, Shanghai/1st round

03 五月 2012
  Organized in partnership with Fondazione Italia Cina, the event will award 5 prizes, in 4 different categories: Panda d’Oro Category (2 prizes): 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award Italian Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Chinese market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award Chinese Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Italian market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 MADE IN ITALY Category (1 prize) 3. The Best Project Panda Award Italian Company which has implemented the best project for the promotion of the “Made in Italy” in China DISCOVERY Category (1 prize) 4. The Voyager Panda Award Chinese or Italian Company which has distinguished itself for helping Chinese tourists discover Italy and Italian tourists to discover China, by offering attractive and tailored travel packages. SME Category (1 prize) 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award Italian Small Medium enterprise which has invested in the industrial sector in China To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai in June 2012. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receive the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 3rd May, 2012, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded.   “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publication, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Benefits: - Sponsorship is exclusive as main event sponsor! - VIP table (10 pax) during the Gala Dinner in primary position - One additional benefit, to be chosen among two options, disclosed only after manifestation of interest for this sponsorship level - Promotional stand in the foyer of the Gran Gala - Company’s representative on stage to give a speech and introduce the Company - Media coverage - Logo exposure on all adv. materials of the event, as “SUPPORTING SPONSOR” - Logo exposure on CCICInforma, for 3 months Sponsorship to be confirmed before mid-May 2012. Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Details about Sponsorship Levels will be made available as soon as Gala Dinner date is finalized. For more information and assistance, please contact Ms. Ottavia Curcuraci, at 021.54075181. Help us award those companies which bring more Italy to China and more China to Italy. Make your nomination, now!  

Premio Panda d‘Oro – 2012 Edition, Shanghai/1st round

03 五月 2012
  Organized in partnership with Fondazione Italia Cina, the event will award 5 prizes, in 4 different categories: Panda d’Oro Category (2 prizes): 1. Panda d’Oro-Cina Award Italian Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Chinese market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 2. Panda d’Oro-Italia Award Chinese Company which has achieved the most effective approach in the Italian market in 2011 and plans further investments in 2012/13 MADE IN ITALY Category (1 prize) 3. The Best Project Panda Award Italian Company which has implemented the best project for the promotion of the “Made in Italy” in China DISCOVERY Category (1 prize) 4. The Voyager Panda Award Chinese or Italian Company which has distinguished itself for helping Chinese tourists discover Italy and Italian tourists to discover China, by offering attractive and tailored travel packages. SME Category (1 prize) 5. The Best Italian SME in China Panda Award Italian Small Medium enterprise which has invested in the industrial sector in China To apply for “Premio Panda d’Oro”, companies can either self-candidate, or be referred by third parties. It is mandatory to fill in attached questionnaire, specifying all required details and indicating the desired award(s) for which the company would like to be considered. The Selection Committee and then a Judging Panel, composed by representatives of Italian and Chinese institutions, business community and media, will examine all the received nominations and select the winning companies. Final nominees will be awarded during the CICC Gala Dinner Event to be held in Shanghai in June 2012. Confident you will welcome this initiative, we look forward to receive the participation questionnaire. Please send the questionnaire to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com before 3rd May, 2012, at noon. Incomplete and/or late submission will be disregarded.   “Premio Panda d’Oro” offers you great opportunities to advertise your company and business, reaching more than 5000 contacts among both Chinese and Italian business communities. Become a Sponsor and see your company advertised through our e-mailings, website and publication, from now till the event date! Supporting Sponsor -- RMB 88,000.00 Benefits: - Sponsorship is exclusive as main event sponsor! - VIP table (10 pax) during the Gala Dinner in primary position - One additional benefit, to be chosen among two options, disclosed only after manifestation of interest for this sponsorship level - Promotional stand in the foyer of the Gran Gala - Company’s representative on stage to give a speech and introduce the Company - Media coverage - Logo exposure on all adv. materials of the event, as “SUPPORTING SPONSOR” - Logo exposure on CCICInforma, for 3 months Sponsorship to be confirmed before mid-May 2012. Gala Dinner Sponsor: Diamond Sponsor -- RMB 50,000.00 Gold Sponsor -- RMB 40,000.00 Silver Sponsor -- RMB 30,000.00 Details about Sponsorship Levels will be made available as soon as Gala Dinner date is finalized. For more information and assistance, please contact Ms. Ottavia Curcuraci, at 021.54075181. Help us award those companies which bring more Italy to China and more China to Italy. Make your nomination, now!  

Little Italy Party, Shanghai,14th September, 2012

14 九月 2012
      Dress code: Italian touch, flags’ colors are welcome in red, green and white. Cover charge: 100 rmb 7/F, Bund 18, No.18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Nanjing Dong Road, Bar Rouge 中山东一路18号7楼, 近南京东 FREE ENTRANCE UNTIL 00:00 with the password provided to CICC Members and friends. To know the secret password send an e-mail to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com by 14th September, 2012 noon time.


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